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Chapter 335: Food and stories are more compatible (below)

"Do you know what is the most helpless and desperate situation you have encountered in the ocean? Shipwreck! The most important thing is that I can't swim myself, and I can't even plan a dog. I don't think anyone here will be 'desperate' anymore. Put quotation marks on the two characters." The innkeeper looked at the adventurer who spoke first.

"Not necessarily." The adventurer retorted unconvincingly, "If you are lucky enough to meet a group of mermaids in the sunken ship, and that group of mermaids happens to lack males to reproduce, this kind of 'desperate situation' doesn't need me anymore. Say more." He made the quotation marks again with his hand.

"Terrence, Terrence, you really should find a woman." The hotel owner smiled helplessly, "Actually, I didn't meet that kind of beautiful mermaid, but a group of vicious Kou Tao. Murloc. With a fish-like head, needle-like teeth, webbed feet, sticky scales, and a strong fishy smell, this is undoubtedly an ugly creature."

"How does it taste?" The adventurer on Barrett's left with dark circles under his eyes asked softly, "I mean, the taste. I heard that kobolds taste similar to dog meat. Too many, the tauren tastes like beef, I want to know what the kuo-too tastes like." Although his voice was low, everyone in the hotel turned to look at him. heard this.

"To be honest, I haven't tried it. It's not because I have some kind of moral obsession with cleanliness, in fact, I've eaten some things that are completely beyond your imagination. I didn't try them because they looked real. Unappetizing. But according to the adventurers and sailors who have eaten it, it tastes better than expected, not much like pomfret.”

After describing the smell of the murlocs, the innkeeper continued his story, "Those murlocs attacked us in the early hours of the morning, the day after we finally left the island named 'The Mist' .At that time, the 'Misty Island' made all our compasses fail, and all ships were inevitably attracted by the island."

"In order to escape the small island and avoid the fate of the fleet being destroyed by hitting the reefs around the island, everyone was busy and exhausted, so when the fish people attacked in the early morning, the guards on duty did not notice it immediately. "

"A large number of murlocs rushed over like a tide, and climbed one by one onto the deck. Seriously, this description is particularly appropriate in the ocean." The hotel owner smiled, "The battleship 'Death to the Orcs'. The alarm went off first, then the flagship 'Lemon', the 'Golden Right Hand' I was on was the third one, and the 'Oak Barrel' never went off. I heard they Several guards on the deck were stabbed to death by the spears thrown by the murlocs, but it didn't matter, the ship bells on the sea were already connected in a string, and the dead would be awakened from their graves, let alone the living."

"I was the first adventurer to rush out of the 'Golden Right Hand' cabin. On the deck, several sailors had already fought with the murlocs with machetes. Fortunately, the murlocs' actions on the deck did not Not being as agile in the water, the sailors can hold together and hold on."

"This is the long sword I used to use at the time." The hotel owner took out a broad-edged sword from under the counter and handed it over to the guests. It has to be said that each of his stories seems to have some props prepared in advance.

The long sword was handed to Barrett with a sound of admiration. He held the hilt in his hand and looked at it carefully with a professional eye.

I have to say that this is a wide-bladed longsword with extremely good workmanship and a very beautiful appearance. It is slightly heavier than ordinary longswords, but it is in line with Barrett's usage habits. The sword of this sword is golden-colored, and the center is carved into the shape of a majestic lion's head. A lush lion's mane extends to the sides to form decorative gauntlets.

"This sword is called 'Lion Heart', and I got it from the ruins of an ancient battlefield." The hotel owner introduced, "I was holding this lion heart sword and fighting with the murlocs."

The broad-blade sword finally returned to Leslie's hands. He looked down at the sword with a very emotional expression, "One after another murloc fell under my sword, and no murloc can Lived three breaths in front of me. I'm not bragging, I alone beat the murlocs to the ground."

"But I did have some problems later. Those murlocs didn't affect me much when they were alive, but they became very troublesome after they died. Those slippery corpses were everywhere, covered with mucus and blood. If the whole deck is covered, the foot will slip if you are not careful, and it will be difficult to get up again after falling down. Many sailors and adventurers lose their lives because of this.

"Among those murlocs, there are also a small number of big murlocs holding heavy pincers. The big murlocs swing the pincers in their hands like a hurricane, making it difficult to get close. Several crew members were too slippery to be careful. After being hit by the forceps, the bones of the whole body were shattered and flew into the sea, obviously there was no way to return, and even the deck of the ship was ravaged by the forceps murlocs, and countless pieces of wood were smashed."

"But even so, the battle situation is still tilting towards us. When I and several other adventurers cooperated to kill all the pincer murlocs, the speed of the other party's boarding could not keep up with our killing speed. The murlocs also began to decrease. When the last murloc jumped back into the ocean, we all thought the battle was over. But at that moment, there was a heavy knocking sound from the bottom of the boat~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Those **** murlocs are actually digging the bottom of our boat, and the holes they have dug are still increasing, and there is no way to stop them."

"Just when we all looked at each other helplessly, ready to call for help from other ships. I saw Clyde's mage friend standing on the bow of the 'Lemon', constantly shooting thick magic down the water. Lightning. It turned out not only our ship, but the other three ships suffered the same fate. The mage flew towards the 'Orcs to Die' after taking care of the murlocs in the waters around the flagship. Because 'golden' The right hand is the farthest from the flagship. When the Master solved the trouble of the 'Oak Barrel', the ship under our feet had already sunk by more than half. In order to avoid being stirred by the vortex of the sunken ship, everyone jumped into the sea ahead of time. The scene at that time was extremely chaotic, the remaining fish and the water-skilled crew continued to fight in the water, and I just hugged a wooden barrel containing potatoes tightly, threw the weapon into the barrel, and waited helplessly for other ships. rescue."

"Just as I carefully hid my body behind the barrel, trying not to let the rest of the murlocs find me, a huge force suddenly grabbed my feet and dragged me into the deep sea below the surface. ."

"The morning sun shines into the churning sea water, and the azure blue mixed with scarlet sea surface is getting farther and farther in my eyes. Because I was too panic, the salty sea water rushed into my mouth frantically, and the air bubbles escaped uncontrollably. I helplessly stretched out my hands towards the sunlight above, but I was still dragged further and further away by that mighty force, gradually sinking into the deep, dark depths of the sea."


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