Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 338: make new clothes

The 'Put up your ears' hotel in Muya city-state.

Barritt pushed open the door of the hotel, and the cold wind roared into his neck. Barritt tightened his black fur cloak and walked out.

At this time, the season on the mainland has entered winter. Although there is no snow in the surrounding area of ​​Muya city-state, the temperature of the air has become a little lower.

The spacious streets have become more deserted than usual, and most of the roadside paving has moved into the house, or simply disappeared. Pedestrians were all wrapped in thick cotton clothing or furry coats, but occasionally there were races that were naturally more frost-resistant and wandered fearlessly shirtless.

Snow falls frequently in Nord in winter, but rarely in the Galano region. The location of the Muya city-state is further north than Galano, and Barrett heard that fluffy snowflakes also fall from time to time here.

Inside the pale pink magical barrier of the 'Floating City', spring is all year round. The temperature was pleasant, neither cold nor hot, but Barrett didn't want the continent to be like that.

Mages may have the ability to change the weather around the city-state, but they don't seem to do so. Somehow, Barrett was somewhat relieved.

At this time, our barbarian adventurer left the warm hotel, ready to go to the master tailor Erica.

Erica was the client of the 'Crystal Scale Lizard' quest, and Barrett wanted to ask her to help him make a whole new set of leather armor. Because the reward for that task at the beginning included a set of free tailor-made leather armor, it just needed Barrett to provide the materials himself.

Of course, the brand new leather armor did not mean that he wanted to rush to pick up tasks and do tasks. When winter comes, Barrett actually wants to rest for a while.

In the past, Barrett in the winter never went out to work (unless he was really poor). Because of the special nature of the misty forest in winter, not only him, but also most of the adventurers in the Bay of Pigs have such a habit.

Over time, the habit even becomes a kind of tradition.

When winter came, adventurers huddled together in warm taverns for a glass of rye beer, listening to the bard's mellow tunes that were hotter than the fire of the fireplace, sitting all day long.

To be honest, Barrett occasionally misses those leisurely days.


The tailor Erica's shop is not far from the location of the Adventurer's Guild, and there is only one street between the two. When Barrett was about to reach the Adventurer's Guild, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at an alley on the right.

The old troll who told him the gossip and sold him the treasure map jumped out of the alley in front of him. But after that, Barrett never saw the old troll a second time, and didn't know where the guy went.

He actually wanted to thank the old troll, otherwise he wouldn't get the raven 'corn' construct, and the follow-up missions might not be so smooth.

Erica's shop is called 'Second Skin'. To be honest, it's not a good name, and it even contains a hint of sarcasm. But because Erica's tailoring skills are quite good, there are not many adventurers who go there.

Barrett stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the shop, and with the crisp sound of the bell on the eaves, stepped into it.

Although there is no fireplace in the room, it makes people feel very warm. On one of the walls was a metal disc of unknown material. The disc was drawn with a magic circle and embedded with magic stones. The magic circle above emitted a soft blue light, radiating heat evenly and continuously.

It seems that this master tailor is also a rich man, and ordinary people are reluctant to rely on alchemy items to keep warm by consuming magic stones. Barrett took off his long cloak and hung it on the hanger by the door.

"Oh, look who's here! Isn't this my dear Barrett, you're welcome!" A middle-aged woman with long brown hair and rather thick arms walked out from the nearby counter and looked at it with enthusiasm To our barbarian adventurers.

The middle-aged woman walked up to Barrett, reached out and squeezed his cheek, and then gave the latter a big hug, "Long time no see, Barrett."

"Long time no see, Ms. Erica." When Barrett hugged, he rubbed his face without a trace, and murmured in his heart that the lady's hand was really strong.

Tailoring is not as tiring as a blacksmith, but it is undoubtedly a kind of physical work. Those tough leathers need to be cut, shaped, sewn, and some are embedded with iron nails, steel sheets, and even some leathers are like petrified cowhide, with very hard tiny scales on the surface, which makes it more difficult to process. These definitely require a lot of physical strength.

"Are you here to make new leather armor, Barrett?" Ms. Erica asked with a smile, "The 13 crystal-scale lizard skins you brought me last time are very good, and I haven't thanked you enough yet. What. Especially those two purple-black mutated crystal scale lizard skins made me pass the assessment of the Craftsmen's Guild, and now, I am also a 'guru'!" Ms. Erica said proudly.

"Wow, congratulations! Then I should call you, Master Tailor Erica!" Barrett joked. This warm lady was very easy to get along with, and Barrett had gotten to know her quite well after several visits.

After the greeting, Barrett expressed his intention to come, "I really want you to help me make a new leather armor this time. I have already prepared the materials, but I don't know if they can still be used."

He took out a large roll wrapped in cotton cloth from the space ring and put it on the counter. Then Barrett took it apart again, revealing the roll of black-purple leather inside.

This roll of leather was obtained from the hapless lich's laboratory, and had been identified by him in advance. The things in the tower didn't seem to have been attacked by negative energy, but Barrett didn't know if its material had changed.

The tailor Erica took out a pair of glasses from the pocket of her dress, put it on the bridge of her nose and adjusted it repeatedly, then she looked down carefully and stroked the roll of purple-black leather.

After a while, Erica asked curiously, "Chimera's?"

"Yes, Chimera!" Barrett nodded, "but this leather has been sealed for a long time." At least for hundreds of years, at least! "I don't know how the material has become now, and whether it can still be used."

After listening to the master, he lowered his head and looked at it carefully before he looked up and said to Barrett with certainty, "Well, the preservation is very good. Although I don't know how long this roll of leather has gone through, but I can tell you it's fully functional."

"That's great!" Barrett breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I have to tell you in advance that Chimera's skin is not really good at defense against swords, although it is definitely much higher than cooked cowhide, but you can't make leather armor into three layers like cooked cowhide. Or more, so the amount wins." When it comes to the professional field, Erica's expression became quite solemn, "With your body shape, this roll of leather is more than enough for one layer of leather armor, but two layers are definitely enough. It's not enough, you need to know that."

Later, the master tailor said, "Because Chimera is a special magical beast, its skin is very good in terms of defense against magic damage, and it is also very suitable for constant magic on it. Therefore, you can pass Leather armor is enchanted to make up for other deficiencies. By the way, do you have a familiar mage?"

Familiar mage? Barrett nodded, and he had to trouble Chris again, but he just didn't know how his enchanting skills were.


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