Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 340: Billionaire Barrett

It is often said that if you want to get rich overnight, the quickest way is to sack the dragon's lair, or the mage's tower. As long as you grab a few things in there, you are likely to benefit from it for a lifetime. Of course, if you just want to die, you can... well, death doesn't need to be so troublesome at all.

But no matter what, the result of evacuating most of the hapless lich's laboratory will undoubtedly bring Barrett a very considerable income.

When he successfully sold the magic materials and strange items in the space ring, and came out of the 'Return with a Load' with no expression on his face and full of joy, the total number of gold coins on his body reached a terrifying nearly 10,000 (plus the remaining and completed tasks before). obtained, Barrett has not had time to count carefully).

Among those items, the most valuable are a cylindrical object that is still very thick after drying, and a small box of scales with a dark blue luster like magic spar.

Needless to say about cylindrical objects, as for the box of plump blue scales: ..

[Scales of aquatic elves in Ithaca: Aquatic elves are also known as sea elves. They are cousins ​​of land elves. Their skin is usually light green or sky blue, with gills on their necks and webbed between their fingers and toes. They can swim easily in Between the waves and the ocean.

'Ithaca' is a branch of the aquatic elves. Most of the other aquatic elves are warriors, but ithaca is a caster. Several crystal clear scales will grow between their left and right collarbones. The scales contain extremely pure and thick water elements, and the number will gradually increase with age. Naturally, that is also the root of their spellcasting. 】

[Note: The original primitive elves evolved into sea elves, drow elves, forest elves, high elves, etc., but I don't know if there are moon elves and sun elves...]

Tens of thousands of gold coins are really not a small number. After all of them are poured out, a small golden mountain can be piled up, which makes the dragon feel a little bit moved, and because of the items that Barrett took out, some of the items are quite old. , the value is not very easy to measure, so in the middle of the transaction, Daniel also specially found the big boss behind the 'return with a reward' shop——Mage Yaerlin.

The Mage Arlin, who was wearing a nightgown at that time, immediately judged the truth after seeing the pile of things, "Nord, did you loot the lair of an old spellcaster?" The Mage picked up the A certain item, asked curiously.

For mages who specialize in alchemy and possess countless magic materials, this is not difficult to judge.

"I think it's more appropriate to call it a relic." Barrett responded, "The so-called old lair has lost its owner."

"Lucky guy!" Master Yaerlin sighed, "To be honest, I sometimes want to rob my colleagues. This way of making money is simply too fast, but the risk is a bit high. Oh, not a bit, it should be It's very high, because I'm not very good at fighting. If I can be like those arcane soldiers who are good at using magic to fight, instead of just staying at the edge of the alchemy circle, then I will definitely go all over the continent to loot , Be a mage robber, or should it be called a robber mage? Forget it, thanks for this peaceful and prosperous world, or is it safer to trade."

Values ​​for all items are given, and a simple negotiation takes place between the two parties, resulting in a final total price. Afterwards, Mage Yaerlin asked Chin Barritt what payment method he wanted, "Gold coins, magic spar, or crystal from the Association Bank?"

"Gold coins!" Barrett hurriedly replied. For adventurers, only this yellow-orange-orange metal can make them feel at ease. Magic spar can also be used, after all, it is widely used. But for the kind of strange crystal with numbers on it, he always felt a little unreliable.

At this moment, the two heavy boxes of gold coins were lying quietly in Barritt's space ring. He knew before that his journey would be very rewarding, but he didn't expect it to be so rewarding!

These gold coins are enough for him to buy a good noble title, and this noble title may even be hereditary, and it will also bring a small territory in a remote location. Hundreds of residents in the territory would bow their heads when they saw him, and respectfully called him "Lord Lord"!

The suddenly rich Barrit roamed happily on Lilac Avenue, and even whistled with ease. The cold wind couldn't blow away the heat in his heart. Now he really wants to vent, especially!

(As for how to vent, because readers don't like it, I just skip it)


Antoine's wine cellar in the surrounding towns of Muya city-state.

After a lapse of several months, Barrett came to this town famous for its winemaking again. The last time he came, it was for the eccentric old man in his 90s who didn't sleep, to investigate suspicious neighbors around him, and this time he came to find the old man as well.

The castle-like house has not changed much, and the thorns around the house are also stubbornly surviving like the old man in the house, and used those sharp thorns to warn the world not to approach me.

Barrett walked through the thorn bushes with ease, walked to the back door of the house, and knocked three times without reaching for it.

I must have been too comfortable recently to leave the warm taverns and other more intoxicating places in the cold winter, ride the Nightmare Beast, and run here to suffer in the cold wind. He shook his head and gave a self-deprecating wry smile.

After several heartbeats, a familiar voice sounded inside the door, "Who are you?" The voice was irritable and loud, and the speaker sounded quite energetic.

"Barritt." Barbarian replied loudly.


"Barry... strong cat." He used another somewhat shameful name.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of dozens of locks and bolts being unscrewed from the door. When the series of rattling sounds disappeared, the back door was slowly opened a small crack.

Barrett looked sideways and saw two piercing eyes up and down the slit. One of the eyes had some blood around the pupil, while the other was green, deep and clear.

"You're smelly, cat." Bloodshot eyes stared at him.

"Because I don't want to take a bath," said Barrett, spreading his hands. "It's normal, cats don't want to take a bath, right?" He looked down at the deep, green eyes again, trying to get support.

"But they have to go fishing in the river, don't they." After the voice finished speaking, both eyes disappeared from the crack of the door, "Come in quickly, before the butterfly catches you."

Barrett pushed open the door and saw the owner of the voice——Old Phil was holding the strange black cat named 'Hourglass' in his hands, his eyes were like the first time he entered the door, without blinking look at him.

"I can see that you went to a stinky place and became stinky yourself." Old Phil pointed to his eyes, then put down and gently stroked the black cat in his arms.

Is he referring to the negative energy plane? A lot of the undead there really stink, Barrett wasn't so sure. By the way, shouldn't the smell be smelled? Last time you said your nose was special, but you never said about your eyes, "No way, sometimes you have to go to places that don't smell good in order to eat dried fish." Barrett scoffed.

The owner of the house was noncommittal to his answer, "Go from the left side, against the wall, inside the yellow line." Old Fei Er said, and pointed to the line drawn on the left side of the floor, "Remember, don't Step on that line, don't." After speaking, he turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Was this line also there the last time I came? Barrett frowned and thought for a while, and found that he didn't remember much. "What happens when you step on the yellow line?" He asked loudly from the door.

"You'll stain the floor before the paint is dry." Old Phil's voice came from the kitchen, "Also, don't forget to lock the door!"

Then why do you have to walk inside the yellow line, why don't you go to the right and hide? Barrett sighed, turned and locked the door locks one by one. Then he looked down at the yellow line, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he obediently leaned towards the left wall, walking in the narrow area between the wall and the yellow line like a cat.

In the kitchen, the black cat 'Hourglass' sat obediently in the center of the dining table, while Old Phil was standing beside a boiling soup pot, as if he was boiling a pot of thick soup with the aroma of butter.

Barrett reached out and touched the black cat, the soft and shiny fur felt really good. 'Hourglass' looked like a well-behaved and obedient ordinary black cat, but Barrett still remembered what it looked like when he ate that pool of fallen matter.

Old Phil stirred the pot with a spoon, then poured some diced onions into it, added a spoonful of salt and black pepper, poured a lot of cream and flour, and finally sprinkled a little thyme and bay leaves .

It appeared to be making onion soup, Barrett was sure.

Immediately afterwards Old Phil picked up two tails of unknown fish from the table next to him. After briefly roasting the fish tail on the fire for a few times, he ran it along the edge of the pot into the thick soup.

Is it fish soup? Not impossible. Creamy Onion Dashi? It should be good, in fact, you don't need to bake the fish to make fish soup, and the fish head is better for soup.

Barrett pulled out the chair very familiarly and sat down. After the soup is ready, Old Phil should invite himself to drink a bowl. Although he has eaten before, he is not ready to refuse,

However, after adding the fish tail, Old Phil continued to add ingredients to the soup: a fiery red male crown, two daffodil buds, a few **** petals, half an avocado, A handful of red beans, a dried frog, and a few things Barrett didn't even know.

Finally, Old Phil went to the dining table again, touched the black cat's body, and plucked two or three dark cat hairs from its back, "This is the most important thing." He turned around and threw the cat hair away. into the pot.

Are you sure this thing can actually drink? Barrett opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at the soup pot in front of him.


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