Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 347: Suspicious Noble (Part 1)

Night is the busiest time for every tavern, and the old shop that has added a zero for a hundred years-'Never Mixed Water' is no exception.

At this time of the day, Benjamin's own wife 'Harriet' and son 'Karl Benjamin' would come to the tavern to help. But even so, tavern owners are often overwhelmed. If you encounter a drunken adventurer in the middle of a fight and cause trouble, the situation will be more complicated. Not only do you need to call the patrol guards to deal with it in time, but also after the adventurer sobers up, talk to him about the compensation for breaking things.

However, opening a tavern is like this, and Benjamin has long been used to it. Also, things are much better today.

"Hey, husband, is this big guy the new waiter you hired?" The wife stood at the counter, looking curiously at the Nord named Barrett.

That person, like an ordinary waitress, skillfully shuttles between the wine tables, but the picture is indescribably weird.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Benjamin held back his smile and asked with a serious face.

"It's not a problem." Harriet stopped talking, and after a few seconds, she couldn't help but say, "It's just that I thought the waiters were usually young girls or young men. If other waiters are like Butterfly, then this guy is like..." She frowned, trying to think about the words to describe it.

"like what?"

"It's the kind of strong, terrifying monsters, or beasts, that adventurers often say."

"A violent bear?" Benjamin gave an answer.

"Maybe, I don't know what those monsters should be called, you know, I've never been out of San Nino in my life," Harriet said, "Don't you think it's weird to see him in an apron? Am I feeling very weird?"

"Just get used to it." Benjamin smiled. "Anyway, our tavern is not the kind of place where waitresses who wear revealing clothes and provide special services to attract customers. Most of the people who come to us are It's residents who have eaten around, and some adventurers who like a quieter environment. As my father used to say, 'As long as the wine is not mixed with water, customers will naturally continue to flow'."

"It hasn't been interrupted, but it hasn't increased. It's basically those people every day, and there's a lot of credit." Harriet pouted, took a silver coin handed over by a guest, and gave it to the other party. Twelve Bronze, "How much did you pay for that person? Can we pay it?" She asked worriedly.

"Very normal remuneration, providing room and board, twenty silver coins a month." Benjamin replied.

"Then I guess he'll have to leave after a long time." Harriet shook her head. "You said he was so strong, why didn't he become an adventurer?"

"This person was originally an adventurer." Benjamin explained, "When he first came, he was wearing a very beautiful set of purple-black leather armor, and there was a giant dragon embroidered here." He gestured at the place on his chest, "When he walked in through the gate, the sunlight was blocked out for a while, and it was a bit ferocious. Barrett said that he had just come to San Nino and wanted to get acquainted with our city and the surrounding environment first. Go further. It doesn't matter how long he can stay, maybe we'll find someone new around this time."

"I see." Harriet nodded suddenly, "This person should look much better than the two brothers in the Clyde family. Those two brothers are as thin as cornstalks, but they brag about how much they are all day long. Awesome. I guess they can't even beat you." She said disdainfully.

"Hey, what's this like, your husband and I killed a real robber when I was young!" Benjamin expressed his dissatisfaction with his wife's contempt for him, "That night..."

"I know, I know." Harriet took the story and continued, "That night, when you came home after closing, you saw two sneaky guys like robbers in an alley carrying One person, you mustered up the courage to sneak up and hit one of the robbers in the head with a stone you picked up on the road. The other robber was frightened and ran away. But when you walked out of the alley to call the patrolling guard, The robber and the man being carried are gone, haven't they? You've told this story many times."

"This is not a story, but a real certificate! I guess those robbers must have other accomplices at that time. If only I had a sword in my hand." Benjamin said with some annoyance.

"If you encounter such a thing again, I hope you can call the patrol guard directly, instead of going up to be brave." His wife held Benjamin's face and kissed gently, "That's too dangerous, Carl and I will be worried.”

"Don't worry, I just want to protect you now." Benjamin kissed back gently, but was stopped by a voice in the middle.

"Brother Barrett and I are working hard over there, but you are hiding here and kissing." His son Carl came over with a dinner plate and complained very dissatisfiedly, "Three customers ordered Onion soup, but Granny Winnie said she couldn't find any onions, so why don't you just leave all these crooked things in the bedroom?"

"In advance, I'm not lazy." The wife said with a smile, "My job is to collect money here. Your father won't let me pour wine for these people. He is afraid that I will suffer."

"Okay, it seems that I'm the most free. I'll go help Granny Winnie find onions." Benjamin walked to the kitchen, "I bought a whole bag last time, and it shouldn't be used so quickly."


As it approaches late at night, other taverns may still be very lively, but the number of "never mixed with water" guests has gradually become rare, and only some residents who live not far away are still Benjamin After helping Mother-in-law Winnie tidy up the kitchen, she came out and saw her son Carl, the newly recruited waiter Barrett, and the remaining three or four guests chatting.

"I'll bet my precious fine meerschaum pipe that Earl Guise must have a problem!" said old Todd, who lived next door to the tavern, "their family has had problems since ancient times, you say who would take a bat as their own? What about the family crest? You know, bats are very evil creatures, because this thing likes to go out at night. Any creature that likes to go out at night is very evil!" He said seriously.

"That's not necessarily true!" Another guest who was on the way back with Benjamin and the others retorted, "Nightingales like to tweet cheerfully at night, but no one has ever said that nightingales are evil creatures. So, your point of view Completely untenable. If I say, the Hyman family is the most suspicious. I heard that their family used to live in the nearby city of 'Saint Walter', near the tower of the branch of the Magic Association, but moved there fifty years ago. Arrived in our city of San Nino. We all know that those magic towers are the safest place, if they don't have any ghosts in their hearts, why would they move out?"

"That's because there was an accident in the magic tower. I heard that the explosion sounded inside the whole city of St. Watts, so the Hyman family was a little worried about it, so they chose to move out." Near the tavern Hobert explained.

"What are you talking about?" Benjamin asked his son.

"Brother Barrett said that in the city he used to live, there was a hateful nobleman who actually colluded with the devil." Carl replied, "then he asked, if there is a nobleman in our city who colluded with the devil, which nobleman is most likely to collude with the devil. ."


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