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Chapter 356: grotesque opera

City of San Nino, Opera House of Terro II.

Baron Richard, as usual, sat in his exclusive box and leisurely enjoyed the beautiful opera below. The servant Rubin, who was standing next to him, was in a listless daze.

The opera, "Pierre's Funeral", was one of Baron Richard's three favorite operas. Moreover, this opera is also a very deep satirical comedy. The protagonist Pierre used his life full of contradictions and entanglements to reflect many of the weirdness and absurdity in the current world.

The climax of the whole play is at the end before the final curtain. When Pierre's best friend gave a eulogy in that exaggerated way, summarizing Pierre's life, people would laugh and disperse in the cemetery, leaving only the coffin that was not yet covered. Then the stage will become dark, leaving only a trace of light on the coffin, and then a goblin will run and jump over to urinate on the coffin, accompanied by the sound of dripping water, the curtain will slowly fall .

But the first act of this four-act opera has just begun. The protagonist Pierre is still working hard at a job delivering chickens. He has not yet officially left the village to save the world, but the servant next to the baron has started to stop yawned, which made the baron who was concentrating on enjoying the opera a little dissatisfied.

"Rubin, tell me, did you run out to see another kitten yesterday?" The baron taught the young servant who had served his family for generations.

The little Rubin's father was always with the baron, but the reliable servant went to help the baron with another important business, and it would take a few weeks to come back, so it was Rubin's young man who served during this time. he.

"I didn't go out, my lord." Rubin scratched his head and smiled, "I slept very early yesterday because you said I didn't need to do anything, so I checked the carriage and lay down and went to sleep. The sun hadn't set yet, but when I woke up, it was already out."

"Then why do you keep yawning, it's only 6pm? Are you sleepy again?"

"I'm just a little bored, my lord. I don't see anything good about what's going on down there," Rubin said, "and they're all weirdly dressed, you look at the actor in the blue cape, he not only brought A wig and a big hat. I don't understand why he wears a wig when he already has a hat?"

"..." Richard didn't know how to answer such a stupid question for a while. "Don't he need to take off his hat? After taking off the hat, the wig will be useful!" Answer.

"Oh, so he's bald?" Rubin asked again. "Does the actor wear a wig because he's bald, or does he need a wig because the character is bald?"

"..." The baron was stunned again, the guy in the blue cape was just one of the ordinary actors in the group, and his lines were only three laughs at the end, he hadn't noticed it before, "You should find the answer yourself. ." Richard said with a cold face, "and learn more from your father, now you don't understand the charm of opera at all."

"I know a little bit too!" the young man said in disbelief, "and one of my distant uncles was an opera singer and performed on stage!"

"Oh? Which troupe is he from, and what has he acted in?" The Baron was curious about this. I haven't heard old Rubin say it before, and I don't know whether his distant uncle is famous or not.

"What play did you play? I don't remember." Rubin scratched his head stupidly again.

"Then what kind of role has he played? Does he have any lines?" A lot of things can be judged from the role.

"Duck, my uncle played a duck on stage, and he was a pretty duck!" Rubin said proudly


The opera is over, and the moon is in the middle of the sky.

On the way back, the servant Rubin was unexpectedly excited. He was driving the carriage, turned his head and shouted to Baron Richard, who was sitting in the car with his eyes closed, "I take back what I said before, my good master, this play is actually quite good."

"Oh?" The baron opened his eyes. "Tell me, which scene do you like the most?" He and Rubin's father used to discuss it at this time, and they sometimes implied meaning of a certain line. different interpretations, debated over and over again.

Richard asked himself to be a rather good-natured nobleman who rarely got angry with his servants and subordinates, and rarely put on airs with others. Because the family motto of their family is, 'Smile will usher in gold coins, but anger will only scare them away', so although Richard's family is not high in title, it has always been good in reputation.

"Which scene I can't tell." The young man was driving the carriage skillfully. "But there is an actress in a pink dress and a cockscomb on her head. She has a pretty butt. What do you think, Master?"

"...It's really Young people, attention is normal in this regard.

The actor with a good **** is named 'Rosalinde', who plays the daughter of a businessman in the play, who has come up with a unique way to make money by selling her bath, and she is also a member of the protagonist Pierre's team, Usually responsible for receiving tasks and finances, and responsible for boosting morale in the rear during battles.

The ambiguity between the businessman's daughter and the protagonist Pierre is also a major attraction of the opera, and she is the only person who did not appear at the funeral in the end.

"I didn't expect that you finally asked me to give the actors so much money." Rubin said again, "If you don't feel bad, I feel bad for you!"

"Isn't the money earned just to spend." The baron said softly. Immediately afterwards, he changed the subject again, "After you read it, did you remember any line?" He asked, "You don't just remember that beautiful ass, right?"

"I remember a line, my lord." Rubin turned his head and replied, "It was the line that the protagonist shouted loudly, holding up his ancestral shovel, after the protagonist and his party had killed the great devil who liked to drink milk: 'I Laugh at danger, chew on fear, devour pickles'."

This sentence is really classic, Richard nodded with satisfaction, "Then do you know why it ended up being 'devoured pickles'?"

"I don't know, my lord," Rubin said. "I feel a little weird anyway. Not only this sentence, but the whole opera is weird."

"That's its charm! The whole show is actually the famous satirist Garon, trying to reflect the weird world we live in..." Richard was about to explain in depth, but suddenly there was a sound from the ceiling of the carriage. There was a loud bang, as if something had fallen on it.


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