Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 359: the devil in the heart

At night, the icy study room was hazy and quiet. The heavy curtains were heavily blocked, and the only light came from the pale white butter candle in the center of the table.

Count Guise sat on a chair with a dark red brocade cushion, looked at the candle in front of him indifferently, and slowly stretched out the palm of his right hand and placed it on the flame.

The flame was bent by the palm of the hand, making the study darker, and the shadow cast by the Earl on the wall became more and more distorted.

The shadow swayed and struggled uncontrollably with the swaying flames, as if it was madly dancing with self-awareness. Immediately afterwards, a pair of curved long horns slowly grew from Shadow's head, and there was a shrill laughter.

"Are you still satisfied, Your Honorable Count?" a high-pitched voice whispered in the ear of the Earl, "This is only a small part of our promise, a small and insignificant part. You will gain greater power and stand above everyone else. the power above."

"Is there a strong mage?" the earl asked softly. He moved his palms away from the flame of the candle and grabbed behind him, trying to catch the owner of the voice.

The long horn on the wall escaped from the shadow of the earl's body in dodging, and hovered in the air. It was a small humanoid with bat wings and a spiky tail, and its skin was dark red, similar to the color of the earl's cushion.

The humanoid flew in front of the Count, folded its wings and fell. A little devil, whisperer of evil words, seducer of fallen hearts, countless souls descended into **** in their whispers, tormented in blasphemous fires.

"Mage? Hehe." The little devil smiled with its characteristic high-pitched voice, "Although the power of the mage is powerful, that power belongs only to them..." The little devil said while using his two little devils. The paw lifted the earl's left hand on the table. It placed its palm over the flame of the candle and pressed down lightly.

The room became dark again, making the figures of the Earl and the little devil extremely blurry, only the sharp fangs in the little devil's mouth shone with white light in the claustrophobic darkness.

"They can't give you the power of magic, Lord Count. They can't make you detached from ordinary mortals. But we can." The white light extended to both sides, smiling cheerfully in the dimness, "Not only that, your life even will become longer than the elf, and wealth and power will be yours to ask for."

"Without power, those are just bubbles," the Count looked at his palm above the flames, the faint light of the candle reflected in the depths of his eyes.

"Yes, yes, you are right!" Bai Guang crawled over along his arm, it climbed again on the shoulders of Count Guise, and spit out a long forked tongue like a snake, "Everything is just an illusory bubble, such as Sand towers are generally fragile. Even a piece of plain parchment with a purple crown insignia (the seal of the king) can knock you out of the dust in an instant."

It whispered softly beside the earl's ear, "Only its own power is eternal. We can not only help you obtain a title, not only can we help you gain more powerful power, but also make you immortal..."

The title, Earl Guise suddenly remembered his father, two brothers, and the sister who loved him the most when he was a child, but was imprisoned in the dungeon by him in the end.

He moved his palm away from the flame and placed it in front of him.

The skin on the palm of the hand was fair and delicate, and there was no scar even under the long-term baking of the flame, but the Count felt that it was faintly red in his eyes, a scarlet as bright as blood.

But what about scarlet? This palm was so weak that it couldn't even lift a bucket, but Count Guise knew that it already had the power to break steel. And now, not even the flames could harm it.

The firelight illuminated the figure of the little devil again. It squatted on the earl's shoulder, and its whisper became shrill again, "It's just, you know, everything has a price."

"Soul..." The Count closed his eyes.

"Soul!" The little devil jumped from shoulder to shoulder. "How much is a soul worth? I don't think any creature can tell. To you humans, it may be worthless, and some beggar may A cup of hot milk will sell it; but to us devils, it is very precious and can be exchanged for many unimaginable things. For example, 300 souls can get 'fire immunity', if it is in the 'primitive agreement' Before being revised, the price must be at least another zero. And more souls mean stronger power."

Three hundred, or three thousand, a lot? Earl of Guise found that he did not have the slightest fluctuation in his mind about such a number.

He still remembered that at first there were only one soul, two souls, he was terrified and heartbroken; then five, ten, he was trembling and cautious, then fifty, hundreds, even hundreds, he was familiar and indifferent Calm; and this time, it is likely to be tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands...

"Don't worry, I will complete the contract." Count Guise said coldly.

"Maybe you need to speed up a little bit, my esteemed earl." The little devil jumped back to the table, licked the heart of the candle with his tongue, and narrated in a high-pitched voice, "You may have heard , Baron Richard had an accident a few days ago. He felt that the atmosphere in the city was a little wrong, so he contacted Bishop Salom and wanted to suspend the plan."

That smuggler was not only smuggling spices, but souls as well. Earl Guise knew about this guy only through the plan in this contract. It turns out that the 'dwarf kangaroo' also has a cannibalistic side.

'There is a devil in everyone's I don't know why, the earl suddenly thought of this sentence.

"However, the bishop thinks that it should be done in advance, not delayed. After all, it has already reached the end stage, and the gate of **** will be opened soon." The little devil said sharply, "Complete your part of the work, Your Honorable Count. , assist Bishop Shalom to successfully open the gate of hell, after that, your names will be remembered by the devils, and even the supreme Lord of Hell will know you and reward you..."

Just then, there was a knock on the door of the study. The little devil turned his head and glanced at the door before disappearing into the air. After the Count waited for the little devil to disappear, he said in a deep voice, "Come in."

A woman in a nightgown pushed open the door, walked over to the count, and said with a smile, "Darling, are you still asleep?"

"It's almost time." The count touched the woman's face, "Go to sleep first, don't wait for me."

"But the bed is a little cold." The woman said coquettishly.

The count smiled and kissed the woman, "I hope this will make you warmer." He patted the woman's **** gently, "Go back, don't catch a cold, I'll be with you in a while."

"Hurry up." The woman reluctantly walked out of the door.

With the sound of the door closing, the count's face turned cold again. The little devil also reappeared from the air, "Are you going to the dungeon again? Your Honorable Count?" It showed a mouth full of fangs again.

Earl Guise glanced at the little devil and said nothing.

Then the little devil flew to the side of the bookcase, stretched out his claws and moved a switch at the bottom of the lower bookcase, and the entire bookcase sank inward silently, revealing a spiraling downward staircase next to it.

"Have fun!" said the little devil, bending over like a servant.


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