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Chapter 376: fire of hatred

The Hell of Baator - A place where corruption runs rampant and resentment flourishes.

As long as the mortals who are in it are slightly slack, they will be affected by it, so that the evil in their hearts will continue to be amplified, and their bodies will also change accordingly.

They will gradually grow reddish-black scales, sharp curved horns, glowing red eyes, and even bat-like wings. And their hearts will be filled with hatred, their dispositions will become more cruel, and eventually they will be twisted into some kind of terrifying and abominable monster like a devil.

Some scholars of the Material Plane are used to calling such monsters 'half-purgatory creatures', because they have many similarities with the offspring of purgatory and Material Plane creatures. However, there are still some differences between the semi-purgatory creatures born from the hybrid and the monsters produced by the influence of hell, but they are not easy to be discovered.

This semi-purgatory creature is even more powerful than most mid- and lower-level demons, but the reasons for this have not been fully studied. Some people think that this is caused by a certain obsession in their hearts, some people think that the nature of such monsters is more favored by Baator Hell, and some people even absurdly believe that they are the real plane creatures born from hell, After all, most devils moved in later.

In any case, the devils like to send such powerful monsters to the battlefield to relieve the pressure on the front.


City of Dis, Mantiri Prison

The young Martin faced the wall, huddled himself in the corner of the cage, stared at the blood-painted female portrait on the wall, "Why did you do this? Why? Why?" He whispered murmured.

"Tell me, why are you killing me? You want me to come to this place!" Martin nibbled at his **** fingers. "Do you know where this place is, dear? Hell, hell!"

How long have you been in hell? Martin didn't know. At first, he was extremely frightened, hesitant, and even wanted to commit suicide, but was told by the same people who were locked here that the soul would still be locked here after death, but it would be in a different place. After that, he gradually became numb, shrinking in the corner of the cell like a corpse, and there was nothing left in his heart except for the "missing" of the girl.

"Martin, Martin!" Someone seemed to be calling his name, but the young man didn't realize it, still staring at the female portrait in front of him, whispering to himself.

"When I was very young, I once played a game of war with other friends with a wooden stick. I accidentally broke Bob's nose, and he cried and cursed me to hell. I didn't expect that I really came here. Haha, it's all because of you, my dear, it's all because of you!"

"I have fantasized about our future life countless times, I will try to be a good baker like my father, and when we have money, we will open a bakery of our own. I have even chosen Ok, the approximate address is on Wutong Street, where there are many residents, and the nearby bakery called 'Magic Yeast' has a bad reputation. We will steal a lot of their customers, but this is There's nothing you can do about it, that's how business is."

"We will also raise two sons and two daughters, even if your graceful figure becomes out of shape due to birth, I will love you as always, no, I love you even more! We'd better raise another dog, because of you I don't like cats, I always get scared when I see them." Martin's blood-soaked mouth showed a happy smile, "Even if we get married in the future, we will still occasionally go to the 'Tulip' restaurant for a date, and the food there is expensive. It's expensive, but it tastes pretty good."

"Especially that 'crab geranium soup' is your favorite dish. You drink every drop of it and then lick the spoon. You know, every time I see you licking The appearance of a spoon, I can't help but want to 'eat' you." The young man swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

"As it happens, there is also 'crab soup', and last time I found something like a crab shell in a bowl with a lump of light grey flesh inside. Surprisingly, that The meatballs actually seem to be alive, squirming gently in the shell. If I saw this scene before, I would have thrown the whole bowl out of fear. But now, I will happily eat them all Drop, yes, all, just like you drink crab geranium soup, not a drop is left!"

"You know what, my dear, even though you brought me to this damned place, I don't hate you at all." Martin stroked the female portrait on the wall with **** fingers, but made his face It became more and more vague, "Not at all. I love you more than ever. I want to have you, I want to have you, I want to eat you..." He returned the finger that had touched the portrait to his mouth, and kept licking it. lick.

The corners of the young man's smiling mouth became wider and wider, and the teeth inside were razor-sharp. A bright red scale suddenly grew from his neck, and then gradually spread, covering most of his body. His **** fingers were also shriveled and elongated, the peeled nails re-stretched, and a sharp bone fragment extended back on the back of his hand.

At this moment, the door of the compartment was opened, and an acupuncture demon walked in slowly, pushing a vat with a pungent smell. While walking, the acupuncture demon kept muttering something in purgatory. When it came to Martin's cell and found the young man's changed appearance, it cursed and turned back to leave the cubicle.

After a while, the acupuncture demon led three barbed demons back to the compartment. The barbs opened Martin's cell and escorted him out.

Just as the young man was about to walk out of the door of the compartment, he suddenly heard someone calling his name behind him, "Martin? Are you Martin? How did you become like this?"

Martin turned his head and grinned at the sturdy human who called him. "That's all right." The young man raised his palm, or 'paw,' as it should have been called, before looking at it, "I think , this should be the truest self..."

The Barb Demon escorted Martin out of the cubicle and continued to move forward in the long corridor. There are two steel demons in full body armor standing in the corridor at intervals. They look at all the creatures that come and go with indifferent expressions. Whether it is a devil or a prisoner, they will not let these steel demons relax.

Martin followed the barb demons to a room full of torture tools. There was a tall bone demon in the room, interrogating a dwarf who was only as high as the bone demon's knees. There were also three fully armed steel demons standing around the bone demons, and three chain demons covered in chains.

After seeing Martin's appearance, the bone demon asked the barb demon who was escorting him suspiciously in purgatory, and Martin suddenly found that he seemed to understand the language used by this demon.

"Aren't these mutants going to be sent to the battlefield? Why are they sent to me?" The bone demon asked with some dissatisfaction.

"He hasn't had his first torture yet, Lord Inquisitor." One of the barbed demons said respectfully.

"Looking at him like this, it doesn't seem like he knows any important secrets. How can those guys with certain backgrounds, firm minds and cunning be affected by the aura of depravity into such a mutant?" Bone Demon said casually. Afterwards, the bone demon asked Martin a few questions in Common Language, and then let the barb demon take him out of the room.

"Where are we going?" Martin asked the barb demon who was escorting him on the way.

"We? No, it's just you." The Barb Demon was not surprised that Martin could use purgatory. "You will go to the first floor of hell, join the army of devils, and fight that never-ending war."

war? There's nothing wrong with that. Martin is now very calm about his fate, "If I perform well on the battlefield, can I return to the main material world again?"

"Hehe, let's wait until you survive." Several barbed demons sneered at the same time.

Martin followed the barb demon in a sullen way, and the constant changes in the surrounding scenery didn't arouse the slightest interest in him. During this time Martin even felt that he had a chance to escape, but he did not do so in the end because he did not know how to get back to the Material Plane.

During the time, the barb demon left, and the guy who led him was replaced by a huge horn demon warlord. The Horned Demon Overseer led Martin, and many other strangely shaped to a vast and unfamiliar wilderness in a teleportation circle.

A massive army of demons gathered on the rocky wilderness in front of them, and fireballs whistled across the sky from time to time. The air was soaked with an extremely thick **** aura, and that aura kept entering Martin's body, making his dull nerves tremble.

It's food! Such a word appeared inexplicably in Martin's mind, and his mouth began to saliva continuously.

At this moment, high-pitched horns sounded, and the horned demon governor who led the team shook the huge chain sword in his hand and shouted at them, "You mutants, attack me!"

Afterwards, Martin rushed towards the opposite side of the wilderness, following a large number of bloated inferior demons, and other half-human half-demon guys similar to him. Behind them, an army of steel demons, blood armored demons, and insect-like ice demons were in a neat formation, advancing slowly.

In front of Martin, there were many more enemies than them, and they rushed towards them like the ocean.

The two armies collided in the center of the wilderness, and in an instant, countless flesh and limbs were reduced to pieces. The **** aura became more intense, which stimulated Martin's eyes to turn red, and his body seemed to be longing for something. The enemy in front of Martin was a humanoid creature with a vulture head and wings. This guy swooped directly into the team from the air, tearing apart many of the fiends with his claws.

When this enemy was fighting with another half-human, half-demon, Martin jumped on the enemy's back, bit the opponent's cervical vertebra with his sharp teeth, and directly pulled the cervical vertebra out.

"Dorothy!!" Martin shouted loudly as he stood on the enemy's corpse.


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