Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 381: little devil

A red blood moon hangs in the dark red sky, and below is the sand of the arena. Dirty heads of different colors are rolling down. Among them is an eleven or twelve-year-old little devil with a mithril ring on his neck. Holding a steel fork in his hand, he tried his best to stab a purgatory rat, but the rat twisted his body and escaped from his crotch.

This little devil is 'Runtu'. When I knew him, I was only in my teens, and it will be 30 years from now. At that time, my boss was still in power, and I was the one in front of my boss. Reds (here 'people' refer to the devil unless otherwise specified).

That year, the arena was a year of great pomp. This ostentation is said to take a turn in more than 30 years, so it is very solemn; all forces have come to the city, there are many gladiators, the rules are very strict, there are also many gambling guys, souls and various important things It is also very important to prevent theft.

Our department responsible for the logistics of the arena is always busy. When the corpse collector who cleans the corpses is too busy, he tells his boss that he can call his partner to help with the cleaning.

My boss allowed it; I was happy too, because I had heard the name Runtu long ago, and knew that he and I were as old as I was, not long after we were promoted from barbs.

He is always trying to get more income and profit, so his friends call him 'Runtu'. He can find oil and water in rocks. So I looked forward to the arena for gladiatorial fights every day, and with the corpses, Runtu arrived.

The competition was approaching with great difficulty. One day, my colleague told me that Yuntu was coming, so I ran to see it. He was on the edge of the arena, with a pointed purple face, a small iron helmet on his head, and a bright mithril collar on his neck. This shows that he has worked hard to find income, so he can get such a precious collar, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Some envy. He was very shy when he saw people, but he was not afraid of me. When there was no one around, he would talk to me, so we became acquainted within half a day.

We didn’t know what to talk about at that time, but we just remember that Runtu was very happy, saying that after coming to the arena, many new ways to get profits emerged.

The next day, I asked him to teach me how to make money safely from the arena. He says:

"It's hard. It's only after the arena duel. We're in the arena, surrounded by dead gladiators, and we can get a lot out of the corpses while we clean. , Gladiators from prisons are very poor, they have already been looted, but gladiators from other forces are likely to have a lot of good things. For example: magic accessories, gems, space rings, potions..."

So I was looking forward to the end of the battle soon.

Runtu said to me again:

"You know, it's still just a large group of gladiators fighting to screen out the weak. Although there are corpses, they are probably poor ghosts, or slaves and prisoners who don't even have freedom. Most of the powerful guys only show up in official one-on-one gladiatorial fights. After this brawl is over, my friends and I are going to pick up the corpses, and you can come over if you want.”

"Looking for gains?"

"No. The gain will be very small, and it's inconspicuous for a devil in your position. What we're looking for is some goodies, sand worms, purgatory rats, and other small creatures. Bloody Sun Next, you heard the babble, the purgatory rat was biting the corpse. You squeezed the steel fork and walked gently..."

I didn't know what "eating" was at the time, because the devils never need to eat, only the lower creatures need to live on it. I just find this kind of fun to put certain pieces of meat in the mouth, chew it with my teeth, and swallow it down the esophagus. I don't even know if I can actually digest them, but it never hurts to try.

"Is the purgatory rat powerful?"

"There's a steel fork. Go near the sound and see a purgatory rat, and you stab. This guy is very smart, and he ran towards you, but he ran from his crotch. Its fur is oily and slippery. It sizzles when it's grilled. When you see its dark red body turn a tan, then sprinkle some salt and cumin powder, sesame seeds, fine chili peppers, pepper, etc., these seasonings you can eat in town I bought it from a shop run by a human..."

I didn't know there were so many new things in the world: so many seasonings are used to eat something, and it can also benefit from corpses; I only knew that dead people are worthless except for their souls.

"A few of us live in an unknown dark alley in Dis City, and sometimes we go to blackmail some plane travelers who come here by chance, and sometimes we forge some special travel certificates for these plane travelers." Lahusa's craftsmanship is expert, and the pass certificate created by him is almost the same as the real one! As for whether we choose to help them or blackmail them, it all depends on the strength of those plane travelers. "

Ah! There are endless strange things in Runtu's mind that my usual colleagues don't know. They didn't know something, and when Runtu walked through the alleys, they, like me, saw only the circular sky surrounded by the magnificent walls of the arena.

It's a pity that there are not always games in the arena. After the fight was over and the corpses were cleaned up, Run Tu had to leave and return to the dark alley. I'm very anxious, I haven't learned how to rummage through corpses; he also feels a little helpless, because the corpse in the brawl is very He hopes to help for the official game.

But he was finally taken away by the coroner. He later asked the coroner to bring me a packet of seasonings and a few bunches of sand worms that were already crispy toasted. I gave him something once or twice, but we never saw each other again.

This time it was the end of another scramble, with corpses all over the ground lying on the hot sand, and it wouldn't be long before many small creatures came to enjoy them. I saw the sturdy human being who was qualified for promotion walking out of the gate with his head lowered, and it seemed that he did not feel the joy of victory.

My colleague suddenly mentioned Runtu, and all my old memories suddenly came back like lightning. I seemed to see again that day in the arena in front of me, surrounded by corpses. Runtu and I ignited flames on the sand and used steel forks to catch those purgatory rats that ate the corpses.

I answered, "He,—how?  …"

"He?... His condition is also very unsatisfactory..." The colleague said, and then looked to the other side, "A few guys came over, they should be asking about the time of the next game, I have to say hello."


The colleague stood up and walked towards the two devils not far away. Their appearances are a bit miserable. One of them is a needle demon with a broken arm, and the other is a barb demon covered in scars. If they don't get promoted, such scars may follow them for life.

But so what? Since my boss fell, I have also been stuck in the chain demon stage for a long time. If things go on like this, the next promotion is likely to be hundreds of years later, or even longer.

A gust of wind blew up in the arena, and the head of an orc was blown to his feet by the wind. I stabbed my head with a chain on my body and looked at it carefully before my eyes.

When you get a chance, take a look at Runtu, I think.


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