Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 393: visitors in the city

If you want to take a dip in the Hell of Baator and want to experience it for yourself, not through books (don't ask me why anyone thinks this way), then 'Dis' the city of steel , will definitely be your first choice.

Among the nine prisons, the environment on the second floor can be regarded as the mildest. It is not like the first floor, caught in a never-ending war; not like the third floor, a swamp ruled by acid rain, mud, and biting hail.

Although it did resemble the fourth layer before: the air was warped by the heat, the rivers and lakes were filled with hot, foaming magma, the surface was covered with thousands of cracks that spewed flames, and the entire layer Dominated by a fiery flame full of malice.

However, the rise of the city of steel with the same name as the plane of 'Dies' has completely changed the appearance of this place. The level is the city, and the city is the level. As long as you can resist the blasphemous atmosphere that the devils are born with, plus 120,000 caution and caution, you can freely "play" here.


On the narrow and crowded streets of the City of Dis, three winged devils stood outside a tavern called 'Soul Elegy', constantly looking around. At this time, they are traveling through many of the same kind, searching for visitors from planes with unfamiliar faces.

One of the winged devils is half a head taller than the other two devils. It wears a silver tombstone pendant around its neck, and our cute little ghost Eve hides in the jewelry and secretly pays attention to it. the surrounding environment.

The devils don't know the existence of the little ghosts, but Eve has already learned a little about these three devils through her own observations during this period and the intermittent narration of the crying souls.

The tallest devil at the head was named 'Tuligu', and the other two were 'Alzer' and 'Hazy'. A certain weeping soul said they were all transformed from the same special soul, like identical triplets. Whether such rumors are true or not, they are indeed inseparable from each other anyway, and no matter what they do, they will always act together.

Not far away, two humanoid creatures wearing hooded cloaks slowly walked towards the tavern. When Tuligu, the leader, saw it, he hurriedly greeted them with a wing, and the other two devils followed closely. Behind.

"Welcome, visitors from other planes, welcome to the city of Dis." Tuligu said in extremely standard common language, "I know you need help, and we are here to help you."

In the face of the unexpected devil, one of the humanoids suddenly stretched his hand to his waist, while the other humanoid stopped this dangerous movement in time. After stopping him, he raised his head, took off his hood, and stared at the three devils hesitantly, "How do you know we need help?"

Eve discovers that the two visitors are human, just like the big uncle. The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with a blue face, while the other guy who stretched his hand to his waist was a nervous young man.

"Why do we know? It's very simple, all visitors who come here will need help, as long as you are not an aborigines here." Tuligu explained with a smile.

"No matter what your purpose of coming here is, you will definitely need a guide to show you the way." Alzer added, "so that you will not get lost in the city, or accidentally enter some dangerous areas that you should not set foot in. You know, as long as you take half a step in those areas, you are likely to lose your life!"

"And we are the best guides in the city of Dis." Haz continued, "Many residents who have lived in this city for a long time will accidentally get lost, but we will not."

"So, no matter where you want to go or who you are looking for, as long as you hire us, you will definitely not regret it." Tuligu concluded, "because we will serve you wholeheartedly!"

"No need." The blue-faced middle-aged man replied indifferently, "We have passports, so we can go to the tavern to find out where we want to go."

"Oh, I knew it would be like this. But pardon me, you are doomed to be useless." Tuligu shook his head, "Although the owner of this tavern is also a human, although he may indeed tell you some thoughts. But if you really want to get somewhere, you have to hire a guide. If you don't believe me, please, I think the tavern owner will tell you the answer himself."

The devil turned sideways to make way and watched the two humans enter the tavern.

While waiting, the devils were chatting with each other. Eve knew it was purgatory, but she didn't understand it, so she could only play her new dress-up game in the 'Land of Eternal Sleep'. - is to change the clothes on his body. In fact, those clothes are also ghosts.

After about a cup of tea, the two humans walked out of the tavern again. The expression of the middle-aged man at the head did not change, but the young man behind him was full of frustration.

The middle-aged man walked up to Tuligu, looked at him, and said lightly, "What's the price?"

"Three soul coins a day." The devil smiled and stretched out three fingers, "Our prices are the same."

"I just want to hire one." The middle-aged man said again.

"This can't be done!" Tuligu shook his head, "If you really plan to hire, you must hire all of us, none of them are indispensable!"

"But I don't need three guides!" The middle-aged man didn't back down, "I heard that there are quite a few little devil guides in the city, and their prices are generally much cheaper than yours, why don't I hire them? "

"Because they are just little devils, and we are winged demons." Tuligu said, "they will just keep whispering in your ear, trying to frame you and eventually imprison your souls here. The guidance in their mouths will lead you astray in more situations. Unless you can extract really useful information from those specious words, but a small mistake may be succeeded by them. "

"Then. What about you?" the middle-aged man asked.

"We will sign a contract with you!" Arze replied aloud, "And, it is a contract written by the 'contract demon' who is specially responsible for going to the place officially designated by the city. You can repeat the above content. For review, you can keep the signed copy with you in case of emergencies.”

"If we violate its content, the city guards will take care of us without you doing anything," Haz said finally, "This kind of deal is the fairest and most orderly, and we devils like fairness and order. order of things."

After listening to the middle-aged man, he pondered for a while, and finally nodded, "Okay, I'll hire you. However, if I find out that you are doing something wrong, I will not be soft-hearted!" He will hide in the cloak. The palm of his hand stretched out, and a dark energy vortex condensed in his palm.

Eve was a little familiar with that energy, because it contained a bit of necromancy, but it was a lot different from real undead spells.

The devils expressed a little surprise at the middle-aged man's means, but they returned to normal in an instant, "Don't worry, we are not those demons who are reckless, and all the terms will be written in the contract." Tuligu bowed. Said, "But before that, please tell us the purpose of coming to this city, so that we can point you in the right direction."

"Street of God." The middle-aged man spat out a place name.

"Street of the Gods?" The devils were surprised again. "Do you want to worship a newly-born **** of the lawful evil camp? Can you tell us which **** it is?"

"You don't need to know this." The middle-aged man didn't answer.

"Oh, you may not know that the space of the city of Dis is almost infinite, and the street of the gods is also endless." Tuligu explained, "It extends infinitely on the left and right sides, and no street will It's connected to it. It's located in a remote area on the outskirts of the city, but no one has direct access to it."

"Unless, you are a believer of a new weak god." Alzer added, "because only divine spellcasters, that is, priests, can enter the interior of the street by communicating with the gods who live on the street of the gods."

"We need to determine if you are a believer in one of those gods, so that the contract can be valid." Haz continued, "Otherwise, this is simply an impossible task."

"We are indeed believers." The middle-aged man replied, "It was the gods who called us to come here. Although he is still as young as a baby, in the near future, his divine light will surely shine on the entire multiverse!" said In the end, the expressions of both humans were a little excited.

"Okay, then congratulate you in advance." Tuligu said vaguely, "Let's go and sign the contract first."

"Wait." Arze suddenly stopped everyone who was about to leave, "I remembered, today is the day when the arena starts, and those contract demons will definitely pass, because there will be a lot of bets and trade fairs. occur."

"Really, you remember correctly? Let me Hazy flapped his wings and flew into the sky, looked around, and landed again, "Okay, what did you say?" Wrong, today is indeed the start day of the arena, and there are already long queues there. "

"Arena? What arena?" The young man expressed curiosity.

"That's a very lively place. It can even be said that it is the most lively place in the entire Bato's Nine Prisons. Oh, I mean, if you don't count the war on the first floor." Tuligu smiled. For a moment, his mouth was full of sharp teeth, "Since there is no way to sign a contract today, let's take the two of you to the arena to watch those fierce gladiatorial matches. Tickets are not too expensive, at least they are more expensive than those who hired us. The price is much lower.”

"It would be a pity if you came to the city of Dis and didn't go to the arena to watch a gladiatorial fight." Arze advised from the side.

"There you can see many creatures from other planes, maybe one of them will help your god's plan." Haz spread his hand, "That **** called you here, Obviously not just chatting casually."

The repeated persuasion of the devils made both humans a little tempted, and the middle-aged man lowered his head to think for a long time, and reluctantly agreed with the suggestions of the devils.

Along the way, the devils introduced a lot of etiquette skills for the two humans to get along with the devil, and provided a lot of information in the city and useful information on the Street of God. Although the contract has not yet been signed and the payment has not been paid, the devils have done their best to serve, making the two humans put down a lot of vigilance.

Then a group of five entered the arena and sat in the stands to watch the gladiatorial fight. Coincidentally, in the arena in the center, the little ghost Eve saw a very familiar figure.


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