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Chapter 405: servant of the gods

"Humans can be divided into many different races because of differences in appearance, skin color, or customs, and the same is true of gods. Gods can be divided according to different camps, vocations, or belief species, for example, good camp, elves Divinity, etc. But the most fundamental difference is the form of birth."

"Some gods are born from the original rules of the multiverse, and they are the spokespersons condensed by the rules. Elemental gods belong to this category; some gods are born from social habits and are the embodiment of intelligent creatures' thoughts."

"The former are like giant dragons. They are naturally powerful and do not need any belief. Although there are creatures on the main material plane who worship and worship them, these gods don't really care and rarely respond. But in a good mood When the time comes, they may respond to mortal prayers with some useful aid, favor, or just a mischievous tease."

"And the latter are like the kings in the kingdom. They can customize the tax rate, order the army, and drive the entire kingdom with their own will. However, they also need to establish an effective response mechanism, which needs to be included in the taxes paid by the citizens. Taking out a part to give back, it is also necessary to continuously increase the population of the kingdom. This is a very important thing. Because the strength of the king is reflected by the strength of the country..."

"...Dragons can be killed, of course, and kings and kingdoms can be destroyed. If you were to ask me which of the two is easier to destroy, then I have to tell you that this question cannot be generalized. A powerful ancient dragon can not only make several kingdoms burn under its flames, it can even turn the whole plane upside down, and a powerful country can also assemble an army to slay dragons."

"But if you want to ask me if I have to choose one of them and fight against it, then I can only choose the latter. No way, I am a literati, and it is obvious that words and language alone cannot kill the dragon. , but it can shake a country. And even if you kill such gods, it's very difficult to completely wipe them out of the multiverse. Hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of years later, they will be in the rules Reborn again. Of course, you can also choose to start from the root and directly shake the rules of the multiverse, but it may take hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years of hard work to be successful.”

"It is much easier to erase the latter. If there is no war in the main material world, the **** of war will never exist. Those fighting in neighboring villages or small-scale border conflicts cannot support a god's power. Existence. By the same token, if one day another popular entertainment is invented to take the place of opera, the gods of poetry and drama will disappear completely."

"However, if the rulers uniformly order to cancel all festivals and celebrations, will the goddess of festivals and celebrations also fall? The answer is no! Because people still yearn for festivals and those A bustling street full of food, tourists, and jugglers, people need this..."

- Excerpted from "Deciphering the Gods" by 'Staff Swib'


The noise outside disturbed the prayer of 'Zakir'. Listening to the content of the conversation, the weird man in bandages next door seemed to be leaving, which was good news for Zakir.

That weirdo is always looking for something to talk about, trying to find a way to chat. Although he claims to be human too, Zakr simply doesn't believe it.

Because the costume of the weirdo next door always reminds Zakr of the contract demon he has seen before. Those contract demons would hang all kinds of contract books on the long horns growing on their bodies, and the weirdo tied the contracts to their bodies.

What's more, he has already been deceived quite seriously once, and he doesn't want to suffer a second time. All creatures in **** can't believe, even if the guy is really human.

Aside from eating—if the disgusting thing the devil sent was called food—and a short rest, Zakr spent the rest of the time in prayer. He hopes to communicate with his **** and listen to his teachings. But it is a pity that things that are easy to do on weekdays cannot be done in this prison, and he cannot use even a trace of magic here.

This prison seems to separate him from his god. Once he loses the supreme power bestowed on him by God, Zakr knows that he is just an ordinary poor noble.

"No, I have to get out of here alive!" he said to himself silently in his heart.

If possible, Zakr really wants to plant a curse on this city full of lies and deceit, let plagues and diseases spread in the city, and cause those strange-shaped devils to die slowly in pain.

But it is a pity that not only him, but even the supreme **** in his heart cannot do this at all.

The **** that Zakr believes in is called 'Kos', a **** of curses. 'Kos' has just been born, and now he is as weak as a baby. Although measured in human time, this **** may already be a teenager, but in the world of gods, such a short time represents the new cursed god, and there is not even an umbilical cord on his stomach. shear.

Although it is still very weak, Zakr knows that the **** he believes in will likely become a very powerful **** in the future. Because its priesthood also includes plagues and diseases, which makes it difficult to truly eradicate once it grows.

However, the growth of gods requires a lot of food, and that food is naturally - faith.

As the god's 'first believer' (thinks himself), Zakr knows why he was chosen by the newborn god. Because since he was sensible, he has been cursing all the time.

Zakir's family was pretty good when he was a child. With the glory of his ancestors, his family has been a baron from generation to generation, and he has accumulated quite a wealth of family property little by little. Although it can't compare to those high-class nobles who hold banquets day and night, or the wealthy businessmen who spend a lot of money, it is quite easy to support a dozen servants with these family properties.

However, Zakir's father was not satisfied with this situation. He wanted to carry forward his family, so he and a distant relative who lived in the same city started a business partnership.

The early days of the business were very good. Zakir's father increased the value of his ancestors' family property by about half in just a few years, but what happened next was like a nightmare.

The distant relative kept persuading Zakr's father to increase investment. Although his father was very cautious and did not listen at first, after seeing that the business was getting better and better, his father also gave birth to the idea of ​​continuing to grow bigger. idea. After a lot of thinking, he gritted his teeth and put all his net worth into it.

Then, his father was deceived. The distant relative swept away all the property and fled without a trace. Zakir's father also fell ill because of this, and he passed away after being bedridden for half a month, leaving only his and his mother's hard-working companionship in childhood.

So Zakr would meditate on the name of the distant relative before going to bed every night, and curse each other in any way he could think of. From crystal **** to witchcraft dolls, from cursing lead plates to drawing circles on the ground, he has tried many times.

Zakr even wanted to try to hire assassins to kill the opponent directly, but unfortunately the problem of money could not be solved, so he had to give up this very extravagant method.

He persisted in this habit for thirty-five years until the newly born **** of curses, 'Kos', answered his prayer. God whispered in his ear and gave him power. Powerful enough to find and kill his distant relative...

God said to him, "Go and spread my glory, let more people in the world believe in me and worship me."

Therefore, the pious Zakr tried his best to develop believers. It is a pity that the stupid world is rarely interested in the name of the cursed god, and the power of the new **** cannot make it confer that powerful power to many believers.

What his **** needs now is to ask for a very devout faith like him, instead of selfless gifts one after So Zakir's preaching road is quite bumpy at present. In three years, he only Fourteen believers developed, including himself.

God was obviously quite dissatisfied with such efficiency, so God said to him again, "Go to hell, come to the city of Dis, and find my existence. I will engrave my holy emblem for you in person, so that you will I can better accept my power, and I can show more brilliant miracles to the world."

Afterwards, Zakir inquired through various channels such as the black market, and spent a year and a half to finally find a way to hell, and collected enough expenses.

It is a pity that his pilgrimage is currently stuck and he does not know how to proceed.

"Well, I don't know what happened to the kid 'Mi Lu'. I hope he can survive this hardship by relying on his belief in God." Zakir thought about the young man accompanying him. The guy was locked in the other compartment.

The young man named 'Mi Lu' is also one of the fourteen believers. This young man is not only religious, but also has quite good martial arts. More importantly, he is very obedient and quite convinced of Zakr, so our The 'First Believers' love to carry it around.

What was a glorious pilgrimage has turned into a prison, and it's all because of those three damned devils! Zach thought angrily. He had memorized the names of all three demons, and was eager to cast the most vicious curse on them. But there are no crystal balls, no witch dolls and no cursed lead sheets.

However, there are other ways that Zakr can use.


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