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Chapter 411: 1000 souls

How long did this battle go on? Two hours, three hours, or more? Barrett could no longer tell the difference. He staggered and gasped, his mouth and throat as dry and painful as if they had been scorched by fire.

It's not that Barbarian has never encountered an enemy stronger than him before, but in those cases, even if he can't beat the opponent, he can escape through other methods. But above this piece of yellow sand, there is no option of 'escape' for him to choose.

"Why don't you die obediently? Well, Barrett the Butcher? Is being alive really that important to you?" The vampire's indifferent voice appeared to his left. But when the barbarian turned around and tried to block, the subtle sound of breaking through the air came from behind his head.

Flying forward, he fell forward, grabbed the sand and flung it around when he rolled, and got up in time to hold the rapier stabbing from the top of his head. Our barbarian gladiator once again defended against a series of tricky opponents.

The opponent's movement speed was too fast, and Barrett wiped a cold sweat in his heart. Moreover, his fighting style is somewhat restrained, making his most prominent strength attribute completely useless.

This can't help but make him think of something... No, he actually didn't think of anything.

For this type of combat, perhaps a simple control spell could slash a ghostly opponent straight to the sword, but that's clearly not something Barrett can use.

He has completely given up on offense right now and has shifted all his energy to defense. Because no matter how many attacks, even if it can cause a little damage to this vampire, if it can't be fatal in one blow, it will be meaningless.

Opponents can calmly pull away and recover their injuries and stamina through the blood they carry with them. This is not imagination, but it has appeared more than once in gladiatorial fights.

The **** rules in this **** arena actually don't restrict gladiators from using recovery supplies, no wonder that vampire can take part in the fight without fear. Barrett still resents this.

Opportunity, all I need now is a chance. He stared at the enemy in front of him and stepped back cautiously.

Barrett needs to use a certain feature of the 'Armor of Redemption' to counterattack in the attack that the opponent is about to win, so as to kill the opponent in one fell swoop. There is only one chance like this, if you miss it...

Well, if he misses it, he can think of other ways. If it doesn't work, he is ready to turn on the death knight form again, and use the recovered power of frost to limit the opponent's movement. There should be no problem with winning this way, but after the victory, a second, more severe torture is likely to come soon.

"Seriously, after I kill you, I will definitely turn you into a vampire, I mean, a real vampire, not some controlled vampire spawn!" Lambert circled around Barry Beside Te, while waiting for an opportunity to attack, he said solemnly, "In my thousands of years of life, I have only transformed nine vampires, and you will be the tenth."

Barrett doesn't know if the vampire's purpose for saying this is to disturb his own spirit, or if he really intends to do so. But to him, there is basically no difference between the two.

"You will have the same surname as me - Rufans! In the ancient common language, it means 'strong and powerful warrior'. With your strength, you are completely worthy of this surname!" The vampire said slowly .

"Sorry, huh, huh, I feel like this is fine now." Barrett couldn't stop panting, not only was his body quite tired after a long fight, but he also started to dehydrate slowly, "'Mengge' , this is my surname, do you know what it stands for?"

The vampire shook his head cooperatively. Barrett's bad appearance at this time made him relax a lot. This guy seemed to be ready to show mercy to the loser with a gesture of victory.

"Uncastrated horses," Barrett replied. "That's what it means!"

"...I don't quite understand what you're trying to say."

"What I'm trying to say is literally. Isn't it hard to understand a horse, not neutered?" Barrett said. "You can use it as a stallion, or pull a cart, and go to war as a warhorse. But It is better to be a stallion, because although an unneutered horse has enough courage, if it is in heat, it is likely to affect the battle." The barbarian said casually.

The vampire looked at Barrett like an idiot, "...Forget it, I wanted to give you more time to rest, but now, I have changed my mind and just want to end the fight quickly."

The figure of this guy was clearly in front of Barrit, but the voice of the word "battle" at the end suddenly appeared beside Barbarian.

Just as Barrett subconsciously turned around to block, the sound of the weapon breaking through the air changed direction again.

It's this trick again! The barbarians who have had many experiences have already had some experience in dealing with them. He exerted force on his calf, ready to fly forward again, dodging while keeping a distance from the opponent. But when his body just started to lean forward, he felt an indescribable heart palpitation, as if some danger was waiting for him ahead.

This kind of perceptual warning caused the barbarian's movements to pause for a moment. Just after this very brief pause, the opponent's sharp three-edged rapier suddenly appeared from the air in front of him, and the sharp tip of the sword had directly touched his heart.

Barrett didn't know how vampires did this, but this wasn't the time to think about it.

It was too late to dodge and block, and all he could do at this time was to try to change the direction of his body so that the part where the rapier finally pierced was less deadly.

With the impact of a metal symphony, the three-edged rapier in the vampire's hand easily broke through the defense of the 'Armor of Redemption' and pierced directly into Barrett's chest.

The pain has not yet struck, but the blood in the barbarian has begun to betray him. Those scarlet blood wrapped around his little energy, fled frantically from the wound, and pierced the rapier along the rapier, and flowed to the vampire Lambert with a smug expression on the opposite side.

The tired body became weaker, the scene in front of him became blurred, and the consciousness slowly began to sink into darkness. Barrett knelt on the ground, eyes slightly closed, head drooping.

But Barrett didn't give up, he knew that this was the opportunity he had been waiting for!

The barbarian who was kneeling on the ground as if he was dead suddenly moved, and he grabbed his hands forward, clasping the vampire's arms tightly like eagle claws.

"Why, UU Reading still want to struggle?" The opponent smiled contemptuously, "Congratulations, you finally caught me, but what's the use of it? You can't..." The vampire just finished saying, "No. Maybe" three words, and suddenly screamed.

A golden dazzling light curtain spread out with Barrit as the center, and even made the barrier tremble slightly after hitting the dark red barrier that the slaughter demon couldn't shake.

The vampire screamed and wanted to escape the range of the light curtain, but was caught by the barbarian and couldn't move half a step. Lambert's body was like a lit wet wood, black smoke constantly emitting out, his handsome face became dry and cracked, and his expression was very painful. It seems that the damage caused by this light curtain to him is more serious than that described in the [Appraisal].

The beautiful 'Holy Nova' lasted for about two heartbeats, and then the entire golden light curtain shattered like a bubble and disappeared into the air.

Barrett, who was healed by Nova, recovered a lot. He picked up the 'Twin Sword' beside him, threw the wailing vampire on the opposite side to the ground, and sat directly on the other side.

The 'Twin Sword' was raised high, aimed at the vampire's head, and it would fall heavily in the next moment.

But at this moment, the embarrassed vampire suddenly shouted, "Wait, don't kill me!" Lambert said very quickly, "I am willing to pay a ransom for myself, a hundred souls! No, no , five hundred!" After seeing the killing intent in Barrett's eyes, he gritted his teeth and re-reported the number, "One thousand, one thousand intact souls!!"

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