Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 426: 2 mischievous gladiators

"Welcome to the Arena of Dess again! As we all know, this is a place full of blood, fights, cheers, and dreams! Wait, did I just say 'dream'? Oh, sorry, that must be I was so tired last night that my mind was a little confused to say this cute and childish word. You know, we don't have the word 'dream' in our purgatory, but there is a similar meaning. Some, like, 'ambition'!"

"Let's get down to business, today's fights will be more exciting, but to be honest, I don't really want to come over and explain to everyone. Why? Because I'm too tired, really tired, and my mental state is very bad. I'm worried that I'm going to make the same mistake I just made and say something funny and out of place."

"You must have doubts in your heart, why am I so tired? Because last night, I taught two girls of other races hard, and taught them a whole night! Those two girls ran to my bed inexplicably, It's a headache to stay on top and refuse to come down. You may not believe it, I don't know when they ran into the bed, it's really naughty! "

"Actually, I didn't get angry at first, because my bed is big, and it's okay to sleep three people. If they just lie on it quietly and don't move, then I can't teach them a whole night. Idu The heart is always soft, everyone knows that."

"However, those two naughty little creatures refused to sleep peacefully. They pressed hard against me and kept tickling my chest with their fingers. The temperature in the city of Dis is already very high, and The temperature on the bed was unbearably hot. I was upset by them, and I was hot, so I stripped off my clothes and gave them a hard lesson, which made the two girls more honest. They are now I was slumped on my bed and resting in sweat, and I had to run over to explain these gladiatorial matches for you."

"Why do you say this? Because the two girls have something to do with the current gladiatorial fight. One of them is a bumpy, graceful half-orc; the other, a wild and primitive The dragon blood lizardmen. And the two gladiators who are about to play at this time happen to be somewhat similar to those two girls in terms of appearance and blood."

"The green-skinned gladiator who walked out of the gate on the right is the 'Unyielding' Barrett we are quite familiar with! We all know that Barrett's appearance is a bit special, a bit like the hot half of my bed. Orc girl, but he's a full-blooded human, at least that's what Barrett himself said."

"And the gladiator on the left, who is a bit stronger than Barrett's stature, is the famous 'Wandering Warrior', 'Planet Explorer', and 'Half Dragon' Markus. As we all know, Markus He has blood that is half red dragon and half human, which is determined by his miserable life experience. As for the specific content of his life experience, I don't need to repeat it again. Those who have forgotten can read the last few chapters... , I mean, ask the people around and you should be able to recall."

"In this gladiatorial fight, Macas, who has won six victories in the arena, came to challenge Barrett, the seven winner. It was the challenge request made by Macas himself. For the passionate collision between the two top warriors, How could we disagree? Without further ado, I hope these two mischievous gladiators will give us a fiery and exciting visual feast."


Barret, who was wearing the chimera leather armor again, and his opponent, the half-dragon Mackas, slowly approached each other, and stopped at the same time when the distance between them was less than three meters. The icy vertical pupils of the color of sulphur and the round pupils of pure black looked at each other silently, and both deeply felt the strength of each other.

This is destined to be another hard fight. Barrett habitually groped for the "tyrannical touch" on his waist, and calmly looked at the other party.

Barrett knew that some arrogant adventurers would contemptuously refer to dragons as 'flying lizards', and that was not without reason. Of course, the two are definitely not comparable in terms of strength, but in terms of appearance, they are somewhat similar. At least the half-dragon in front of him, dressed in golden light armor, is very similar to the war lizard who forgot his name he killed before.

If it weren't for the pair of curved horns extending back from the forehead, and the fin-shaped spines swept back from the sides of the cheeks, Barrett would have mistaken the half-dragon for a giant, elite warsaur.

Although there is no branch species with red scales, there may be some differences after being exposed to high temperature or cooked.

The half-dragon Macas frowned and looked at Barrett, "The breath on your body makes me feel a little familiar, as if you are my kind." He said in a low tone, "Could it be that you are also a dragon's blood? Creature, with the blood of a giant dragon in its body? Is it from a green dragon?"

"No, no, no, I'm a human, a pure human." Barrett denied, "As for my skin color, it's just a side effect of using alchemy items."

"I'm talking about breath, not skin color." Markas stared at the barbarian, "Although the breath is indeed a little weak, I can still sense it clearly, there is absolutely nothing wrong. However, it seems that you do not want to Others know this, can it be said that you are actually ashamed of the dragon blood you have?" The half-dragon warrior's eyes revealed a little approval.

Where is this going?! Barrett was a little speechless, he guessed that the [Blood-Blooded Body] achievement gave the other party this illusion. But then again, according to the description of this achievement, the [Mission Log] system seems to have really fused the blood of the black dragon into his body.

If someone insists that he is a dragon-blooded creature, it can't be wrong. After all, a considerable part of dragon-blooded creatures in the multiverse are not naturally produced through reproduction, but emerge from the wizard's laboratory. .

Seeing that Barrett was silent, the half-dragon Mackas thought that the barbarians had acquiesced, and continued, "I deeply understand how you feel, because, like you, I also hate my body as a dragon. Those parts of , even if it gave me a longer lifespan and made me stronger than normal creatures, I still want to get rid of them all!"

Banlong looked down at his claws, "Compared to me, you are lucky..." The cold vertical pupil revealed a little envy, "At least, your bloodline is relatively thin, you are basically a human... …”

What do you mean by 'basic still'? Lao Tzu is a human being! Barrett really didn't know what to say at this point.

truth? I have already said it, but the other party is more willing to believe his own perception, rather than the words in his mouth; irony? It would be even more inappropriate, and combined with the other party's miserable life experience, it would be too cold-blooded to be ironic.

"Those dragons have brought too many disasters to the creatures in the multiverse." The half-dragon continued, "Slaughtered, destroyed, seized, towns and villages disappeared one after another in the gushing dragon breath~www.wuxiaspot .com~ It's time for those dragons to pay for their sins!"

In my opinion, they've been paid back, and not by much, Barrett thought. Those giant dragons suffered a lot during the Magic Empire period. Not only did their numbers drop sharply, but the rest had to hide from other planes to survive. At least in the main material plane, pure-blooded dragons were rarely seen.

"I'm motivated to wipe out all the evil dragons in the multiverse," Macas said, "but before that, I need to get stronger. Physically and spiritually, Slaughter Dragons are not easy things."

How old is this guy? It seems to be very big, why is the idea so naive and simple? "Well..., a 'great' idea, I wish you success!" Barrett replied.

Banlong nodded, "If I win, I'll spare your life and help you get free. But after that, I hope you can join me in accomplishing this great idea! It's not impossible. Practically speaking, we just need to kill those wicked dragons, so that other dragons will not dare to do evil." His eyes turned eager.

Has it been recruited yet? Barrett shrugged and politely refused, "It's a good idea, but I'm not interested. However, if I win, I'll spare your life."

"That's such a pity." Half-dragon Mackas pulled out the elf swords from his waist, "I even thought about the name of our adventure team, so it's called 'Hybrid World Cleaner', which is a pity it's a good name. "

What a fart, what a vulgar name! "Be careful, when you move forward with obsession, even a dragon slayer will become a dragon." Barrett whispered.


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