Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 429: Saving Adventurer Barrett (Part 1)

The floating city, the business district, the smiling tooth of the refreshment shop.

Chris, who had just returned to the city not long ago, pushed open the door and, under the guidance of the shop attendant, found the stranger who asked him to meet.

After Chris was seated, the waiter at the shop served a cup of hot sage water mixed with honey. The little mage put his hand on the magical pet White Fang by his side, and looked at the strangely dressed guy on the opposite side quite curiously.

The human on the opposite side was wearing a loose dark red velvet robe. The exposed palms and face were covered with dark gray bandages with text, and only a smiling mouth was exposed all over the body. The teeth in the mouth were white and neat, and they looked particularly bright against the dark bandages.

This is a soul merchant, a rare profession that Kris has heard of before in the gray area. It is rumored that the bandage on their body is actually a very special contract. The little mage has no way to understand the content of the contract. He only knows that the contract is not only a powerful protection for soul merchants, but also an inescapable bondage.

"I'm sorry to invite you here, Master Kris." The soul merchant named Elvis said apologetically, "because the dim sum of this shop has an irresistible temptation for me. The next time I come to the Floating City, I will visit here as soon as possible and taste the signature cream chestnut cake in the store. If it is not like this, I will feel uneasy and anxious as if I have lost my soul. You Would you like to try a piece?"

Lost your soul? Is this a cold joke between you soul merchants?

"The dim sum in this shop is really good." Chris agreed. "However, before tasting it, I would prefer to talk about why you came to me." He picked up the teacup and took a sip of the hot drink from the cup. "I heard from the messenger that it seems to be related to Barrett. Do you know each other?" Why did that guy have a relationship with a soul merchant?

"Oh, yes, Master Mage." Elvis put his hands on his stomach. "We are cellmates, and we are very good friends. His cell is next to mine, and we often chat when we are free."

"Inmate? He's in jail?" Chris raised his eyebrows, "In the Griffin Kingdom?" Did he commit a crime, or did he offend someone?

"No, Master Mage, not on the main material plane." The person opposite shook his head, "In a terrifying prison called Mantiri. Have you heard of that place? in the city."

hell? Chris was full of confusion, "Wait, let's define a question first." He interrupted the other party's words, "Is the Barrett you mentioned and the Barritt I know the same person?"

"Is this..., I think it should be." The soul merchant's tone was not sure, "The person I know is a Nord with a very strong body and black tattoos on his forehead."

Well, this feature is very useful, Chris slandered, at least you didn't say he was human.

"He said he was a human, but I was skeptical about it." The soul merchant fumbled for the ruby ​​ring on his finger, "because he has pale green skin, and the two canine teeth on his lower teeth are extraordinarily sharp and protruding. ."

"In this case, I don't think we know the same person." The little mage said with certainty. There are at least three mages named Kris in the floating city, one of them is a woman, God knows how her mother named her a man, "The Barrett I know has bronze skin, he is not a man. Half-blood orcs." As soon as he mentioned orcs, the figure of a pure-blooded female orc suddenly flashed in Kris' mind.

Since she was brought to the Muya city-state, she has not been concerned about it. If you have a chance, let's go and see it, the little mage thought.

"However, he knows your name, Master Kris." Elvis defended, "Also, his surname is Mungo, Barrett Mungo!" The businessman repeated the name twice, " I don't know if there is a middle name, but he doesn't look like an aristocrat."

Oh? Chris knew that people in this multiverse often had the same first name, and most likely the same last name, but the odds of both being the same at the same time were very small, unless it was a family line. What's more, that Barrett actually knew him.

The little mage frowned, "Assuming we are talking about the same person, you want to tell me something about him."

"Before I left Mantiri Prison, Barrett told me that he wanted me to help him find a mage named Chris Brian in the Magic Society. I still heard your name, so I thought it should be No mistake. Then, Barrett wants me to tell you that he's in a little bit of trouble in hell."


"Here are his original words." The soul merchant said, "If I want to interpret it, I actually want you to save him out, but the guy is too embarrassed to say it directly."

"Why did he go to hell?" Chris asked again.

"I don't know, although I asked Barret this question, he didn't tell me." The soul merchant spread his hand, "I think it must be for some very secret reasons, otherwise, based on my relationship with him, he Should have told me."

Hidden reason? When we met last time, didn't that guy say that he was going to the Holy Arathor Kingdom to do some investigation mission? What mission came from? Underdark? No, no, it's still to come! Chris tried hard to remember.

During the time in the mind flayer city, the mind of the little mage was always confused. The phenomenon of overlapping and interlaced memories is very serious, and sometimes when he wakes up, he feels in a trance that he is still on that blue planet.

By the way seems to be a task related to the devil! He caught the clue, and his expression was a little stunned. "I seem to know the general situation." Kris said to the soul merchant, "Thank you for telling me this important thing. Any other news?"

"No, Barrett will let me pass it on," Elvis replied, "but I'll say a little more privately. If you want to save him, you may have to speed up the time. He became a prisoner in prison. A gladiator, I don't know how long he will live. Although the devils promise freedom with ten victories in the arena, very few actually get that freedom. Those purgatory creatures There will always be various ways to keep you, or your soul, in hell."

"Does Barrett know that?"

"I didn't tell him before. Because the hopeless hope is still hope, at least it can give you the courage to live." The soul merchant said nervously.

"Time is running out. If there is nothing else, I will leave first." Chris stood up. "After I rescue Barret, let him thank you in person."

"Friends should help each other." The soul merchant said with a smile, "Go and do your work, I'm going to sit down and eat another piece of creamy chestnut cake. After helping others, tasting the pastry will always feel extra sweet."

Is this guy a pure good guy? Chris didn't know. He didn't know much about the rare profession of soul merchant, only that this group of people was always mysterious and seemed to be doing things to help others.

Forget it, now is not the time to think about these things. He turned and left the shop, ready to find another mage partner of his own to find out the whole thing.


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