Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 431: Because of love

According to some unsigned historical records written by some unknown person, the ancient 'Bato' is not divided into nine layers as it is now, but is a complete whole like many ordinary planes.

Then, the 'original agreement' was signed for the first time. According to the content of the agreement, the Lord of the Nine Prisons came to this plane that also has many indigenous creatures. His huge body smashed down here with unparalleled strength, and fell down, tearing the entire 'Bato' plane into nine layers from top to bottom, becoming what it looks like now.

The authenticity of this record cannot be verified, but it also shows from the side that there are aboriginal people on the plane of 'Bato' itself. As for those aboriginal people? This question is very simple, most of the aborigines are the original kind of purgatory creatures, because the original 'Bator' plane has not yet carried the word 'hell', but it also belongs to the lower plane.

Purgatory creatures basically live in the lower planes, and the types are quite rich. Many of these types of purgatory creatures can be found in the main material world with similar species templates.

As far as mice are concerned, purgatory mice and ordinary mice in the main material world are basically the same in size and habits, but slightly different in appearance. The skin of the purgatory rat is dark red, the teeth and claws are relatively sharp, and there are some rough manes on the back of the spine.

Many scholars have had a great deal of disagreement on whether the purgatory rat should be counted as a branch of the rat, or as a completely separate species.

Scholars who agree with the 'rat branch' believe that not only purgatory rats, but similar creatures in other planes (for example, rat-shaped shadow creatures in the shadow plane), and creatures of the magical beast type such as moon rat, should be counted as the same Different forms of the species - rats in purgatory form, rats in shadow form, etc.

Scholars who support "independent species" believe that although these creatures have many similarities, they should be regarded as creatures independently derived from various planes of the multiverse, and there is no connection between them.

Because in all the records from ancient times to the present, there is no evidence that there has been a large-scale exchange of species between planes. So how did these so-called 'different forms' come about in the first place? Could someone bring creatures from the Material Plane to other planes, and then spend a lot of effort cultivating them one by one?

These scholars do not think this is possible. If it is one or two types of creatures, it is reasonable, but such a large-scale species of creatures is not something that can be achieved by any means.

However, the two sides have at least reached an agreement on one issue, that is, there are too many unexplainable mysteries in the multiverse, and it seems that there is an invisible hand behind the scenes that silently promotes the process of the entire universe.

In Mantiri Prison in the City of Dis, a purgatory rat cautiously crawled forward along the wall. Sometimes it was lying in a sunken crevice somewhere in the wall, avoiding some patrolling barb demon jailers; sometimes it climbed upwards, avoiding the sight of a steel demon guard standing on guard, and got into the broken skull embedded in the wall.

The purgatory rat quickly shuttled through the short passage formed by the cracked skull. After the passage was dead, it crawled out of the eye socket of another large skull, and continued to move forward following the traces of the smell.

Not far in front of it, an acupuncture demon struggled to push a cart that contained two dirty buckets, and parked the cart outside a spiked iron door.

The devil reached out and dragged a long string of rusted keys from his waist. After rummaging for a long time, he used one of the keys to open the door in front of him.

The acupuncture demon pushed the heavy cart into the door, and the purgatory rat quietly followed.

The vat on the cart is the target of the purgatory rat, and it contains the food it yearns for. As long as the acupuncture demon is not paying attention, the purgatory rat can steal a large piece of food from the barrel. Our nameless purgatory rat is an expert at it, and has done it many times without ever missing a beat.

While the purgatory rat was distributing food to other creatures in the room, the purgatory rat quickly climbed onto the bucket, ready to grab a piece of food and leave as soon as possible. But just after it climbed to the edge of the barrel and looked around at random, it found a figure that attracted it countless times more than food.

The figure was hiding in the rib of a corpse in the opposite room. It was about the same size as a purgatory rat, but it had a more graceful figure. It was the type that our purgatory rat liked. And the other party also faintly revealed some kind of food-like temptation, which made the purgatory mouse instinctively feel some inexplicable danger.

Danger, excitement, temptation, and various perceptions are mixed together, causing the thick bristles on the spine of the purgatory mouse to stand up instantly. It only hesitated for an extreme amount of time, and in the end, desire prevailed, and the purgatory rat 'stabbed' climbed down from the iron barrel, approached quietly from the bottom of the car, and climbed to the empty room next door to hide temporarily.

After the acupuncture demon in the cart left, the purgatory rat began to circle around the next room along the base of the wall. It had just reached the fence, and it was convenient to discover its existence. The 'figure' jumped out of the corpse's ribs, and stared at it with those charming eyes, which were full of endless longing.

That charming little stunner wants me too! The clever purgatory rat instantly understood the meaning in the eyes of the other party, and it couldn't help but feel a little complacent, and made the mane on the spine thicker with a show of strength.

The other party was constantly signaling the purgatory rat to approach. It cautiously looked at the huge creature in the same room as the stunner. UU reading found that the big man was eating. Ignore it.

Fight for 'happiness'! The purgatory rat quickly got in through the gap in the fence, and the beautiful little stunner in front of him also opened his arms and waited for it.

"Is that food delicious?" The little ghost squatted on the ground, looking curiously at the meat ball that was transformed back into a gelatinous form.

"Good time! Good time!" Meatball replied vaguely while squirming. That guy had just swallowed a purgatory rat that had inadvertently entered, and it was digesting it at this time, or it could also be called 'fusion'.

The weird squirming of the flesh golem while eating made Barrett feel a little nauseated. He turned his back to the meat ball, and continued to nibble on the unidentified pieces of meat that were half raw and half charred in his hand, "Since you have already eaten it, then I will not keep it for you."

"Oh, okay, let's mess with it." Meatball said slightly frustrated.

"I'm doing this for your own good. If you eat too much, you'll get fat. Once you get fat, you won't be able to hide it. Maybe you'll be recaptured by those devils." Barrett advised, "So, you'd better keep going. Stay small."

He had just finished speaking, and before the meatball could answer, the door of the compartment was opened again, and the needle-piercing demon Seg and the barb-magic Mitanu walked in together.

Barrett turned his head and glanced behind him, and found that the little ghost and the meat ball were no longer there. Fortunately, the two little guys are quite clever and know when to hide. However, the two devil partners actually knew that the little ghost existed, but they didn't say much.

The devil partner walked to Barrett in two steps. "Your opponent in the next match is determined." The Needle Demon said, "His name is 'Victu', and he is a guy in the gladiator camp."

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