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Chapter 442: Gladiator Eve (Part 2)

In Mantiri Prison, the acupuncture demon 'Selder' pushed a creaking cart as before, delivering food to those inmates in the prison who needed to eat. He walked to the cubicle with the 101 sign, opened the door with the rusted key, and pushed the cart inside.

After distributing food to the two prisoners in the compartment, Selder did not leave as usual, but stopped outside one of the prisoners' cages.

That prisoner, named 'Barritt', was also a very skilled gladiator. Selder heard that he could gain precious freedom just by winning one more gladiatorial fight. But this last game will undoubtedly be quite difficult, and those devil chefs who know about this are not optimistic about this guy, because there are rumors that his opponent is an ancient white dragon called 'Death Frost'.

"Hey, human, I heard that you are about to leave this **** prison?" Selder squatted on the ground and asked in extremely standard common language.

The other party stopped chewing on the ribs and glanced at him curiously, "Yes, you are right, but only if I win the last gladiatorial fight first."

"Then..." Zelder stretched his voice, "If you really won and returned to the main material plane, what would you want to do?" Something suddenly popped up in the Needle Demon's mind. Bad taste, "Do you want to end this precarious adventure and choose to go back to your hometown to get married?"

"Marriage? If I heard correctly, you mean, get married?" The other party repeated it in purgatory, "No, I didn't plan to do that. Why are you asking this?"

"Just curious." Selder took out a piece of roasted tail from the bucket and stuffed it along the gap of the cage to the other party, "Or before you play, do you want to ask me to keep it for a while? , take it after you win the game? Like, that weird purgatory rat you kept."

"I really didn't think about that." The other party took another bite of the food in his hand and left the remaining bones on the ground. "If I am free, can I go back to this cage to get some things?"

"Definitely not!" Selder shook his head. "Mantili never accommodates free people. Once you're free, you can't take a step here. Unless, you're going to..."

"There's nothing to 'unless'." The other party interrupted him, "I won't come back if I don't come back, I'll just think of other ways."

"By the way, have your two devil partners told you that if you draw in a gladiatorial fight, you can still qualify... No, I mean you can be free." Selder continued to ask reluctantly. road,

"A draw? Hehe, I've never heard of a draw in your arena." The other party took a bowl and took a sip of the pale white soup, "Wait, I can't say that, if we die together, it's a draw. If so, I have personally experienced one. It is the one between the fire giant warrior and the slaughtering demon, have you heard of it?"

Selder, of course, had heard of the great gladiatorial fight, but that was not his purpose. After discovering that the other party did not say those words as he wished, the Needle-Thorn Demon put aside his mischievous thoughts and asked the prisoner in the cage again, "I ask you, the main material world, is it beautiful?" He asked. There was a clear longing in his voice.

"Beauty?" The other party was stunned for more than ten seconds, and then nodded slowly, "It's okay. I haven't been to other planes, so I can't evaluate it, but I can guarantee that the main material world is at least better than the main material world. Bato’s Nine Prisons are countless times better. Of course, this is just our human opinion, maybe you devils don’t think so, maybe you like the environment full of smoke and lava.”

"It's quite reasonable for you to say that. Do swimming fish in the deep sea really think that the sky is more beautiful than the sea? I don't think so." Selder said, "However, my swimming fish really wants to go. Soaring in the sky."

After listening to the other party, the expression on his face was like that of a fish that has left the water. "To be honest, I don't quite understand it. What kind of swimming fish? You mean there is fish in this soup?" He pointed to his hand. soup bowl.

Alas, stupid human, "My consciousness says, I want to go to your main material world to see." Selder had to express his thoughts clearly.

"Why?" The other party became alert for a moment, "Are you planning some conspiracy? Or do you want to get more souls?"

"There is no conspiracy, and I don't want to get any souls." Selder said solemnly, "I am not interested in the things you said at all, I just simply want to go to the main material plane. Although I already live here It's been a long time, but I still feel that Bato's Nine Prisons is not suitable for me, and I have no sense of belonging here."

The other party looked at him fixedly, and the expression on his face was full of doubt, "Sorry, I don't believe what you said."

"It's not your fault, who called me an evil, cunning devil." Selder sighed, "However, have you ever heard of some kind-hearted individuals among some evil races? "

"A kind individual?" The other party smiled contemptuously, "I've never heard of a kind person among the devils. To be honest, I don't believe it."

"Apart from the devil?" Zelder asked in a different way. "For example, the drow. You've heard of a certain drow with a good nature, disgusted with the intrigue and evil nature of his own race, The story of how difficult it is to get to the surface?" Before waiting for the prisoner named Barrett to answer, the Acupuncture Demon simply told the legendary story to him.

After listening to the prisoner, he pondered for a while, "I believe that the story you told is true, because I have met a similar drow. She..., although I don't know if it can be called kind, it is certain that Never evil." When the other party said this, the expression on his face was a little strange, as if he was recalling something beautiful, but there was still a little fear in it.

"That's it!" Selder happily slammed down the spiked fence with his claws, "If there are such individuals among the drows, can't there be such individuals among the devils? In this multiverse, All kinds of creatures can exist. Since there are fallen angels who yearn for darkness, corresponding to them, there will definitely be those who pursue the light, um... The devil of progress? Don't worry about the name, UU reading You know what that means." The needle stick pointed at himself with his claws.

"You?" The other party raised his voice involuntarily, "You mean, you are such an individual?"

"Yes." Selder nodded solemnly, "I once said that I hope that one day when I need you, you can help me in turn. I hope you can remember your commitment."

"You also want to leave the city of Diss?"

"No, I'm different from you, I can leave this city at any time, anytime!" said the devil, "but, I don't have the ability to enter your main material world. Even if I am a low-level acupuncture demon, The space barrier's rejection of me is relatively weak, but without the help of the summoning circle, this is still a completely impossible thing. Although the main material world will have new summoning contracts from time to time, those little devils have already There's no way it's my turn when I'm waiting in line."

Selder leaned back and supported his body with his two claws, "What's more, if I really enter your world rashly, I might be killed in minutes, and then I have to go back to **** again. Rebirth, and then everything becomes meaningless."

"Although you did help me, let me help a devil enter the main material world..." The other party kept shaking his head, "You need to give me a reason enough to believe in you."

"Ten thousand steps back, how big a storm can an acupuncture demon that delivers meals cause waves in the main material world? And I'm not good at fighting, so ordinary adventurers can easily knock me down."

"It's not enough."

"Okay, I can give you my real name." Selder gritted his teeth and said, "Now you should be satisfied."

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