Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 450: Barrett's 1 Day (Part 2)

[Death Knight's Cold (Enhanced): Transformation Skills. The duration is "permanent", and the cooling time is "2 hours" (the original effect is 1 day), based on the time of the main material plane.

The frost power of the death knight is nourished by the blood of the ancient white dragon, and the two are intertwined, making the skill even more powerful. When you use this skill, you will transform into a death knight with undead attributes, and using this skill again will cancel the effect of the skill. 】

Among those additional skills, the ones that have changed are (the original values ​​in parentheses):

[Body of Frost: Your body will be haunted by the frost breath of the death knight, increasing physical resistance by 50% (30%), magic resistance by 30 (20%), and frost immunity. Each of your attacks will inflict additional Frost damage at 100% (50%) of the attack. When your opponent receives frost damage for the first time, the strength, constitution, and agility will be temporarily reduced by 1 point (previously only constitution); for every ten times the enemy receives frost damage, the above three attributes will be reduced by an additional 1 point (the same before physique only). Ineffective against those immune to frost damage]

[Advanced Death Knight: You can learn all the basic skills of Death Knight and Frost faction, such as Rune Weapon Making, Frozen Land, Frost Impact, etc. Frost faction skills will be easier to master, and the effect will be increased by an additional 20% (the last one was not available before). 】

Moreover, after the gladiatorial fight with the Taikoo White Dragon, during the time when Barrett had not returned to his human form (the skill was still cooling down), he tried to control the frost and cold fog like the white dragon, and he did have some breakthroughs.

Now Barret can use the power of frost in his body without the help of rune weapons after transforming into a death knight. He can make the frost continuously gather in his hands, and finally condense into a crystal-covered ice spear. The hardness of the ice spear is similar to that of steel, which is much harder than ordinary ice, and it also has a good freezing effect after hitting the enemy.

However, it currently takes 3 or 4 seconds for the entire ice spear to condense and form. It is not suitable for some fierce battles. It can be used in positional warfare, pursuit, or when it is consumed by distance.

As for the other additional skills of the Death Knight form, such as 'Unstable Undead Body', 'Domination of Undead', 'Soul Absorption', etc., there were no obvious changes.

'Death Knight's Cold' can be regarded as Barrett's strongest skill at present. The reason why he was able to resist the multiple attacks of the Taikoo White Dragon and the shocking 'Frozen World' that day was mainly because of his physical strength. this skill. Of course, the 'crisis instinct' also played a big role at the time.


After sorting out the equipment and skills he had harvested, Barrett closed his eyes, leaned his head against the wall, stretched out his left hand and rubbed his eyebrows. This kind of behavior of using mental power to spy inside the space ring for a long time made him feel quite tired.

After a while, Barrett opened his eyes and looked out the window sideways. The weather is really good today, the blue sky is elegant and clean, and a few clouds float leisurely like a boat.

It was noon now, and the sunlight between the treetops was getting brighter. Barrett got up and got out of bed, put the 'meat ball' in his hand on his shoulder, and walked out of the house again.

The lobby on the first floor of the hotel was quite crowded at this time, and all kinds of customers filled the dining tables, not even half a vacant seat was left. Hotel owner Leslie used to tell his adventures at lunch, and now this new one seems to have just begun.

"There have been many strange things in our multiverse, and adventurers should be the group that encounters the most such things. Has anyone who is doing this ever encountered it?" the hotel owner asked.

"What kind of thing is weird?" asked a guest sitting in the corner.

"When you wake up and find yourself tied with your hands and feet, there is an unidentified 'woman' next to you repeatedly touching your genitals, this kind of thing is weird." The red beard who often appears in the hotel the dwarf said aloud.

The dwarf's answer caused a lot of laughter, and whistles and cheers sounded one after another in the hall.

"You're right, Peter Ironbeard, that thing is really weird." The innkeeper admitted with a smile. "Is there anything else anyone else wants to say? It seems that you don't like sharing your experiences as much as I do, so let's continue the story."

"This story happened... Let me think about it, about fifty years ago, I can't remember the exact year. At that time, I had just become an adventurer, and I didn't know much about anything. Young man." Leslie lit his pipe habitually, "I joined an adventurer team called 'Bee Sting Cactus', and the captain is 'Phil Pike', who is a fairly reliable man."

Barrett had planned to leave the hotel and wander around the city to find a place to solve his lunch problem. But the somewhat familiar name of 'Phil Pike' stopped him. The barbarian stood on the wall beside the door, listening as carefully as everyone else.

"Captain Phil got an extremely ancient treasure map from somewhere, so he took more than a dozen adventurers, including me, to search for the unknown treasure along the guide of the treasure map." Leslie briefly described the treasure hunt process, during which there were fierce and brutal battles, disturbing puzzles, and some internal entanglements that were withdrawn midway because of the unknown contents of the treasure.

"After more than two months, we finally found the final location marked by the treasure map in the territory of the alpine kingdom 'Perello'." The innkeeper's tone became a little low, "The entrance to the location is a A very unremarkable cave hidden in the jungle, the appearance of the cave looks quite ordinary, if there is no hint of a treasure map, you would think that this is the lair of some violent bear."

"When we entered the cave, there were only six people left in the team, and three of them were newcomers who had just been adventurers for less than a year. I was one of them." Leslie pointed to himself. "We were very worried at the time whether we could get the ultimate treasure with such a small number of people, because according to common sense, precious treasures usually have some powerful monsters, or strange monsters, or golems, puppets and other guardians. ."

"But the eyeliner has reached this last step, and there is absolutely no reason to give up leaving. After preparing outside the cave, Captain Phil took the lead, leading us to form a battle formation and carefully move towards the cave." Leslie took another puff of his pipe. "Fortunately, there was no fighting along the way. The cave was unusually quiet, not even a single snake or lizard."

"At the end of the cave is a ruin full of broken walls. There are many strange statues that look like devils collapsed. There are also some incomprehensible pictures on the walls. There is no real archaeology in our team. Experts exist, and everyone can only rely on the experience and superficial knowledge accumulated in daily adventures. Judging that this place should have existed for thousands of years, anyway, it cannot be created after the establishment of the Magic Empire. "

"After confirming that there are no guards, we searched the ruins many but we couldn't find even the slightest trace of treasure. We only found a magic circle that was completely abandoned in the depths. The hotel owner exhaled a breath of white smoke. "There are four bronze columns around the circle, and on each column is a metal chain about the thickness of a forearm. One end of these chains is hung on the bronze column, and the other end points to the circle. In the center of the building, it was scattered in various twists and turns, as if it had locked something in the past."

"There are no gold coins, no gems, or anything that looks more valuable. Everyone in the team is quite disappointed. Captain Phil reluctantly flipped through the treasure map countless times, and finally the location of frustration is here. The ruins. We lingered around the ruins for two more days, and finally had to leave empty-handed and fruitless."

"Just when we returned to the city and wanted to take on some tasks within our ability to fill our stomachs, a rather strange thing happened around us." The hotel owner's voice became low and empty, "That day, Captain Phil suddenly called us together. His expression was extremely strange, as if something unbelievable happened. When some team members asked if they were going to discuss the mission, Captain Phil slowly shook his head. shook his head."

"Then he glanced at each of us with bloodshot eyes, and asked us in a very low voice, did you see a pure black cat following him? The surrounding team members shook their heads. , Some team members also laughed and joked that it was because the captain had not rested well and had hallucinations. However, at that moment, I clearly saw a black cat with green eyes, lying on Captain Phil's side. head on."


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