Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 468: Uninvited guest (below)

In ancient times, the curse of beastization, which was once regarded as an enemy by many civilized species, is no longer a disaster. On the shelves of many grocery stores, there is a pale green foaming potion called 'Breath of Restoration', which can easily remove the effect of the curse, and the price is also very moderate.

However, you need to take the potion in time within a certain period of time when you are infected by the curse, otherwise the curse of beastization will completely change your racial attributes, and taking more potions afterwards will not help. Moreover, the natural lycanthrope (born naturally) cannot be restored with medicine, it already belongs to a whole new species.

But in fact, many people do not want to lift the curse, they even actively seek the curse, and then accept it wholeheartedly, and through the accumulation of experience, finally master the ability to deform at will between human form, beast form, and half-human form , make yourself stronger.

As for the animalized man walking slowly from a distance in front of him, Barritt didn't know what kind he should belong to.

The bear-man standing upright was nearly three meters tall and wore tan animal skins of the same color as his body. The clothes are of rough workmanship, and very worn, and worn out in many places. He also has an iron axe that looks like a lumberjack's axe on his waist, but it is much larger than an ordinary lumberjack axe.

The fur on the Bearman's jaw was tied into a long, thin braid, like a dwarf's beard. The braid hangs down to the chest with white crescent stripes, and at the end is a hollow dark green pebble.

"Good day, travelers." The bear man said the slightly jerky common language in a low, rich tone, "I'm 'Grove Bluntclaw', a wanderer on the vast sea grassland."

Barrett heard the sound and looked at the other's claws. The human-shaped bear claws had curved and sharp nails. The nails didn't look dull at all, and it seemed that even the steel armor could be broken with a single claw.

This surname is a bit unreal, Manzi thought to himself.

"Hello, Mr. Grove." Merchant Ariel tidied up his messy hair and took another step forward with a smile, "Is there anything you want to ask us? Or, it's just a clever trick A chance encounter? Like picking up a gold coin in the grass?"

"It's not easy to find gold coins on the vast sea grassland." Bear Grove's eyes swept over the crowd, "unless you follow the traces of its rolling all the way, then you will find a tree in a certain tree. Find it in the shade."

"It seems that we are the gold coin in your mouth, and you have been following us?" The businessman took a half step back in an inconspicuous manner.

"My stalking is not out of malice, nor is it against you for some reason, and I don't want to get anything from you." Grove seemed to notice the businessman's actions, "In fact, if it weren't for the big bird in the sky I won't even come out to meet you. However, since that vigilant bird has already spotted me." The bear-man looked up at the sky, "then I think I should come out and explain to avoid any confusion. A necessary misunderstanding."

"Very well, tell me what are you doing this for? Surveillance?" The little mage asked suddenly.

"Well... I prefer to call it 'protection', Your Honorable Mage." Grove bowed slightly. "Protect you, and protect the vast sea grassland."

It seems that all outsiders who enter the grasslands are inevitably subject to the surveillance of these wilderness races. Barrett thought of the halfling Master Druid Card in Sweet Cane Village. The guy didn't know how to use it, and he knew the arrival of their group from a distance.

"Actually, we don't need your protection." The little mage spread his hands, "If you really fight, you may not be able to beat the companion next to me." Kris pointed to Barrett, " As for the Vast Sea Grassland, please rest assured, she is so beautiful, how could we have the heart to hurt her? Well, eating a few rabbits shouldn't count."

Rabbits are good, they are cute, delicious, and they can reproduce very quickly. They can eat them without worrying about the danger of extinction. There are always these little guys in the recipes of wilderness adventures. Barrett swallowed subconsciously, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't eaten breakfast yet.

The bearman didn't care about the rabbit, but looked down at his claws. "Fighting is the most helpless means of protection. It sometimes causes more damage than the original ending." Grove said, "I only have It should only be used in the most compelling circumstances.”

Unexpectedly, this tall and ferocious man on the outside is still a person who yearns for peace in his heart.

"For example, when dealing with blight monsters?" asked the little mage.

The bear man nodded, "It seems that you already know about the disaster that has spread on the Vast Sea Grassland."

"When we passed by the Sweet Cane Village before, the master Carder there told us about this." The merchant said, "but our group is not too worried about the danger of the blight monster. Because there is Kris here. Your Excellency Mage." He gestured towards the little Mage, "and you can see that the other people are also very skilled in martial arts and have a wealth of adventure experience. So..., can you understand what I mean? Mr. Grove ?"

"I understand, then let's leave." The bear man turned around neatly and walked in the direction he came from, as if he planned to leave just like that.

"You will still follow and monitor us from a distance, right?" the little mage shouted at the bear man.

"It's 'protection'!" said the bear man, turning around.

Not to protect us, but to protect the grasslands. Barrett understood the implications. Although the group of them can prove that they do not need protection, they cannot prove that they will not harm this grassland.

"These wilderness tribes are very wary of humans." The barbarian heard the guide Gene say to the red crab beside him in a small voice.

"If this is the case, then instead of monitoring from a distance... I mean protection, you might as well just follow us directly." The little mage said, "If you don't mind."

In this way, Barrit's group has another simple, honest and stubborn lycanthrope bear, Groff Bluntpaw.


When Grove transformed into a real giant bear, his running speed was not much slower than that of a normal horse, and his endurance was even higher, which was really impressive, which made Barrett think of himself. The nation's Knights of War Bears.

Nord has many rugged mountains and bumpy hills. The cavalry, mainly horses, has little effect here. Therefore, there are very few cavalry in the Nord Kingdom. There are only one ground dragon knight and one war bear knight. group. Moreover, these two mounts are more troublesome to raise, so the scale of the Knights is not large.

Both of these ferocious mounts Barrett had ridden as a child, so when he saw Grove Bluntpaw running with the crowd not far away, he couldn't help but have the urge to jump on it.

The next journey was quite smooth. They never encountered the blight monsters that were said to have spread everywhere, and no other wild tribes came to trouble them. They only encountered three goblins with a small group of goblins. Gnoll Bandit.

But these robbers did not attack them, but fled far away.

"Because the area of ​​the vast sea grassland is very large, and the dense grass is very good at escaping and hiding, there are many robbers and robbers here." During the rest, the guide Jin introduced to everyone, "There are not only gnolls and goblins here. , snake people and other annoying races, and many wanderers who have been expelled from the group, of course, I don't mean you, Mr. Grove." Gene glanced at the bear man next to him, "and many A fugitive in our human nation."

"There are indeed a lot of human fugitives," added Grove, who never changed his human form, "but there are more human riders. The fugitives occasionally attack pedestrians, but they are not a threat to the gathering places of the tribe, but This is not the case with the fully-armed human riders. They not only hunt lone elves, centaurs, etc., but sometimes directly attack some weakly defended gathering kill the weak and burn their winter food ."

"That was before, not now!" Gene retorted. "Since the death of Condra IV and the succession of To'o VI, such things have been completely eliminated. I mean, things like attacking the gathering place. ." The voice behind him gradually became smaller, and it seemed that the hunt for a single individual was still being done.

Such a topic was really embarrassing, so the businessman changed the topic and asked, "I suddenly thought of a question!" He clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, "There are bearmen, werewolves, and tigers among the beastmen. Humans, rat people, etc., they were originally transformed from infected humans, and now some of them have become new races through reproduction. Then you say, tauren and gnoll races, will they initially be Humans too?"

"If the gnoll bites you, it won't make you a new gnoll." The red crab shook his head and denied it.

"What if the curse on them has completely lost the ability to infect them after an extremely long period of time?" the businessman asked again.


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