Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 475: my hero (below)

The bonfire outside the cage never goes out, and the big iron pot on the bonfire is always cooking something. The pot exudes a smell of boiled spoiled food, which smells a little rancid, but it can still arouse the appetite of hungry people.

The disabled goblin 'Hugo Wheat Cake' seems to be the leader of this robber's den. It sometimes whispers to the gnolls around it, and sometimes sits by the bonfire and chats with 'Ivita'. Of course, more often the goblins are talking, and the centaurs are listening.

Occasionally, some small goblins, either holding firewood or holding clay pots, walked in nervously from the side passage. They carefully added the dead wood to the flickering bonfire, then stepped on the ladder to pour the water into the iron pot, and then ran away as quickly as possible, as if it was a terrifying hell.

Our centaur girl once saw with her own eyes that the little goblin who had added firewood was only late, and glanced at the pot curiously, and was immediately beaten down by the 'Hugo · Wheat Cake' who was sitting beside him. land.

The brutal Hugo stomped on the heads of his own kind with his wooden legs, and he kept cursing some content that Ivita couldn't understand in goblin language. The little goblin was beaten to a **** mess, almost silent, and then Hugo grabbed it by the neck and pulled it from the ground, licked the blood on the little goblin's face, and threw it into the iron pot.

Iveta was terrified by the tragic screams that erupted when her life died. In her eyes, the disabled creature outside the cage was not a goblin at all, but a devil that was even more terrifying than a 'wither monster'.

She hadn't seen a real devil, but that was all she could think of.

"Do you know what my former owner usually feeds me?" Hugo McBee asked with a smile after seeing the girl's expression.

Ivita was silent and forced herself to cheer up. Although she was tortured both physically and mentally, she didn't dare to close her eyes at all.

"It's my corpses of the same kind." Hugo asked himself nonchalantly, and reached out to dig out the hole in his ear without a pinna. "If those corpses could be boiled, or roasted, that would be acceptable, but most of the time they're raw, and they're so messed up that it's impossible to tell where and when. Sometimes you're lucky enough to be able to. Come across some of the more complete ones, so that when you eat, you can also appreciate the expressions on the faces of the same kind when they die."

"The expressions are all stupid without exception, and their lives themselves are meaningless. I don't know why they are born, and they don't know why they die, not even a rye plant." Hugo Wheat Cake blew his fingers. He turned his head to take out another ear piercing, "I once secretly hid a gnawed skull of the same kind and named her 'Jessie'. I'll talk to you when I'm fine. She chatted so that she wouldn't go crazy because she had a mind. Yes, once you have a mind, it's not as comfortable as you used to be when you were ignorant."

"The name Jesse doesn't really mean anything, except one time when I was fighting, I overheard a lot of people shouting that name outside. 'Jesse, Jesse!' One of the women's voices was clearer. , the voice cried, 'My child, where are you, Jesse, answer me!'"

"Her child is lost?" Ivita asked aloud, but then she scolded herself for not speaking up.

"Who knows." The goblin walked outside the fence and sat on the ground again, "I had no time for him, and was busy biting the opponent's throat, and the guy's claws were desperately deep into my eyes. It seems to want to insert it directly into my brain." It pointed to its blind eye, "What's more, how can a goblin have the time to care about human children? He even I don't know if I can survive tomorrow."

Will I survive tomorrow? Ivita was secretly hurt, so what if she survived? The fate after that may be even more tragic. Will anyone come and save me? The centaur girl longed for a miraculous mage in her heart, but she knew that this was simply impossible.

"My old master liked to chat like this," the goblin Hugo continued. "He would often sit outside the cage and talk to me inside the cage. That guy would tell me everything and talk to me sometimes. I started with an aunt I peeped at when I was a child, and was later discovered by that aunt...; sometimes I would excitedly talk about how many gold coins I won in this game, and order me to be more ruthless. Some; occasionally he also talks about the inheritance of noble titles, it seems that the guy is not the eldest son of the family, and he resents it."

"Anyway, he doesn't believe anyone, he's full of doubts about everyone, and he's only willing to tell his heart to me, a dirty goblin." The goblin sighed with emotion, "To be honest, sometimes I miss him quite a bit. .Although the guy beat me when he was angry and never cared about my life or death, I have to say that he really had a deep influence on me. Sometimes I even wondered if the guy would have attached his soul to me after death body?"

"You made me accustomed to the flesh and blood of the same kind, Master." Hugo Wheat Cake looked at his hands in a bit of a disappointment, "I will never forget that smell, whether it's in reality or in a dream." The strange smile, coupled with his own hideous appearance, made our centaur girl feel a chill in her heart.

The creature in front of him was not only a devil, but also a lunatic with abnormal nerves. Ivita doesn't know which is scarier, the devil or the madman, but she knows that the mad devil is definitely better than both?

"Tell me about yourself, little mare." The goblin's expression returned to normal. It leaned back and supported its body with both hands, "Look at the color on the tip of your tail, you should belong to the 'White Mane' clan. I remember that some of your clansmen were imprisoned by me before, but it was only five years. , No, it was six years ago."

"What's her name?" Ivita asked eagerly. It's 'Glinta', it must be her! When Glenta disappeared, everyone thought it was human. Some angry young clansmen even wanted to take their weapons and go to the giant human fortress to ask questions, but they were stopped by the father of the clan chief Ivita.

"She didn't tell me," said Hugo McBee nonchalantly. "That little mare doesn't talk much like you, so I don't know her name. She was locked up next door to you. She refused to eat anything. I was afraid that she would not be able to sell for a good price if she was hungry and thin, so I sent someone to put meat in her mouth. It was all my kind of meat. It was really heartbreaking. "Rain Guo licked his lips.

Will he do the same to me? Ivita suddenly felt the rancid smell emanating from the iron pot getting stronger and stronger, making her feel the urge to vomit.

"Do you want to eat goblin meat?" Hugo McBee pointed to his body, "People say that goblin meat tastes a little sour, but that's just a misunderstanding. Anyway, in my opinion, goblin meat It is more tender than pork, mutton, horse meat, human and horse meat, you will know after you taste it.”

It was talking about centaurs just now? This guy has eaten my clan! Ivita wanted to charge over and smash the fence, and slap her hoof on the brutal goblin's face. But inexplicably, she didn't dare to do it, and she didn't even have the courage to rush over to try it.

"Take a good rest, don't do unnecessary resistance, you may be able to suffer less." Hugo Wheat Cake stood up from the ground again and put the ugly one on the fence, "Maybe in the human world, maybe You will still miss the quiet time here with me. The clan before you, she..."

"What's up with her?"

"Rod..., I mean, a human friend of mine mentioned before that the little mare was later resold to a human noble with some peculiar hobbies. My previous owner was also a noble, and his favorite The thing is to fight goblins, and the noble who bought your clan, he likes... To put it more elegantly, he is exploring the mysteries of life. For example, centaurs, horses, and humans, what can they produce?"

These evil guys don't respect life itself at all, even more hateful than monsters! Ivita thought angrily.

"To be honest, I also really want to know what strange things can goblins and centaurs give birth to, or can't give birth to anything at all?" The goblins looked at the centaur girl's chest repeatedly, causing the latter to wrap her nervous hands around her chest.

"But for me, the gold coins of yellow and orange are more realistic. With gold coins, even if you are just a tiny goblin, you will step on those creatures that are much taller than you, such as humans... …”

Just as Hugo Wheat Cake said this proudly, in the corridor connecting this cave space, there was a sudden burst of loud screams and wailing, accompanied by bursts of violent sounds like explosions. The entire underground space was shaking constantly.

"What's the matter!" The goblin hurriedly ran towards the corridor, but as soon as it entered it, it quickly retreated out. With it, there were two gnolls armed with spears and axes.

There was another shrill scream, and another gnoll flew out directly from the corridor. This guy's body spilled a piece of blood from the air, and he didn't move after he fell to the ground. Immediately after, a gnoll's head and half an arm holding a long sword flew out of the corridor, and a blood-covered gnoll desperately crawled out, but only the upper body came out.

This underground robber's lair should have been attacked! Who did it? my clan? Ivita looked towards the corridor with hope.

However, what came out of it was not the clan the centaur girl hoped to see, nor any other wilderness ethnic group belonging to the Vast Sea Prairie, but a tall human with tattoos on his forehead.

Is it a Wiesnat? As long as it's not those human cavalry. Ivita's hanging heart dropped halfway.

After this human came in, he saw the centaur girl locked in the cage at first sight, "Hey, I found it!" He turned his head and shouted into the corridor, "Fortunately, you came in time, your place is really difficult. I found it." He walked towards the goblin and the gnoll step by step.

"Who are you?" Goblin Hugo McBee asked with a frown.

"Just an ordinary adventurer." The human replied.

"What do you want to do? Huh? Do you think someone will give you money for killing us robbers? Impossible! Let me tell you, your human kingdom prefers our existence, and you will only make a lot of big people dissatisfied!" Goblins said sharply.

"Maybe, but it has nothing to do with me." The human was unmoved, pressing forward with double knives.

"You just want gold, don't you? As long as you can get away from me..."

"No need." The human interrupted the goblin's words, "After you are all killed, everything you have here will naturally belong to me. For adventurers, it is an indescribable way to slowly scavenge loot from corpses. enjoyment.”

"Hmph, there will be time for you to enjoy later. I will cut off all your limbs, and then let my fellows do your **** (harmonious) eyes!" Hugo McBee said gloomily, and added: He pulled out a pair of sharp steel claws from behind.

"It's a pity that they don't have this chance." Humans accelerated sharply and charged towards the goblins and gnolls.

He sideways dodged the spear pierced by the first gnoll, and the machete in his left hand stabbed directly into the opponent's heart. The second gnoll raised his axe high in panic and slashed at the human, but his arm was cut off by his right hand machete. Immediately after the exchange of swords, another gnoll's head flew into the air.

Ivita found that the Visnat was so powerful that even his father was probably not his opponent. This guy's attack timing is very good, and his attack speed is as fast as lightning. If you fight against him, you will die on the spot if you are not careful.

"Go to hell!" Hugo Wheat Cake with steel claws seized the opportunity to stab the human being's abdomen, but was blocked by the opponent's backhand with a long knife.

The steel claw and the machete fought fast and fought in the air more than a dozen times in a row. Although the two sides did not win or lose during this period, the steel claw gradually became unsupported. The disabled wooden leg made the goblin's movement slowly unable to keep up. human action.

Seeing that Hugo Wheat Cake was about to die on the spot, this guy suddenly gave up blocking and grabbed the big iron pot holder with one claw. The huge iron cauldron collapsed, and the scalding boiling water poured down like a waterfall, accompanied by the heads and bones of many creatures, humans, goblins, centaurs, goats, and so on.

At this critical juncture, the Visnat jumped back several steps with agile hands, avoiding the attack of the boiling soup, while the goblin Hugo Wheat Cake was poured right on the head. It screamed and fell to the ground, seemingly unable to survive.

The human glanced at the familiar goblin buried in many bones, then turned around and walked to the wooden fence, and chopped off the fence with a few knives. "Hello, my name is Barrett, I'm here to save you."

He came to save me...he came to save me! I can go home! There were tears in Ivita's eyes, and she rushed towards the opponent.

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