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Chapter 485: Crown of Glory (Part 1)

The 'Tree Shepherd' left, and the entire cave was left with 'Loren Hill' himself. In fact, this statement is not accurate, because there are many of her children around in the corridor, faithfully carrying out her orders, and offering nourishment to her.

Although Roland Hill's root system is extremely deep, the deepest point is hundreds of meters from the ground of the cave, and it spreads horizontally for several kilometers, but this still cannot satisfy her appetite.

Because she needs to keep growing, but also to give birth to fruit, and to give birth to more children. The nutrients taken from the earth can only play a basic maintenance role. Roland Hill needs blood, a lot of blood.

The 'tree shepherd' who sowed Roland Hill by herself once said that she was not an ordinary 'Gantias mother tree', but was bred from the seeds of the world tree, so she could have a unique talent and a precious mind, not a muddled tool of killing.

In the mouth of the tree keepers, having a mind seems to be a good thing, but Roland Hill did not feel it. Because her mind has made her experience an emotion called 'loneliness', although she has many children, this uncomfortable emotion still haunts her frequently.

So Roland Hill always looks forward to the arrival of the Tree Shepherd, because he will tell her many, many things, some things seem to have happened recently, and some things are quite far away.

"'Gantias' is actually the name of a vampire." That was the tree shepherd telling her about the origin of his species, "A long, long time ago, elves were the protagonists of this world. They rely on their own species superiority. , established several extremely powerful kingdoms. Although this arrogant species always looks down on other creatures, it does not have much ambition itself, and just tries its best to repair the world that has been devastated by goblin civilization. "

"At that time, an Arch Druid was suddenly very interested in the Ant-Man's hive mind and collective consciousness. He believed that this was an extremely efficient and orderly way of working, which could greatly speed up the process of understanding the main material world. The speed of repair, I began to study it with great concentration, hoping to cultivate a new tree species that is more useful than the 'tree of war' and the tree of guardianship."

"This knowledgeable Arch Druid has finally succeeded in making the tree species produce fruits that resemble tree spirits and can produce Special plants for activities. It has to be said that Druids are much higher than other occupations in their understanding of life.”

"Unfortunately, the cycle of this kind of gestation is quite slow, and even the growth rate of the elves can't match. If you judge by the original purpose, this tree species is undoubtedly a failure. There are many reasons for this situation, But the biggest reason is nutrients.”

"Although the nutrients provided by the earth are unlimited, plants do not have an advantage in the absorption rate. If you want to breed more and more active plants, the soil alone is obviously not enough. If you want to improve this It is not only necessary to improve the absorption rate of soil nutrients by tree species, but also to find another kind of nutrients that is more efficient and can provide more energy."

"In fact, nature itself has already given the answer to this. Aside from those trees of war that require a long period of sleep and savings to conduct short-term activities, most of the plants in nature that can move, such as killer vines, magic palaces Roses, etc., they absorb the same kind of nutrients every day, that is 'blood'."

"Now we have no way of knowing what kind of thinking process and mentality change the great Druid went through during the research process of the new tree species, because the information about him has almost disappeared, and he didn't even leave his name. , I can only get a brief understanding of him and his research from a few words from other literature."

"In short, the method used by this great druid to solve the problem is to bury the new tree species in a vampire named 'Gantias', and this vampire will provide the new tree species with its own essence, to transform it.”

"The tree seed broke out of the vampire's body, grew slowly from a small sapling, and became a towering giant tree. In the end, the vampire Gantias was sucked into a mummified corpse by the tree seed, but he was an undead. He did not sleep because of it, he was tortured all the time, and gradually merged with the giant tree. This is the origin of the name of the new species 'Gantias Mother Tree'."

Is my birth process like this? Although Roland Hill had some doubts about this in his heart, he never asked. She is not good at inquiring and is only used to listening.

A tree root on the ground slowly rose, dragging her temporary clone into the air. Roland Hill saw the returning children put their palms on her root system, and the two merged with each other. The gurgling blood continued to flow in along the root system, gathering and storing in the round nodules.

The 'tree shepherd' needs me to breed more! Roland Hill thought of this, and the dense branches at the top of the cave began to bear a lot of fruit again. These fruits continue to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it will not take long for them to ripen and fall.

At this moment, Roland Hill suddenly felt that a 'big child' of his own disappeared from the link of the mother's nest. Although she has many children, except for the 'big child' who can communicate with her, the rest will not care.

The last message from the older child was flames, soaring flames, accompanied by terrifying explosions. The raging fire devoured them all, and none of the children survived.

If you die, you will die. Roland Hill is not too distressed, because her children basically have no mind, and only the older children have certain thinking. The "tree shepherd" once said that a creature without a mind is no different from a stone on the ground.

No one cares about the fate of a stone because it's not worth it.

However, what puzzled Roland Hill was that in the information from the older child, the flames that could explode were shot by a human flying in the air. She had never seen such a human before, which was obviously an accident.

Let's talk to him when the Tree Shepherd comes next time, Roland Hill thought.

As the only 'Gantias Mother Tree' in the world, Loren Hill subconsciously regarded the 'tree shepherd' as his own kind, even the 'master'.

But the Tree Shepherd himself doesn't think so. He said that although he was the planter and breeder of Roland Hill, his identity was not her master, but her 'servant', no different from her children.

He will teach her, guide her, and when she truly grows and grows in the future, he will become her sacrifice and serve her When can she truly grow and grow? Lorraine Hill didn't know either. She is more than a hundred years old, but compared to those ancient trees that are casually tens of thousands of years old, she is still extremely young.

The 'tree shepherd' said it grows much faster than other ancient tree species, and it won't take long, maybe five hundred years, maybe a thousand years, she will be bigger than her mother's world tree that provides seeds huge.

This kind of time is not long for Roland Hill, but she doesn't want to spend all this time in this underground cave.

In fact, the cave in front of her can no longer meet her growth needs. Roland Hill tried to dig her roots deep into the ground, and also stretched the branches up along the top and the surrounding rock gaps, trying to get more Space.

More space, this is the mission of her existence. For myself, and for the race of the Tree Shepherd,

In Elvish, 'Roland Hill' means 'Crown of Glory', and the tree shepherd named her this name in the hope that she could restore her race to the glory of the past.


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