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Chapter 488: Who is he calling?

This quiet and quiet forest in front of you is the 'Los Luo Lin', and it is also the last home of elves in the main material world.

As to why this arrogant race voluntarily retreated from the center of the "stage" and hid in a corner of the mainland, historians always have different opinions.

Some people say that after tens of thousands of years of elven civilization at that time, it has entered the end of the era. Although these handsome creatures with long ears still occupy the most land and resources on the continent, and wear the crown of glory of "Master" on their heads, they have encountered the dual problems of internal disputes and external invasions one after another.

Internal disputes intensified in conflict after conflict, culminating in a thousand-year-old elven civil war. The losing side escaped into the deep underdark, prompting the birth of the race 'Drow Elf'. After that, the elven empire on the surface didn't get the slightest chance to breathe, and then ushered in the catastrophe of the century known as the "planar invasion".

In fact, for the future of the "bad egg" with countless tiny cracks in the main material world, the plane invasion is not a surprising new thing, and it is staged almost every day.

If it doesn't come today, it will knock on your door early tomorrow, and by the way, it will pull a few good friends to rummage through this, look for that, eat a few people, and collect some souls or something. Be happy. Before the Magic Empire, this kind of thing happened quite frequently.

However, among these countless invasions, only the catastrophe that occurred at the end of the Elf Era was directly named after "Planar Invasion" itself.

Because the invasion into the main material world was not a few alien monsters or devils who happened to encounter a crack in space, nor was it some alien who wanted to relocate and live like the mind flayer clan 'Brain Eater' world group, but a whole plane. To be precise, it is almost all creatures on the entire plane.

In the existing public information, the records of the plane invasion are extremely rare, and most of them are just a few brief descriptions of the elf civilization itself when it is introduced. Moreover, these descriptions are more or less with the author's own guesses and obscenities, so it is impossible to distinguish whether it is true or false.

For example, a lesser-known historian described the event as, "Without warning, a large number of spatial rifts suddenly appeared in our world. Some of those rifts were large enough to stretch for several minutes. kilometers, and some are so small that they can only accommodate goblins."

"Countless strange creatures that have never been seen before, swarmed through the cracks and rushed to our world. However, the positions of some cracks were opened in the sky, and most of the creatures that passed through the cracks in the sky fell directly. Down, fell into puddles of horrific flesh. But this did not stop the successors, they seemed crazy, without the slightest hesitation, as if something terrifying was chasing them."

"This is obviously not a group play of plane travelers. Because of the language barrier, war is inevitable. The Elf Empire sent all their troops, 'Jungle Sentinel', 'Ancient Tree Guard', 'Whisper Ranger', 'Arc of the Sky' Archers', 'Unicorn Knights', and the most powerful 'Blade of Inheritors' at the time, it is said that every member of this armed force is a legend."

"This is not a matter of the elves. We humans, dwarves and many other races have also joined the battle, but we can only maintain our defense and cannot drive those strange creatures back from the main material world. The war is so anxious. At the same time, some small cracks in the space are basically repaired, but the largest ones cannot be approached at all. The number of opponents is increasing, the defense line is constantly being impacted, and they are always on the verge of collapse."

"You might say, 'No matter how anxious, no matter how nervous, we must win that war in the end, otherwise the main material world would not be what it is now'. Indeed, we won, there is no doubt about that .But the process of victory was not what later generations imagined."

"The inflection point of the war was very strange. Suddenly, a plague without warning began to spread among those strange creatures. In fact, I am not sure whether it is a terrible plague, or changing magic, or something else. Incomprehensible things, in short, those creatures died in pieces, the corpses piled up in mountains, even the new invaders who just passed through the rift. Even the ones caught by the coalition have been staying in the rear Those prisoners in the cage are also not spared."

"The whole incident ended as suddenly as it happened. Because of the language problem, we know very little about the invaders, but from the few words we just learned, we know that they seem to come from a plane that is about to break up..."

After two consecutive major events, although the elf empire is still stubbornly standing, its strength has dropped significantly. Coupled with the inherent disadvantage of the elves, the low fertility rate and the long maturity period, their population continued to decline sharply, and they eventually had to retreat from the central position of the "stage".

Of course, all of the above are from the records of historians, and we have no way of knowing what the real situation is.


"That's enough!" Barrett tightened the reins of 'Carrot' and looked at the distant forest with curiosity.

In order to show respect and avoid unnecessary conflicts, everyone chose to dismount and walk to the forest at the suggestion of the merchant Agil. Anyway, the destination is already in front of you, and you can reach it in at most one meal.

Barrett touched the carrot's neck and fed him a few of his favorite vegetables, so that the fairly obedient mount along the way returned to the shadow plane to rest.

The guide Jean was not in the team, but went to a Visnat village near the Holy Land of the Spirits. In fact, he has already completed his task and received all the rewards, but he did not choose to go back directly.

Because the current situation in the Vast Sea Grassland is quite chaotic and dangers are everywhere, he is worried that if he is alone on the road, he may encounter an accident on the way, so he chooses to wait in the village of the Visnat and wait for Barrett and the others. After you're done, go to the village along the way to find him.

Although the relationship between Visnat and the Holy Arathor Kingdom is very bad (in fact, it is more about the kingdom's vengeance and frequent small actions), but after all, both sides are human, and the incident has passed for a long time, so even if After discovering Gene's former cavalry status, he wouldn't treat him like that.

The trees in this elf holy land in front of them are not as tall as the firs in the foggy forest from a distance, but the most conspicuous tree in the depths of the forest is much taller than the tallest firs in Barrett's impression. It was a huge oak tree with extremely lush foliage, and its dense canopy reached the sky, showing its greatness to the whole world.

"Is that tree the so-called world tree?" Barrett asked.

"Yes," replied the little mage, "it is called 'Rothsil', which means 'crown of life' in Elvish language. It is said that this tree was created after the famous 'planar invasion' event. It was only planted, and the original World Tree withered after the and thus 'Rothsil' was born."

"Can't there be only one World Tree?" Barbarian asked again.

"This is not very clear." Chris spread his hands, "but in the customs of elves, only after one tree dies, the second tree is planted. These world trees have a very long lifespan. It is said that There have only been seven in the entire history.”

Barrett and the others walked towards the forest while chatting. Not far from them, there was a guy with a strange hood, leading a juvenile werewolf to look at them.

Everyone nodded politely, not paying too much attention to this. But at this moment, the young werewolf suddenly ran towards them. The cub's goal was clear, as he kept his eyes on Barrett as he ran.

This young werewolf used all four limbs, came to the barbarian at a high speed, and made a dangerous leap. Just as our barbarian adventurer subconsciously put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist and was alert, the other party suddenly shouted a strange word in the air.



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