Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 495: Reforged Iron Bride (middle)

The location of the 'Moon Altar' is next to the temple, closed by a high gate and wall made of tangled vines.

Although it is called an altar, the function of the 'Moon Altar' is not for offering sacrifices and prayers, but for making various weapons and equipment like a blacksmith shop.

"Are there too many vines here?" Barrett asked, frowning.

He had never liked a plant that had to rely on other trees to grow upwards and sometimes strangle its supporters. In the foggy forest, such plants often mean danger, vampire vines, creepers, tentacle vines, and so on. Even on the vast sea grasslands.

Barrett still remembers the huge 'withered vine monster' that was ignited by the little mage. It was burning with fire, but it still stretched all its 'tentacles' frantically, desperately trying to grab the little mage in the sky.

"The style of elves is like this. Trees, vines, flowers, animals, the way of balance between life and nature." Chris didn't care about this, "I really like this kind of vine plants. I used to have... , I mean, there are several pots of ivy in my uncle's house, which are raised in glass wine bottles of different colors. Hang the wine bottle in the air, drill a small hole under the bottle, and strands of green leaves emerge from the wine. The hole in the bottle hangs down, and to be honest, it’s still very pretty.”

Beautiful things are as dangerous. "How do we get in? Is there a knock on the door?" Barrett asked. Without waiting for the little mage to answer, the vines on the gate in front of the two automatically retracted inward, revealing a straight arched corridor.

"Yo, it seems to be voice-controlled." The little mage smiled and walked in first. Barrett habitually put his hand on the hilt of the sword and followed closely behind.

The walls on both sides of the promenade also grew thick and sinuous huge vines, which twisted and climbed along the walls like snakes, closing the door behind the two again. At the top of the promenade are two rows of six carved window lattices, each of which has a different pattern, which seems to record or express some important historical events.

The bright moonlight poured down through the window lattice, casting strange shadows on the ground. Barrett looked up, and for a short time he only remembered the contents of one of the window lattices. It depicts a male elf in a cloak standing under the full moon, holding a peculiar thing like a gelatinous monster in both hands and facing it towards the moonlight.

If our barbarian adventurers understand correctly, it should be such a picture.

Crossing the promenade, you are in front of an elegant courtyard full of flowers and green grass. There are several magnificent sail-topped buildings in the courtyard, and some elves in beige robes shuttle between the buildings, looking a little rushed, no longer the leisure and calmness of the residents outside.

"Who are we going to?" Barrett looked around. Is it really okay to just wander around like that?

"An elf craftsman named 'Querion'." The little mage scratched his head, "Queen 'Valenkor' originally wanted to send a few people to follow us to prevent us from getting lost in this city. But I feel that way. It's too restrictive, not to mention that I have been here once before and politely declined. Now it seems that this is obviously not a good idea. "

"Then you can only ask for directions." Barrett shrugged, "Go ahead, you have an advantage over me in this regard."

"Because I'm more handsome?" The little mage joked.

Because you're a respected and feared mage, "... yes."

"No problem, leave it to me." The little mage walked towards a female elf with a stack of scrolls in her hand, "óme (good evening), (may the moonlight shine on your way), that..." He fluently Elvish stopped suddenly.

"You can speak Common," the female elf replied.

"Sorry, I forgot to say the word 'altar'." The little mage smiled apologetically, "Is this the 'Altar of the Moon'? Where is Master Querion, and how can we find him?"

"Are you..., a mage sent by the Magic Association?"

No, only himself, I'm just an adventurer. When the female elf looked over, Barret nodded politely at her.

"Yes, it's something to find Master Querion." After a simple communication, the female elves gave the answer they wanted.

The two continued to move forward along the moss path, stepped on a wooden bridge, walked over a pond full of irises, and passed a large circular pit just below the ground. The walls in the pit were built with winding stone ladders, all of which lead to the circular platform at the bottom of the giant pit, which is covered with blue crystal clusters and intricate patterns. Around the round platform is a circle of stone statues covered with ivy. The statues are depicted as humanoid creatures wearing armor and heavy armor, and it is impossible to distinguish whether they are elves or humans.

The surface of many statues is already covered with cracks and dilapidated, and several statues are missing arms, legs, or even half of their bodies. I don't know why the elves here don't repair them.

Barrett followed the little mage to the depths of the courtyard, and after passing through an arch with ivy hanging down, the environment in front of him immediately became much quieter. There is no vine plant with glowing fruit inside the arch, so the light comes from the moonlight in the sky and a diamond-shaped crystal suspended in the air.

The moonlight penetrated the crystal and shone on the stone round table the size of a dining table below it. The surface of the round table has many complicated patterns like a magic circle, and the edges are also inlaid with several irregular crystals like clusters. When Barrett saw this thing for the first time, somehow, he suddenly thought of the big platform in the huge pit in the road.

Beside the stone round platform, there is also an old elf with many wrinkles on his face. This is rather strange, because the elves have long lifespans of thousands of years, making them look like they will never age at all.

The elf held the round table with both hands, and in front of him was a beautifully crafted wooden square box. He looked up at the two who came in through the arch, "You guys came earlier than I thought."

"People often say, 'The first ray of sunshine in the morning is always the most beautiful,' isn't it? So, it's not too late to do everything." The little mage said to the other party, "Are you Master 'Querion'?"

"I can't be called a but I am 'Querion'." The elf lightly tapped the wooden box on the round table with his hand, "Who of you want to repair the weapon?" He didn't seem to want to do it. Too many greetings.

"Oh, it's me." Barrett stepped forward.

"Take out the sword." Querion took the 'Iron Bride' handed over by Barbarian, and held it flat in his hand to observe carefully, "Corrosion of the blood of the black dragon? Did you kill that black dragon?"

"No, no." But I killed a white dragon, and it was an ancient white dragon. Barbarian did not resort to these ostentatious words.

"I see, no wonder this sword is so angry." Querion nodded vaguely, "But before repairing it, I want to remind you of one thing. That is, there are only two results of repair, success, it will recover As before, it will be even better. If it fails, the sword will simply disappear."

"Why did it disappear?" Barrett asked in confusion.

"This is determined by our special craftsmanship." The elf slowly introduced.


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