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Chapter 499: Life in the Holy Land

After the beloved saber 'Iron Bride' was reborn as 'The Nemesis', our barbarian adventurer Barret did not leave the elf holy land 'Los Lorin' immediately, but stayed here for another three or four days. time.

Because things on the little mage seem to have made some new progress, according to Kris himself, "With the unremitting efforts of Ben Zhuge, these elves finally have some plans to raise the banner of resistance to Wei. As for Whether the next step is to successfully set fire to Chibi depends on whether Dongfeng can borrow it."

What is this and what? For what the little mage said, Barrett didn't understand at all. He even suspected that what the little mage spoke was not a common language at all, but another language that he was not familiar with. Maybe it's Elvish, maybe it's Dragon, maybe this language doesn't belong in this world at all...

Although I didn't understand the content, the barbarians understood the meaning outside the words. It's just that there is no way to leave for the time being, so I need to wait a little longer here at 'Los Rollin'.

Just wait, Barrett doesn't care. Adventurers like him are originally from the world, wandering around chasing quests and rewards, and it doesn't matter where they live. Although he was unfamiliar with this city, at least the scenery here was beautiful and the environment was pleasant. It was a good place to cultivate his mind and body, and it was not without benefits for him who had not returned from the Nine Prisons for a long time.

It's just that the food is relatively bland. According to what Barrett has learned in the past few days, the vast majority of elves in the Holy Land do not like meat, and there are very few who like to eat fish like 'Charlene' (the Druid who turned into a rabbit before) Few, they usually only eat fruit and bread on weekdays.

Although the variety of fruits in the Holy Land Forest is extremely rich, many of which he has never seen or heard of before; the bread is also soft and soft, sweet and delicious, accompanied by honey, crushed nuts, and various jams. But this kind of bland diet is still very unaccustomed to barbarians.

The only place he could find meat these days was a hotel run by a pair of halfling sisters and twins. The inn is called 'Flying Will', and the merchant Ariel and the bodyguard Red Crab also live here.

The elf city 'Los Lorin' is not the same as an ordinary city. It is not a plane, but a completely three-dimensional city of trees. The towering ancient trees are intertwined, and the thick branches are entangled with each other, forming one high-altitude platform after another, and many areas and houses are built on such aerial platforms.

'Flying Weil' is located in the 'Raimu District' of the city, which is the area with the most non-elf races. It is adjacent to the "Stone Ring Terrace" where many druids live and train, and the encounter rabbit "Charlene Nel" is in the sharp claw area of ​​the Stone Ring Terrace.

However, our barbarian adventurers never went to this suspected female Elf Druid (the name is female, but I have never seen the real appearance). Unlike the little mage, Barrett, as an outsider, did not want to be involved in those complicated and difficult things.

On this day, the barbarian who had nothing to do planned to go to Ariel and chat with Red Crab again. He walked up the spiral staircase formed by the trees, and then walked over a sky bridge woven by vines.

The overpass is long and wide, the vines on it are dense and compact, and there is no hole at all, but it will shake a little when walking up, giving people a feeling of hesitation with no roots under their feet.

Rao is an adventurer who is used to seeing big scenes like Barret, and when he first walked this bridge of vines, he would inevitably feel a little uneasy in his heart. Especially at that time, there were two elf children who were walking and fighting, which made the ups and downs of the bridge more violent, so that he could only stop in the middle and didn't move until the two children passed by before starting to move forward.

Walking through the bridge of vines, there is a large platform supported by many trees, the platform is in the shape of three leaves, and 'Flying Will' is on the petiole of one of the leaves.

Pushing open the hotel door, Barrett happened to see businessman Ariel and his bodyguard, Red Crab, enjoying brunch comfortably in the lobby on the first floor.

This businessman, Ariel, has a very strange trading habit. He only goes out to do business at night, closes the stall around midnight and returns to rest, and then sleeps until noon the next day. If it is not for the gender of these two guys, and the place is still In the sacred forest where the elves cannot be desecrated, Barrett doubted whether they were going to do "that" business.

The bell rang crisply, and a young female halfling who was wiping the handrail of the stairs in the hotel looked up at Barritt, "Hello, Mr. Barritt, what would you like to eat?" The female halfling asked Barbart with a smile.

In the past few days, the little mage has been very busy in the Supreme Court of the Grand Palace, and Barrett's lunch and dinner are basically solved here. He saw a single ponytail on the female halfling's head, and knew that it was the older sister of the twins, 'Jillian Feather'.

"A plate of baked scallops with cheese, the taste of cheese here is impressive, and the large scallops in Sleeping Bay are also full and unforgettable." Barbarian said as he walked towards the merchant Ariel.

"The cheese is made with deer's milk, so it's going to be more special and more mellow," Gillian said. "Anything else, Mr. Barrett?"

"Deer milk? Then let's have another roasted deer rib, and..." He sat down next to the businessman and asked, pointing to the stewed vegetables on the other side's plate, "What are you eating?"

"Parrot risotto," Ariel replied. "It's made of a very large parrot, and it has potatoes and onions in it," he flipped over with his fork, "and tomatoes and bell peppers. Worth mentioning. The thing is, the black pepper in this dish is full of flavor, if you are not used to it, you can tell 'Lavigne' to use less."

"Can parrots eat them too?" Barrett was slightly curious.

"Of course! If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself. This parrot tastes very good. It tastes a bit like chicken, but it is much more delicious!"

The businessman's description successfully aroused the barbarian's interest, and he has always tried hard when it comes to eating.

"Then let's have this parrot Barrett turned his head to Gillian and said, "By the way, let's have a glass of blueberry wine. "There are quite a lot of wines made from berries in the Holy Land of the Spirits. After tasting several, he likes this red wine made from berries called 'Glittering Blueberries'.

"Okay, please wait." The female halfling with the single ponytail walked towards the kitchen.

The businessman Ariel was still eating the food in front of him in a slow and gentle manner, but the red crab opposite him had already finished his meal. The bodyguard, who always looks sloppy and dissolute, was reclining on the chair at this time, propping his chin with his fist, and squinting half asleep.

After seeing Barrett sitting down and propping the sword around his waist against the table, the bodyguard suddenly regained his spirits. He raised his body and said to the barbarian, "Hey, Barrett, show me your sword again."

"Wipe your hands first, don't get it dirty." Barrett handed the Nemesis over after seeing the other party rubbing his hands **** the leather armor on his body.

"It's really good. In my opinion, it can almost reach the legendary level!" Red Crab pulled out half of the long sword and said with admiration, "Is there anything special about this sword?"


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