Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 471: The other side of the world (Part 1)

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The drizzle was like fog, thin but long, covering a city called 'Monta' in the north of the Griffin Kingdom.

The light rain was so weak that it couldn’t get the pedestrians to get wet at all. ‘Rui’ simply lifted the hood, revealing long wine red hair. She led her little mare named 'Orange' and walked on the wide and clean streets of Monta City. Although the stamina and speed of 'Orange' are not outstanding, but the character is docile and well-behaved, and very understanding, it is very suitable for people like Rui who are not good at riding.

Accompanying Rui were two followers she had just recruited for a while. The tall, athletic man with a tattoo on his forehead was called 'Hilda', while the other woman in a grey and white dress with a pale and weak face was called 'Doreen'.

Hilda was bought by Ray in a slave market in a certain city, but it really cost a lot of money. But the money was well spent, because Hilda was very good at martial arts, and she drove away many robbers and robbers along the way, and also drove away those dangerous beasts and pesky goblins when she slept at night.

Ray originally thought that Hilda was a skilled female warrior, but this guy said that he was a good assassin who only killed bad guys, and once belonged to an assassin organization called 'Light Singers'. All the assassins in the Singer Organization are women, and their killing skills are also different, but as a weapon, the two-handed sword is used. But it really opened Rey's eyes.

If that's the case, that person is also an assassin.

As for Doreen, this weak woman was recruited into the team by Ray only today. Rey didn't know much about Doreen's specific situation, and she planned to ask slowly after she got to know each other better. At present, Ray only knows that Doreen seems to be wandering around. She has no family or friends, and she has no clear destination. She just follows the flow and goes wherever she goes.

Ray easily recruited Doreen to his side, and he didn't spend a single copper coin. At that time, Doreen was standing blankly in a gloomy and narrow alley near the city gate that no one would pay attention to. She lowered her head slightly, her long hair was scattered around her chest, and she looked strange and pitiful. Ray happened to see her, so he stepped forward and asked Doreen if she needed help, but the other party just shook his head and said nothing.

Afterwards, Rey asked Doreen mysteriously, if she had nowhere to go, would she like to follow her, so that they could accompany and take care of each other, Doreen nodded lightly after being silent for a while, Then she appeared in Ray's team.

Ray turned around and glanced at Doreen behind him. The other party followed quietly. He was not mute but rarely spoke. He felt more well-behaved than 'Orange'. It was the turn of summer and autumn, and even a few rains couldn't stop the still hot weather, but Doreen's body was always cold to the touch. Maybe her long skirt full of mud spots is too thin, and Rey plans to buy warmer clothes for Rey.

The poor woman reminded Rey of who she was. In the past, Ray had a home and could not go back, and was forced to wander around, with nothing on his body except a self-defense dagger, and even almost died in the hands of a few goblins. Fate made that person pass by and chased away the goblins to save her, so now Ray wants to save others too.

The shop selling clothes has not been found yet, but there is a tavern called 'Ryan III' not far ahead. Hilda, whose eyes are much better than Ray's, was the first to discover the existence of this tavern, "I'm starving to death, let's go eat something before making plans." The female assassin said with a bitter face, "It was all in the wild before. Sleeping in the open, and it has been raining all the time recently, I can't make a fire, and I haven't eaten a hot meal for a long time."

In fact, Ray himself wanted to drink some hot soup to relieve his tired body. "Let's go, but where are the two horses?" There is a grocery store on the left of the tavern, and a barber shop on the right. Yi did not see the stables.

"Leave it to me." Hilda took the reins of 'Orange' from Ray's hand. "Within a 100-meter radius around a tavern, there must be stables. This is the rule. You go ahead and order food in the tavern. , I'll find you guys later. I want roast lamb ribs sprinkled with rosemary and pan-fried black pepper sausage, whatever else."

"Got it, it's up to you to ask for more." Rey said angrily. If she hadn't had enough money, she might not be able to support this foodie.

Most of Rey's money was earned by her from Galano, a commercial city in the western part of the Griffin Kingdom. At that time, after Ray separated from that person, he was in the adventurer's guild in Galano for a long time. Because that person is an adventurer, Ray is quite familiar with this profession.

But Ray didn't take on quests in the Adventurer's Guild, because she wasn't a good swordsman like Hilda. Although that person also taught her a little martial arts, Rey can only barely deal with three or five goblins now. The reason why she stayed in the Adventurer's Guild for a long time was simply to observe the various and complicated tasks.

Rey found that the tasks on the taskbar were very interesting, and there were some hidden rules inside.

Some quests will repeat every once in a while; the materials required for some quests can be bought directly from other grocery stores in the city; and there are also some quests whose rewards may be very cheap during this period, But after a period of time, the price will suddenly increase sharply.

Among the tasks that can be completed by directly purchasing materials from the grocery store, some tasks will pay more than the purchase price of the grocery store, and some will be paid less than the purchase price. There are even some materials that are used to complete the task and the rewards are not as valuable as those directly sold to taverns, grocery stores and other stores.

For those tasks with high volatility. Ray found that the rewards given by some quests to find rare ingredients would increase significantly before the festival, and then fall back. And when some major events occur, the demand for certain items will increase significantly, and the corresponding prices will rise accordingly. For example, a noble noble or businessman will hold a birthday party or dance.

Ray also found that the vast majority of adventurers do not know these laws, and a very small number may know a little bit, but they don't care about it. They just proceeded in the way they were used to: going to the Adventurer's Guild, frowning and looking for a task that could be completed, after receiving the task, they gathered around and set off, and when they returned, they handed in the task and received the reward. They keep repeating the process, just like that person.

After learning about this, Ray began to take advantage of this information and the difference in price to undertake and release some tasks himself. She spends most of her day in the Adventurer's Guild, occasionally going to the merchant's guild next door to take out a loan, or going to the Craftsman's Guild to find skilled craftsmen who can craft certain items.

Not only that, Rui Yi also inquired about the birthdays, preferences and other related information of some city lords, nobles, famous people, etc. through many channels, as well as the major events that happened in the city recently, no matter whether the information is useful or not, she will give it. remuneration.

She had inadvertently inquired about the pregnancy time of the daughter-in-law of the city owner of Galano, and calculated the approximate due date. Ray knew that the baby who was about to be born was the eldest grandson of the Lord of the City, and there would definitely be a big carnival in Galano City. She used this news to slowly stock up on various goods, and made a fortune after the baby was born.

In Rey's eyes, she seemed to be able to directly see the gold coins flowing happily in the golden rivers. She can build a dam on the upper reaches of a river, let the gold coins in the river accumulate more and more, and then pour it all down like a waterfall; she can also move the river slowly, so that the end of the river is in her pocket.

Although she is only a weak, she can wield this indescribable invisible force, stirring up the storm in Galano City, and no one can detect it yet.

These behaviors of Rui Yi were finally noticed by the Merchant Guild who also specialized in it. The Merchant Guild sent personnel to communicate with her, hoping to hire Rui as the president of the Galano branch of the Merchant Guild. The treatment they gave was extremely generous, and they even helped Rey be promoted to nobles if she needed it.

It's not the knights that no one cares about at the bottom, but the real nobles with titles that can be hereditary. It was not obtained through marriage or other means, but through the direct reward given to her by the king.

To know that the mainland has been in peace for a long time, it is even more difficult to obtain a title that can be hereditary, so the sincerity shown by the merchant guild can not be said to be insufficient.

But these temptations were all rejected by Rui Yi, because she did not want to be the president of any branch, nor did she want to be a noble, not even the president of Muya city-state.

The only thing Ray wants to be is the queen!


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