Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 474: Dragon's Lament

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【Task log】

[Welcome back, long time no see adventurer. During your absence, rivers freeze, air freezes, time stands still, and even the entire multiverse freezes. 】

Barrett didn't know what this sentence meant at all, and he didn't know what the 'log', who always liked to talk nonsense, was inexplicably pumping. Because he was always here and never left.

【Dragon's Lamentation】

['Death Frost' is not the real name of the ancient white dragon, but a temporary name given to it by the caretakers in the Arena of Diss. Its real name is 'Thornburst, the Obliterator of Fire and Heat', and it was born on a small ice-side Elemental Plane covered in frost and snow next to the Elemental Plane of Water. Due to the limitation of the current log level, this system can only identify very little information about creatures and items outside the main material plane, so we have no way of knowing about Torn Burst's life and past. It can only be roughly understood that the terrifying scar in the middle of its forehead seems to have been caused by an accident when it wanted to transform from an ancient dragon to some kind of more powerful advanced dragon. 】

[The material selected for the main body of the leather armor of 'Dragon's Lamentation' is the neck, abdomen of the Taikoo White Dragon, a piece of dragon skin connected to the left and right forelimbs, and a small part of the skin in the middle and rear of the dragon's tail. A few hard pieces of large dragon scales and a few bones of the dragon's claw (the dragon scales and keel are used for visors and shoulder pads). The dragonhide in these parts is extremely tough and soft in texture, providing great defense without interfering with any normal activities. More importantly, the scales in these two parts are relatively small, so that the leather armor can be made without peeling off the dragon scales. 'Dragon's Lamentation' is a full set of full-body leather armor, including a high-necked breastplate with detachable shoulder pads, shin guards with weapon belts, knee-length boots with dagger slots, and inlays from the back of the hands to the elbows. Thick dragon scales over the wrist gauntlets, and five parts of the half-mask. The dragon-wing-shaped visor can be worn alone in battle.

It is worth mentioning that the dragon soul of the Primordial White Dragon 'Thornburst, the Obliterator of Fire and Heat' itself was already unstable when it was alive. After the death, the Arena of Diss began to extract its dragon soul by virtue of its own characteristics, but before the dragon soul was completely removed from the body, the entire dragon was put into the space ring by the little mage Chris. . Therefore, the dragon soul of the ancient white dragon was torn apart, and part of the dragon soul was left in the corpse, and was finally transferred to this set of leather armor along with the division and production of the dragon corpse. 】

[Dragon Skin Solid: As the best and highest grade among the many materials that can be used to make leather armor, dragon skin and dragon scales can naturally provide the wearer with extremely strong defensive attributes. Its defense level can be equivalent to about twelve layers of refined cooked cowhide (standard unit)]

[Guardian of Frost and Cold: The wearer will be immune to most ice magic damage, and can offset 10% to 30% of damage caused by other magic. 】

[Dragon hatred: Wearing leather armor made of real ancient dragons will inevitably cause the hatred of the dragons. Whether it is a five-color dragon, a metal dragon, or other types of giant dragons, the initial friendliness to you can only be "hostile" at the highest level. 】

[Dragon's Lamentation: The shattered, completely unconscious dragon soul of the Primordial White Dragon sings softly in the leather armor, which may cause the wearer to dream of some of its past experiences in his sleep. And when wearing this leather armor, mental power will slowly increase over time. 】

【Note: Nomore-Oh, nevermore!】

"Is the leather armor you wear on your body the skin of a dragon?" the young elf prince 'Menegros' asked Barrett.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness." Barrett gently pulled on the reins, motioning for 'Carrot' to slow down so that it could keep up with the speed of the elf prince's mount. "These dragon skins are from an ancient white dragon."

"The ancient white dragon? Did you kill it? Did you do it alone? So you are a dragon slayer?" Prince Biscuit's eyes were full of curiosity, "Is that white dragon evil? I read it from the book Once there, the white dragons are evil."

"To tell you the truth, I did kill this ancient white dragon alone, but it was already injured, so I was able to win." Barret answered modestly, "As for whether it is evil, I am sorry. I don't know. I didn't kill it for the purpose of coveting its body or treasure, but just for self-preservation. At that time, I was trapped in an arena with this giant dragon, fighting to the death. I have to kill it to survive."

"Arena? You mean a place for contests?" Prince Biscuit asked. "We elves also have such a place, right next to the world tree 'Rothsil'. A contest is held every five years in the Holy Land. , my teacher 'Norgrod' was the champion of many tournaments." The elf child proudly said, "But our elves won't cause death, only some minor injuries at most. With all due respect, you humans. The contest is a bit barbaric."

"It wasn't our human race, it was the devil's," Barrett explained. "I was in hell, a wicked place called the Arena of Dess." Barbarians knew that some of the bloodbaths of human beings compare to The Arena of Dess wasn't much better, and some were even crueler, but he didn't need to talk to a elf child about those things.

"Have you actually been to hell?" Prince Biscuit seemed to be more curious, "Can you tell me the specific situation?"

The young elf prince raised his head in anticipation, and even the unsmiling elf swordsman next to him seemed to quietly put up his ears. It seems that although people are very afraid of hell, they are also full of curiosity. In this regard, Barrett had to pick and choose, and found something he could say. Among them, he emphasized his excellent performance in the arena and won a lot of applause.

After Prince Biscuit heard this, his wide eyes were about to glow, "It's scary, so scary! If I fall into hell, I will definitely not be able to escape." He said with lingering fears.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, you will never fall into hell." The elf swordsman next to him said comfortingly, "The great and kind elf **** 'Corellon' will protect you."

"But I heard from the priest 'Brienne' that the voices passed down by the gods are getting weaker and weaker." Prince Biscuits said softly, as if he was a little worried, "There will be nothing wrong with our gods."

What can happen? As far as Barrett knew, when the Magic Empire started the "God Killing War", it didn't seem to affect the gods of the elves.

"The weak voice of the gods is not because of the gods themselves." Nogrod, the elf swordsman explained, "but because..." He pondered for a while, as if hesitating whether to say it or not, but in the end he It said, "It's because the communication between us and the gods is getting more and more difficult."

"I remembered it because of the crystal wall!" The Biscuit Prince clapped his hands happily, and then became a little frustrated," Priest Brian also said that if the crystal wall continues to strengthen and thicken like this, one day we will Communication with the gods will be completely lost, and the fate of our race will be…”

"The fate of our race is in our own hands, instead of relying on the gods all the time. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said such things to you, and the same goes for Brian." The elf swordsman's face became a little unsightly, "about Reinforce the crystal wall, you only need to know that when the Magic Empire did these things, it came to the Holy Land of Elf to communicate with us, and the Elf King at that time, that is, your grandfather 'Enniaris' also agreed with this matter, because The benefits far outweigh the downsides.”

"Oh, I see." The Biscuit Prince frowned, his expression very frustrated.

"I think Mr. Barrett should have other more exciting stories... I mean experience, I want to tell you, isn't it, Mr. Barritt." The elf swordsman gave the barbarian a pleading look.

Well, it looks like I'm coaxing the kids. Helpless, Barrett could only talk about his adventures in the foggy forest, "You may not know, Your Highness, that foggy forest is not as peaceful and quiet as Lothlorin. That forest It is full of all kinds of ferocious beasts that you can't imagine, as well as terrifying monsters with strange and unpredictable abilities, and under every tree, every grass, and every piece of land in that forest, there are hidden murderous intentions!"

Fortunately, Barbarian's adventures are very rich, and the self-show, praise, and bragging behaviors that adventurers often carry out have also cultivated his good storytelling eloquence.

The Biscuit Prince was fascinated, and he had already forgotten his previous unhappiness, "I didn't expect that there are so many magical creatures in our world, and I want to go out and see too!" The expression of the elf child was full of yearning, "I I want to go to every place and every corner of the world, and then I hope Mr. Barrett can accompany me." He said solemnly.

"No problem, you will definitely have a chance when you grow up." Barbarian perfunctory. He doesn't know how old the elves are to be considered But based on his impression of this race, if the elf children in front of him want to become adults, they must have another hundred or eighty years. He didn't even know how many years he had been dead.

"By the way, Mr. Barrett, I want to ask a question." The Biscuit Prince looked up at the barbarian again.

"What's the problem, Your Highness?"

"I heard from my teacher that the reason why the Magic Empire left behind those terrifying monsters and monsters, as well as many dangerous races such as orcs, ogres, goblins, gnolls, etc., is to allow the human nation to always have enemy, and thus avoid a civil war, is that so?"

Why do you always ask these difficult questions, "I'm sorry, I don't know." Barret said helplessly, "I'm just an ordinary adventurer, and I don't have a lot of important news and secrets. Yes. If you want to know the answer to this question, I suggest you ask His Excellency Mage Kris, and he may know."

"I dare not go," said the Biscuit Prince softly. "I am a little afraid of him."


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