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Chapter 476: Interracial War (Part 2)

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In the dark night, the ink-like ocean is churning with white foam.

The 'Vishiki' of the 'Dark Tide' tribe held a pair of light blue ice crystal knives, waving his caudal fins gently, and followed his companions upstream from the mouth of the sea, swimming quietly at the bottom of the river.

The bright moonlight swayed on the water above the head, and when it spread out, it was like a gleaming pearl, and when it gathered, it was like a twisting silver snake. Wei Siqi looked up at the moonlight and was a little lost. For some reason, she felt that the beautiful silver snake that was constantly shaking on the water seemed to slowly change into her own appearance.

In that hazy fantasy, Vesiki staggered and danced lightly on the sea. Her facial fins bloom like a coral crown, and her lumbar fins bloom like soaring flying fish. Her dancing posture is sometimes leisurely and soft, light and elegant, sometimes cold and chilling, and majestic. Wei Siqi found that she could ignore everything in the world and dance freely, because she herself was the moonlight, cool and soft...

The collision of the companions in the rear awakened Vesiki from her habitual fantasy. She glanced left and right in a little panic. One after another, the companions swept past her position with their weapons clenched and swam forward. Doing more stops, but also swinging the body to quickly catch up.

"Be awake, the battle is about to start, this is not the time to dream!" she said to herself secretly.

This is not the first time that Vesaki has participated in a battle, but it is the first time that she has faced the swords of those land creatures called 'elves'. As an excellent and proud 'Flying Blade Warrior', Wei Siqi was never afraid of fighting, and even had some vague expectations. Her twin blades have killed many ugly murlocs and Naga of other tribes, and even drove away a giant deep-sea octopus. If it wasn't for the deep-sea octopus spewing out ink that even Dark Vision couldn't see through, Veszy would definitely chop it into countless pieces and make it food for the clan.

In fact, Weisqi has already made a lot of contributions to her clan. If she performs well in this battle, the great priest of 'Sestans' in the clan is likely to allow her to participate in the noble transformation ceremony.

In the transformation ceremony that almost all Naga yearn for, the **** of the deep sea will bless and make Vesqui grow two extra arms. At that time, she can use four ice crystal long knives at the same time, and her martial skills will definitely advance to another level, and she will become more skilled and terrifying.

All of this will come true as long as she excels in this fight.

Veskey and her companions swam quietly and silently at the bottom of the river, and soon successfully passed the outposts set up by the elves. According to the plan, the clan army will rely on the two parallel rivers of 'white fish' and 'blue shell', directly enter the rear of the land creatures, and then squeeze from the left and right like the two ice crystal long knives in her hand. Press over, crush the elf army, and finally win the battle.

And there is another advantage to fighting at night. Vesich heard that each of those elves are extremely good at archery, but there is no long-range attack method that can compete with them in the tribe. Although the priests and deacons of the 'Sound of the Tide' sacrificial group can use 'Water Arrow', 'Ice Lance' and other magic, but their number is not large, and the release of magic is very limited, which is not suitable for elves Their bows and arrows attacked each other.

Fortunately, there is no need to worry about this now, because the darkness of the night will make those elves lose the advantage of archery. Of course, if the battle takes place during the day, the Dark Tide tribe is not unprepared, because the priests can drive creatures such as terrifying sea giants, huge dragon turtles, and enslaved murloc vassals to participate in the battle, although not as big as they are now. But the outcome is still unknown.

Not long after walking, Wei Siqi vaguely heard a melodious and lingering song coming from the water in front of her. She knew that it was the sleeping song of 'Buniqi' to sacrifice to adults. Regardless of the sea or land, almost all non-Naga creatures will be more or less affected by this kind of singing. Some of the stronger-willed creatures will be in a trance because of the singing, while the weakest will fall into the most troubled and deepest sleep. Vesich believes that this is the most powerful skill of their Naga clan.

Hearing the Song of Sleep, Vesiki knew that the battle was half won. She and her companions slowly surfaced and marched towards the sleeping elves. When she swam to land, she saw several 'Slanya Royal Guards' surrounding the Buniki priests, guarding their safety.

The Dark Tide Tribe where Vesich belongs is a relatively large tribe among Naga, but it is far from being a kingdom or even an empire. There is no king in this Naga tribe, and there is no so-called royal guard. As for the 'Royal Guard of Silanya', this is actually a glorious title and a powerful profession, which originated from the ancient Silanya Empire.

The Naga Empire 'Slanya' has been around for thousands of years. This ancient empire that unified all Naga tribes had only one emperor. This emperor was not only a Naga with outstanding martial arts, but also a powerful one. The demigod, the whole empire is named after him - Slanya.

Emperor Silanya spent nearly two hundred years unifying all the Naga, and made them abandon the beliefs of other gods and only believe in themselves. Then it took nearly 600 years to defeat other kingdoms and groups of marine creatures, as well as the mermaid empire whose strength was comparable to that of the Silanya Empire, and finally became the overlord of the ocean, and enslaved all kinds of fish. Humans, aquatic elves, mermen, and many other sea creatures.

At that time, the Naga Empire occupied more than half of the ocean on the main material plane, and most of the remaining areas were places with extremely harsh environments like the northern 'ice sea (land creatures called the headwind sea). Not only that, the Slanya Empire also occupied most of the coasts around the mainland, and bit by bit nibbled away at the inland areas.

Ambitious emperor Silanya wants to follow the legend of the ancient times, occupy all continents as an aquatic species, and then become the master of the material plane. It is a pity that when the plan went smoothly into the third century, the situation on the land had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Wei Siqi also passively learned a little about that kind of change from the mouth of the priest. At that time, the human race among the terrestrial creatures seemed to have established an empire ruled by mages. What happened after that was as expected. There was a collision between the Slanya Empire, which wanted to occupy the land, and the brand-new Human Empire. But this time the collision ended with the death of Emperor Silanya and the destruction of the Naga Empire. After the destruction of the empire, the remaining Naga were once again divided into dozens of tribes, large and small, and they have never been unified again.

Vesqui didn't know much about that history, and so far she didn't know how those humans who couldn't breathe in the sea won the war between the two empires of sea and land. Because when the tribal priests told the history, they always mentioned the death of King Silanya and many other details. They just said that after the royal guards who guarded the emperor all died in blood, the demigod Silanya was surrounded by each other. In the middle of the battle, lost in the battle, and finally fell with hatred.

However, Vesque had previously learned from the curses and sarcasms of a mermaid captive that the human empire on land seemed to have only sent one person at that time. The man did not know what means he used and came directly to King Naga. He killed all the royal guards with ease, and then won the battle against Slanya. Moreover, after killing Slanya, that person actually took away the corpse of Emperor Naga very despicably.

Vesich didn't believe what the mermaid captive said at all. She absolutely didn't believe that a mere human being could destroy the mighty Naga Empire. Later, the merman captive who kept cursing and some other sea creatures were sacrificed to the **** of the deep sea by the sacrificers.

And the title of 'Slanya Royal Guard' also originated from the ancient Naga Empire. Only those Naga guards who have reached the peak of their strength and are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect them can obtain this special title full of glory.

Wei Siqi left the bank of the 'White Fish', followed the softly singing Buniqi sacrifice, and cautiously entered the forest. Subsequent companions appeared in a steady stream from the river, more and more in number, and spread out to surround the enemies in the forest, killing them silently one by one in their sleep.

These terrestrial elves were unprepared for the sleeping song of the Naga, and the scale of victory was heavily tilted. At this time, Wei Siqi was a little happy, but also a little distressed. The joy is because the victory is quite easy, and the companions will not have many sacrifices and deaths; and the distress is because she is likely to make little contribution in this battle, and the subsequent transformation ceremony is not expected to be her turn. .

Just when Vesitch was tangled in her heart, she saw an enemy suddenly appear from behind a tree, and threw the flying axe in her hand at the Bunniki priest who sang with all her heart. Under her anxious and terrified gaze, the flying axe was successfully blocked by a Silanya royal guard beside the priest with a giant shield. However, when this strange flying axe hit the shield, a violent sound and impact broke out, interrupting the sacrificial slumber song.

Then a flash of lightning lit up from the other side of the forest, and it seemed that the Naga on the opposite side also encountered some accidents. Immediately afterwards, a quaint horn sounded, and Wei Siqi knew that the surprise attack had to be changed to a strong attack.

The originally quiet forest became noisy in an instant, and countless elves were awakened from their slumber and panicked into battle. There were also several ancient tree creatures taller than sea giants swaying in the woods, roaring furiously like rolling trees.

The scale of victory swung back a little bit. All of this was caused by the enemy who appeared from behind the tree. Vessey swung the two knives in her hand and rushed towards the opponent.

Before Weisqi, four or five Naga companions had already rushed to this enemy. But the other party did not retreat but advanced, and rushed directly into the encirclement. A bully pierced the chest of a Naga warrior with a sharp sword in his hand, and another wave hunter was also cut off by the other party. After the halberd, he slashed again. Lost my head.

The third Naga guard slammed the conch scepter in his hand at the enemy, but was dexterously dodged by the opponent. The enemy used the long sword in his hand to deflect the halberd attacked by another Wave Hunter, and swung his free hand towards the neck of the Naga Guard. According to the distance, the empty hand was far from reaching the Naga guard's neck, but when the empty hand swung halfway, he suddenly grabbed a long sword. , it fell heavily.

This person's skills are quite formidable, far exceeding Weisqi's imagination. Ordinary Naga warriors and wave hunters are definitely not his opponents. Although Vessky herself is not very experienced in fighting on land, at this moment she knows that she can't retreat, she can only face it.

The double knives and the long swords collided, staggered, and collided again, and the crisp sound of ice crystals and steel colliding reverberated in the forest. 'Flying Blade Warriors' are known for their speed, but after arriving on land, although they are not too used to fighting, it is much easier to wield weapons in the air than in water, so Wei Siqi's attack speed is faster than before. , and it is much faster.

This kind of rapidity, which was different from lightning, was a little uncomfortable for Vesqui herself, let alone the enemy in front of her. But the other party can always rely on various factors such as the long sword in his hand, the pace of moving, the surrounding trees, etc., to escape dangerously and dangerously.

After a while, the enemy seemed to be tired of being suppressed by Weisqi, unable to counterattack, and could only keep dodging. He saw a long sword in his hand, just like when it appeared before, suddenly disappeared, and immediately before his eyes. The enemy clenched the other long sword with both hands and slashed hard regardless.

The long knife in Weisqi's hand slashed at the enemy's collarbone, and the attack position of the opponent's weapon was not too much. The flowing blade martial artist believes that the long knife in her hand will hit the target faster than the opponent, and she has another long knife to The opponent can only use her body to resist. Vesitch didn't know why the enemy who had been difficult to deal with before suddenly became stupid, but she knew that the battle would end immediately, and she would win again.

But just as she was about to slash the enemy's collarbone and then slash his chest diagonally downward, Vesqui's heart suddenly felt a sudden burst of violent heart palpitations for no apparent reason. This kind of heart palpitations have also been experienced by Vessitch before. It was an unspeakable premonition that a martial artist with superb skills felt when he encountered a major crisis in battle, or was about to die.

This peculiar premonition had saved Wei Siqi several times before. At this time, the fluent blade martial artist who was in the middle of the battle had no time to think too much, and could only believe it again by instinct. Vesqui hurriedly changed her strategy, retracting the attacking long knife into the defense, and slashing at the opponent's weapon with a double blade stand.

The violent collision that followed made Weisqi feel as if an adult dragon tortoise was pressing down on her. The 'Dragon Turtle' carried the power of a thousand ounces, and directly broke the double swords she set up, and then unstoppable all the way down.

Alas, it's all over. Vesiki dropped her hands and closed her eyes.


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