Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 61: mission completed!

The mission was accomplished in a way that Barrett could never have imagined, which reminded him of the proverb he learned from the Griffin Kingdom, "You never know what's waiting for you on the other side of the corner."

He originally thought that facing such a behemoth, he would definitely have to go through a very difficult and bitter battle. After all, it is not an easy task to let such a big guy lie down quietly, and the paralyzing poison he needs must be huge. amount.

And the method of bringing poison into the body of the frost worm through the blade is undoubtedly very inefficient, and it may take a long time and countless wounds to do it.

Not only that, according to the much smaller frost worm caught before, the tough skin on the outside of this frost worm is probably half a meter thick, and Barrett even worried that his 'steel bride' would be difficult to pierce it. , to bring the poison into the body of the frost worm, after all, his weapon is not known for its sharpness.

But the half-elf solved this problem very easily.

After the frost worm was filled with 3 bottles of paralyzing poison, it still opened its mouth quietly and let the half-elf feed moss into its mouth from time to time. But after a cup of tea, Frost Worm's mouth slowly closed, and after a while, the big guy finally lost consciousness without any accident.

It collapsed on the moss, its body undulating slightly. The half-elf touched the frost bug's head and waved to everyone. That scene reminded Barrett of the earth dog sleeping soundly in the sun in his hometown again.

It was a lazy dog. It seldom barked, always sleeping, and had a good temper. Anyone could touch it, but it never ate anything fed by strangers.

Barrett remembered how his father commented on this dog, "To be honest, this is not a good dog, because he never guards the house, and never wags his tail excitedly when he sees his owner back, but at least he A dog with his own unique principles."

It's good to have principles, his father always said.

Compared with catching this frost worm, how to send it away took a lot of effort from Barrett and others. This frost worm is really too big, it is very difficult to move, and even if its head is turned inward and coiled up in circles, the magic stone that Old Will carries with him is not enough to pass it through the teleportation circle. run away.

According to the mage, this temporarily constructed teleportation circle consumes a lot of magic power. Every time the circle is bigger, its consumption will almost double, which leads to the fact that the number of magic stones that the quest employer, Master Eleanor, is not enough to cope with this situation, even if the old Will It's not enough to use your own magic stone.

They had no choice but to make the frost worm's footprint smaller. The two ogres, Moglock and Barrett, are well-deserved mainstays in the job, while gnomes and half-elves play a minor role, and as for Old Will, magic is useful almost at all times.

When moving the frost worm, the tall ogre took off its full body armor for the first time, and threw the cotton smock under the armor on the ground. The ogre was naked, revealing muscles as hard as steel.

Barrett also saw a special pattern on the back of the ogre. When he said that the pattern was special, he did not mean that it was drawn intricately or had strange meanings. It was just a very simple pattern drawn with a few lines, but It is still special because it is actually a six-pointed star, not a seven-pointed star often used by the Magic Association, and I don't know if it has any deep meaning.

Barbarians heard that the mages before the Magic Empire used hexagrams to represent magic, and they used hexagrams as the basis for many magic circles and spells. But after the empire, six became seven. Barrett doesn't know what the difference is, but whether it is folk or upper class, ancient or modern, in people's cognition, seven has always been a very magical power. numbers.

When he asked this question to Will, the mage replied:

"The magic seven-pointed star is more complex and more powerful than the six-pointed star. But the former mages and warlocks of the empire were afraid to use it because it is difficult to control. It is like you can pass two triangles. To form a stable hexagram, but you can't do that for a hexagram. You can draw a hexagram with one stroke, but it is extremely difficult to draw it perfectly. In terms of magic, this level of uncontrollable What's more. Even in ancient times, the magic seven-pointed star was once a taboo, because any uncontrollable point will lead to the effect of magic into the unknown, and the unknown often means danger. As for the greater degree of uncontrollability, it is generally Will make magic turn into a catastrophe and a disaster..."

Old Will's words made Barrett feel a little chilled. He suddenly remembered a drunken remark made by an alcoholic in the tavern in the Bay of Pigs, "Those mages will dig their own graves one day!"

Barrett doesn't know if the day the drunkard said will really come. After all, nothing is immortal, not even mages. The Magic Empire is an example. But if that day comes, Barrett worries that maybe the mages will let the whole world and even the multiverse be buried with them, whether they do it or not, at least they have the power.

Just like the alcoholic, although he was using the stimulation of alcohol to speak irresponsibly, but as soon as the words came out of his mouth, the alcoholic instantly sobered up. Barrett still remembered the alcoholic's pale face and overwhelmed as if frozen by the winter fog, and that scene made him sigh deeply in his heart.

"But don't worry, the mages after the empire can master the power of the magic seven-pointed star very well." Old Will seemed to see Barrett's worry and explained with a smile, "Don't worry, as long as you can master it, the seven-pointed star It will be more perfect and stable than the hexagram. From fear to control, any kind of force will go through such a process, like fire."

Do you control it? Barrett couldn't help thinking of the fire in the slums of Galano City, and then put these things out of his mind in a flash. These are not things he should think about, no!


Moglock's strength was stronger than Barrett imagined, and it lifted the huge tail of the Frost Worm by one person and placed it on the Frost Worm's own body.

This is a very, very laborious job, because the body height of the frost worm is nearly four meters, which is much higher than the tallest ogre in the entire team.

Barrett dragged the Frost Worm to death, while the Ogre held it up hard, and with the help of magic, little by little they put the outermost body of the Frost Worm coiled circle on top of it. On the inner layer, the area of ​​​​the frost worm has been reduced by a large circle.

And then, it's old Will's job. Drawing a magic circle, inlaying magic stones, and without any accident, this huge frost worm was sent to an unknown distance.

"Ha, the mission is complete!" When the frost worm disappeared from the magic circle, Old Will happily announced to everyone.

Everyone's faces showed a little light and relieved expression, except for Barrett, because those strange words popped up again.

【Mission Log】


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