Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 88: Sell ​​and Buy (below)

If there is another time, he must not indulge himself like this. Barrett regrets it now.

What he regrets is not the sweet, fiery time last night, it can even be said that it is one of the few things he himself has done that is very definitely regarded as "right".

If there is a chance, he will definitely taste the sweetness of that woman again. Simply set the next time to come back from the 'Trifoliate City' after completing the mission, Barrett planned this in his heart.

And what he regrets now is the act of constantly appraising the items one after another. Such an indulgent act made Barritt feel as if a molten fire was burning in his eyes, hot, sore, and stinging, and tears flowed uncontrollably, making him look quite embarrassed.

He thought again of the proverb widely circulated in Nord - 'The contented man decorates his heart with joy, and the greedy fills his grave with pain. ', which seems to be talking about himself.

Is it greed? Admittedly, there must be some. But Barrett knew that what prompted him to do so was more of an anticipation and excitement in the face of an unknown harvest.

Many adventurers like to "touch the corpse" and like to rummage through the harvest after the adventure. The anticipation and excitement of uncovering an unknown harvest can delight them even more than the harvest itself. And Barrett is one of these races.

Although his eyes couldn't hold on for a long time, there was always a voice in his mind that kept tempting him: Hey, let's identify another one, just one! To discover its name, admire its past, and see what it can bring you:

A rusty horseshoe may increase your luck by 1 (if it has this attribute); two dried horned frogs may increase your vitality by 1 (at least when you are hungry, you can also be jerky) eat); a cracked bagpipe made from the heart of a dryad, which might make your skin as tough as a dryad (and your face); a pair of patched bags once worn by giants Socks, maybe..., is your head broken? Throw it away soon!

How many things have I identified? Twenty or thirty? Barrett can't remember. Because each identification takes a long time, although a long time has passed, he has not even completed the identification of half of the cabinets.

That's it, if you keep going, you will probably become the same as those underground stone barbarians. Barrett so comforted himself.

The owner of the grocery store found Barrett in a sluggish state while he was busy. "What? Did the goblin **** pictures on that set of cards make you so excited that you cried?" He mocked without raising his head. "If you really have a hobby in this area, I will help you pay attention. Two days ago, an artist wanted to sell me a picture of three naked goblins bathing together. It's a pity. No price negotiated”

"Why would anyone draw this?" Barrett asked with his eyes closed.

"He was a very down-to-earth painter. He had no money to hire models, so he found an adventurer to help him capture a few goblins as his resident models." Dave explained, "I have to say, the goblins he painted were still Very high level. It's just a goblin thing, the better you draw it, the more disgusting it makes people feel. That painter wants to sell his 'goblin out of the bath picture' for a high price of eight gold coins, and I am only willing to pay eight A copper coin, plus a compliment."

"Because you're a profiteer!" Barrett shouted sarcastically.

"Hey, if you've seen that picture, you'll think my bid is fair, because that compliment isn't something anyone can say." Dave put down the ledger in his hand, "but then Come back, do you really have that hobby?"

Barrett didn't want to answer such a boring question.

"By default?" Dave didn't give up, "Don't be shy, several adventurers and nobles I know all have the same 'interest' as you." When he said his interest, the expression on his face was wretched and unusual.

"Compared to the goblins, I prefer the women in the 'Shirley's Whisper' tavern." Barrett defended. But it's more of a show than an excuse.

"Yo! It seems that you have really made a fortune." Dave's eyes lit up, "I heard that the women there cost hundreds of gold coins a night."

Barrett closed his eyes and nodded complacently.

According to the calculation of the red-haired girl before, he "killed" nearly a hundred bulls and nearly a hundred cows in one night, plus a bunch of calves as a gift.

Um... What's her name from? Barrett found that the red-haired girl's name was gradually blurring in his mind, but her deep burgundy hair became more and more clear.

"It's great to be single!" Dave sighed.

Barrett could hear the irresistible envy in his tone, "You can go too, you profiteer earns enough money in a day to spend several times in a tavern like Shirley's Whisper. "

"Although this grocery store belongs to me, I am also a part-time worker." Dave said helplessly, "Most of the money I earn is to collect magic materials for Master Ian. These magic materials are not It will definitely generate profits, or rather, not necessarily generate profits for me, after all, Mage Ian has his own magic jewelry store."

Barrett doesn't know the exact amount of the transaction between Dave and Mage Ian, and doesn't care about it. "Even if there's a little left, it's enough for you to play."

"Those are for my wife." Dave sighed again, "And in the end, it's just a few silver griffins." He looked at Barrett resentfully, "So I said, single very nice!"

"I can't agree more." Barrett opened his almost recovered eyes, took the two items he found, and walked towards Dave in the counter, "What's the price of these two items?"

Dave stretched out his hand to take the item and used his special magnifying glass to examine it carefully, "Is this the good thing you spent so much time finding?"

Among the two items, one of them is a pair of worn-out metal long bracers. The pattern on the bracers has been severely worn, and it vaguely looks like a huge, terrifying behemoth of Tarasque. The wristbands are much heavier than expected, and obviously a lot of magic iron was mixed in when they were made.

However, magic iron is not a good choice for making bracers, because it is too heavy, and although it is not easy to break, it will have a great impact on the flexibility of wearing and using weapons.

【Colin's Wish】

[Colin is a small lord who is born with great strength. He admires the Tarasque giant beast very much, and hopes that one day he can have the same power as the Tarasque giant beast. Colin asked the blacksmiths in the domain to build a pair of bracers for him to exercise strength, and let the blacksmiths hand-carve a tarrasque on each bracer.

Colin wore this bracer day and night to eat, sleep, go to the toilet, and enter the boudoir, and he never took it off until he died. After that, the bracer accompanied Colin in the cemetery for hundreds of years as a funerary item, until the tomb robber stole it from the cemetery. 】

[Effect: Every accumulated wearing time for one year will permanently increase the wearer's strength by a bit. Up to 60 points of strength (Kolin wore it for 60 years, not counting the time of death). 】

[Side effect: The speed of your swinging weapon will be slowed down by 20%, and the side effect will disappear after wearing it for one year. 】

[Note: Every man has a "giant beast" in his heart...]

The other item was a lantern in a more worn style. The glass around the lantern had disappeared, leaving only a wire frame around it. The lantern is a little small and doesn't seem to be used by humans, but more like a dwarf, halfling, or dwarf.

【Unfortunate Miner's Lamp】

[This was originally a very common miner's lamp, and it used to accompany many dwarves in underground mines. But every dwarf who had it, by coincidence, died under the attack of the underground monster due to various reasons.

Blood was flowing, and the miner's lamp and the corpse fell to the ground together. This scene happened countless times. Over time, although this miner's lamp was picked up after every attack, no dwarf dared to use it again. 】

[Effect: When the miner's lamp is lit, it can attract the attacks of all monsters within 500 meters of the body, and the effect disappears when it is extinguished. 】

[Note: What can I do? I am also very disappointed! - unlucky miner's lamp]

"If you really want it, I'll count you one hundred and fifty gold coins for this pair of bracers." Dave offered a high price. When he received the goods, the price was very good (for adventurers); When it comes to stuff, the price is also good (for himself).

"Don't think it's too expensive. Although this pair of bracers is very worn out, there is a large amount of magic iron mixed in it, a large amount, a large amount!" He repeated repeatedly, "It can even be said that the entire bracer has Made of magic iron."

It is obviously impossible for the entire set of bracers to be made of magic iron, but at least 60% or 70% of it should be there. Barrett can judge the approximate content from the weight.

But he was still in a sluggish state at this time, so he didn't want to use this to bargain.

The high point is the high point. This thing is worth far more than one hundred and fifty gold coins to him, and even adding two zeros is a good deal! Barrett nodded and agreed with the price, "So, what about this lantern?"

"For the sake of you being so refreshing, I'll give it to you for nothing," Dave said, "but I have to tell you in advance that this item is cursed."

"Any free item is good, even if it has a curse," Barrett said. "Give me another map, and some travel gadgets."

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