Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 91: troublesome woman (below)

Barrett held Hannah's hand and quickly went up to the second floor.

The number of adventurers on the second floor was only about a quarter of that on the first floor. Some of them were hanging out in front of the task bar, looking for tasks; while others, they gathered in a pile and sat on the ground, as if they were gambling.

There are only two guards here. One of the very young guards saw that Barrett was grabbing a lady's hand rudely and wanted to run upstairs. Fan, but he was stopped by another elderly guard.

Barrett ignored the two guards, but kept walking up.

Her hands were rougher than before, but they were still soft. On the way upstairs, Barrett rubbed it subconsciously, causing Hannah to laugh again. There was a hint of mockery in her laughter, but Barrett didn't care.

She is like this, always has been like this.

The hall on the third floor is as spacious as the first two floors, but there is not a single task on the task bar all over the place, it just stands empty in the hall, with some desertedness, but this is exactly what Barritt wants.

The hall on this floor, under normal circumstances, is only as lively as the first floor in midsummer or autumn harvest, and more often, even mice are rare.

There are no guards, no quest registrars, just a few desolate adventurers lying asleep in the corner of the hall, and if it weren't for the loud snoring that sounded one after another, you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between them and the dead. .

Barrett heard that the original adventurer's guild in Galano had only one floor. The task boards at that time were hung on the surrounding walls, and the middle of the hall was filled with round wine tables at that time. Pretty waitresses danced like butterflies from table to table, filling adventurers' glasses with frothy rye beer.

Later, more and more people took the task, the wine table was removed, and the task board became the protagonist, moved down from the wall, and filled the entire hall. But even so, the mission hall is still unable to carry more and more adventurers, and many adventurers even have to wait in line to enter.

Because of this, there are the second and third floors. This is not like the Muya city-state. The adventurer guild in that place is in one and a half planes, even if thousands of adventurers enter at the same time.

Arriving on the third floor, Barrett let go of Hannah's hand, found a random corner, and sat down against the wall.

To be honest, his waist and legs are a little sore...

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Hannah walked over to Barrett, leaning her back against the wall, her well-proportioned thighs resting on Barrett's shoulders, "or do you really want to do something with me? what?"

She gently stroked the green stubble on Barrett's head with her hand, and he didn't have to look up to know that she must be smiling at this moment.

I don't want to tell you anything, Barrett thought, you stopped me, otherwise I would have gone up to the second floor silently, found a few random tasks on the way, and then left silently. , like a big ghost...

But he couldn't say that. After all, it was he who said he wanted to find a quiet place to have a good chat, and it was he who dragged her up to the third floor in front of everyone's eyes, although his purpose was not that.

"Why did you talk to Julie like that?" Barrett found a topic he thought was reasonable.

"Which ones?" Hannah asked knowingly.

"Those love words from Warren," Barrett sighed inwardly. "He didn't say those words to you, but why did you take those words to Julie?" He didn't really want to talk about it, no, he I don't want to talk about anything.

"You want to know why?" Hannah's tone suddenly became low.

No, I don't want to. Barry nodded.

"Because Warren was always looking for Julie during that time, and you never looked for me after that day, so I can't get over it. That's it," Hannah whispered, and she went from queen to maiden again .

That day……

Hannah's words made Barrett fall into memory.

That day, he was sitting on the ground with his back against the wall as he is now. And she straddled his body, her eyes blazing and wild. His hands were on her waist, while hers held his head.

On the other side of the corridor outside the wall, Warren was pouring out his heart to Julie, who was an old lover, and didn't know which bard he had learned a lot of sweet words from.

Barrett told Hannah what Warren had done at the time. She wanted to make fun of him, but Hannah asked him to repeat those words.

After that, every time Warren said a sentence, he repeated a sentence to Hannah, and Hannah's movements became more violent. He thought it was just an innocuous little fun, but after retelling it, he forgot about it. He didn't think about the woman standing next to him at this time, but he remembered everything in his heart.


For a while, the scene was a little quiet, except for the snoring of the adventurers in the corner, there was no extra sound.

Is Barrett feeling emotional, helpless, and guilty at this time?

No, at this moment, he was most complacent, and a sense of pride and conquest filled his brain.

Ordinary 'cute people', whether they live in a tent with thorns or a room with a rose pattern, but very few of them are really 'thorny'.

But Hannah is different, she is a glass of wine mixed with poison, or poison mixed with wine. In short, she not only has thorns, but her thorns are both sharp and poisonous. Although this woman is a 'kinder', her skills are not bad, and it can even be said that she is very strong.

Although Hannah's strength is not comparable to that of an elite adventurer like Barrett, she is much stronger than many adventurers who turned from farmer to occupation, and I don't know who she learned her skills from.

It was such a woman full of personality and good skills, but I was fascinated by me. If Barrett had a tail at this time, he would be in the sky.

"You owe me a favor." Hannah broke the silence and said.

"When did I owe you a favor?" Barret raised his head and asked with a puzzled expression. I used to pay every time, and only more or less.

He was never stingy in this regard.

"When those two people bullied me, you didn't help me, I can only protect myself." Hannah said sadly.

At that time, he was still working hard in the foggy forest, and Barrett was speechless. What's more, dew love doesn't need too many entanglements and "responsibility". Yes, these two words are a heavy burden to Barrett.

Of course, if I really met at that time, I would definitely help you. But Galano is not a Bay of Pigs. Killing people here is still a serious matter. I will break their ribs and hands and feet and teach them a lesson.

But Barrett didn't say these words. It's been so many years, and he doesn't need to say anything. He just remained silent, not saying a word.

"Are you looking for a mission?" Hannah asked again.

Barrett nodded, the people who came here were looking for tasks besides posting tasks.

"Do me a favor." She gently stroked Barrett's earlobe and cheek with her hand, and said softly, "I have a small task and I need help, please help me based on the relationship between you and me. "

He actually wanted to say " but he knew that he would definitely not be able to say the word.

After another long silence, Barrett said, "Show me the 'small' task you took on. If you want me to help you, at least let me know what it is."

"You're so kind, I knew you would agree." Hannah squatted down and kissed Barrett's forehead, "But that mission wasn't taken by me at the Adventurer's Guild, it was a personal commission. I came here actually I was looking for someone, but I didn't expect to meet you, we are really destined."

"Didn't you pick it up from the guild? Then you go to the side door, find the task issuer, and put the task on the task bar of the guild, and I'll pick it up." Barrett instructed.

"Why do you do this?" Hannah asked strangely, "Don't you believe me?"

No, I just want to earn some soul energy for myself. "Don't worry, there is no other meaning, this is just a little hobby of mine."

"There is a fee for hanging up the task." Hannah hesitated.

There wasn't much money there. "I'll pay for the handling fee!" Barrett said helplessly. Really, don't know who is helping who.

"Since you said so, then I'll go." Hannah agreed. "However, shall we go down now, or shall we go down after something happens?" She said with a smile.

"Now!" Barrett stood up, he wasn't in the mood to do that kind of thing.

"Well, you're a man, listen to you." Hannah shrugged indifferently, and then walked downstairs first. And while walking, he messed up his hair, leather armor, and breeches, as if something had just happened.

This woman! Barrett felt powerless.


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