Open Your Quest Log

: Testimonials

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First of all, it must be a thank you. It is a great honor for you, Xiongtai, to love this book. Thank you very much for your support, sincerely. Like the sea breeze, you are the driving force behind this book's sailing!

Actually, I have a lot to say in my heart, but I am worried that it will be too utilitarian and the purpose is too impure. Then let's talk a little bit about other aspects.

I am a very tangled person, and coding is slow. Because I hope to be able to write a real Western fantasy, so every time before opening a chapter, I have to watch American dramas and read Western novels to find that kind of feeling. Sometimes I'm too invested in "searching", and when I look up, I suddenly find that several hours have passed...

In this book, I try to use as few Chinese idioms and proverbs as possible, because they all have their own historical backgrounds, such as "siege Wei to save Zhao". However, such words would appear very abrupt in this book, because there is no Wei state or Zhao state in the history of the book.

There are actually many similar situations, because our daily conversations are like this. Whether it is oral conversation or written expression, it is always difficult to bypass. So I can only pay close attention, try to avoid this kind of thing from happening, and rack my brains to think of some proverbs with similar meanings, but also some artistic conception to express.

But I'm always worried that sometimes I won't notice it. If you find out, please bear with me.

The descriptions of the environment, food, architecture, etc. in the book are really not irritating. I am an otaku, I have been to very few places, and I do not know how to cook. Writing these contents is purely based on consulting a large amount of information and brainstorming, which is particularly time-consuming. But, again, we are a very tangled person. We always want to make the world fuller, and the characters and regions have their own characteristics. I don’t want the protagonist to feel the same after moving from one place to another. . Of course, there is another reason that I am a foodie...

In fact, I am deeply aware of the shortcomings in my writing, and I am slowly correcting them. I believe that we still have a lot of room for improvement. hey-hey.

To be more relaxed, in fact, I am an old driver, and I once posted in the literature section of SiS (Is this allowed to say?) However, everyone understands the current environment, so I dare not write as much in this regard as before.

When there is a chance in the future, hum, let you see our method! !

Finally, bow.


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