She originally thought that Wu Yuan could only do a little, but looking at the current situation, she still looks very skilled.

Ning Xue didn't dare to say how much other surgeons could do, but as far as Wu Yuan's operation was concerned, she felt that maybe few doctors could do it.

At this time, Wu Yuan had already separated the part where the internal organs were glued together, and then stopped for a few seconds.

Ning Xue asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

If at this stage, Wu Yuan can't figure it out, it will be troublesome.

In fact, Wu Yuan is using the key locked talent to investigate.

Wu Yuan sighed: "Fortunately, it was discovered early."

Ning Xue was startled.

Wu Yuan continued: "There is a lesion in the head of the pancreas."

When Ning Xue heard this, her eyes widened, but she didn't see anything.

Wu Yuan: "It's cancerous and needs to be removed immediately."

Ning Xue's face changed: "You, are you sure?"

Wu Yuan: "I'm not sure. After cutting it out, a pathological test is needed."

In fact, Wu Yuan had already decided it, but he couldn't say it now.

After all, the fact that his eyes can see the test results at a glance can only be known to him. This ability is too shocking to the world.

Wu Yuan officially announced: "It was found that the pancreatic head had early canceration, and it was removed during the operation. The resection scope included the pancreatic head and the uncinate process."

Before Ning Xue could react, Wu Yuan started to use the knife.

In order to perform more delicate operations, Wu Yuan chose the No. 5 scalpel.

Ning Xue saw Wu Yuan's terrifying basic skills again.

Steady, accurate, and very in place, no sloppy things happened.

Ning Xue suddenly felt that Wu Yuan seemed to be able to do such an operation with ease.

Too strong, no wonder Wu Yuan can beat Dong Zhigang.

Ning Xue had seen Dong Zhigang's surgery. Compared with Wu Yuan, it was not on the same level at all.

Wu Yuan's movements and stability seem to be no different from those of experienced surgeons.

At the same time, Ning Xue watched all the way, and only then did she really understand why pancreaticoduodenal surgery was so difficult.

The main reason is that there are too many organs involved in this part of the area, and there will be adhesions between them.

That is to say, once a lesion occurs, it is likely to spread to multiple organs and form a lesion.

This is a huge test of the surgeon's eyesight.

The key is that Wu Yuan's speed of finding the lesions is too fast, and Ning Xueguang can't keep up with Wu Yuan's rhythm even with his eyes.

Every time Wu Yuan removes a piece of organ tissue, it will be placed on the tray.

Every piece has a less obvious problem.

I really don't know how Wu Yuan's eyes grow, why are they so easy to use?

In addition, Ning Xue also knew that the most difficult part of pancreaticoduodenectomy was how to avoid complications.

The incidence of so-called "concurrent pancreatic leakage" even exceeds 60%.

That's a pretty scary number.

Therefore, surgeons must have sufficient psychological preparation when performing such operations.

Based on Wu Yuan's current state, Ning Xue felt from the perspective of a physician that the chance of complications... not much.

After a while, Wu Yuan stopped the operation and put the last piece of organ tissue on the tray.

Wu Yuan: "After the excision is completed, the excised organs and tissues will be tested for pathology."

The nurse responded.

Ning Xue: "Really, has it been removed completely?"

Wu Yuan nodded: "It's clean, sweat..."

Ning Xue: "Huh?"

Wu Yuan: "Wipe off my sweat, my hands are inconvenient."

Only then did Ning Xue realize that sweat had entered Wu Yuan's eyes, making him unable to open it.

Ning Xue quickly picked up the white towel at hand and wiped it for Wu Yuan.

Wu Yuan: "Thank you."

Ning Xue: "You're welcome, you've worked really hard."

Wu Yuan: "It's okay."

Wu Yuan took a few breaths, and then said, "I started to clean the abdominal cavity. I missed it in the second inspection, and then closed the cavity."

This step has to be done by Wu Yuan again.

After all, Ning Xue was a physician, so it was a bit difficult for him to do such a job.

At this time, Wu Yuan's movements were not fast, but they were very efficient and there were no extra steps, so he quickly closed the abdominal cavity.

Then, Wu Yuan started stitching.

This is Wu Yuan's "traditional art".

It was the first time that Ning Xue saw Wu Yuan's suture technique.

Sure enough, she showed a dumbfounded expression.

This stitching technique is amazing!

Ning Xue had never seen such skillful sewing.

Although ordinary sewing techniques are used, the effect of sewing is completely different.

Neat and flat, it really cures obsessive-compulsive disorder.

After Wu Yuan finished, Ning Xue was still staring blankly at the stitched wound, making her look stupid.

Wu Yuan: "The operation is over, the time is 14:50 now."

Ning Xue finally realized that it only took 1 hour and 20 minutes!

This speed is amazing!

Ning Xue could not remember how many times she was shocked by this operation.

Wu Yuan is too scary.

He is just a new doctor, how did he become so powerful?

Wu Yuan: "Doctor Ning, you've worked hard, thank you!"

With that said, Wu Yuan left the operating room. UU reading www.

Ning Xue went out following behind.

After Wu Yuan finished the operation, the patient's two family members greeted him as soon as he left the operating room.

Wu Yuan told them as usual that the operation was a success, so they don't have to worry.

Of course, the family is grateful, and they have to stuff red envelopes.

Wu Yuan waved his hand. Although it's not like ten years later, it doesn't matter if the doctor takes the red envelope, but he doesn't think it's necessary.

Wu Yuan: "Okay, okay, we don't like this set of things here, you can keep it yourself, and buy more nutritional supplements for the patient, okay?"

The family members saw that Wu Yuan was determined not to, so they didn't give it any more. They gave him another thank you, a good man, a conscience doctor, and so on.

Wu Yuan waved his hand and left, ready to change his clothes and wash his hands.

This scene happened to be seen by Ning Xue.

Looking at Wu Yuan's back, there was indeed an unfathomable feeling, which made Ning Xue somewhat unable to adapt.

This person is getting more and more mysterious.

After Wu Yuan finished packing, he went to Liu Dazhu's office again.

In fact, Liu Dazhu has been watching Wu Yuan's surgery in the observation room.

To be honest, Liu Dazhu was no less surprised than Ning Xue.

He suddenly felt that Wu Yuan's surgical level was probably higher than everyone imagined.

This is not as simple as being underestimated, it is simply seriously underestimated.

It's no problem for Wu Yuan to at least have the title of an attending physician.

Liu Dazhu was shocked in his heart, but he was fine on the surface, and thanked Wu Yuan.

Of course, Wu Yuan will be humble.

At this moment, Zhao Qin also arrived.

When Zhao Qin heard that the operation was completed early, she couldn't help but be surprised.

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