"Does Fellow Daoist Zhang want to find the Kunlun Goddess through Scar Taita?"

Shen Wangu instantly understood Zhang Yi's thoughts and made a bold guess.

Zhang Yi nodded, "Scar Titan is definitely related to the Kunlun Goddess. This is the best way to find the Kunlun Goddess."

Several people nodded. The goal of their trip was still the Kunlun Goddess. The Titans were just a sideshow, not important.

"Let's go! Follow us!"

Zhang Yi immediately activated his storm boots and followed Scar Titan, and several other people reacted and followed closely behind Zhang Yi.

But none of them noticed that in the corner of Kunlun Mountain, there was a young man with red eyes staring at Zhang Yi and his party.

"That bullshit Titan Clan! Even Zhang Yi can't deal with it."

This person is Ye Haoran who has disappeared for a long time. It is unknown when he came to Kunlun Mountain quietly.

Just as Zhang Yi expected, Ye Haoran would not be absent from important occasions again.

It's just that he chose to act secretly this time and did not let Zhang Yi know his whereabouts.

"But Zhang Yi's strength is beyond my imagination. Even the Titan Clan can't help him. I will let him die in Kunlun Mountain no matter what this time."

"But... Speaking of which, why did they come to Kunlun Mountain this time?"

There was a hint of doubt in Ye Haoran's eyes, and he didn't understand why Zhang Yi appeared every time he appeared.

So much so that now he has a serious psychological shadow on Zhang Yi, and he is really frightened by Zhang Yi.

He even felt that Zhang Yi was his lifelong enemy. Every time Zhang Yi appeared, nothing good would happen.

This time he came to Kunlun Mountain because of the guidance of Bloody Double Eyes, saying that he would have a great opportunity in Kunlun Mountain, but the details have not been revealed yet.

"Speaking of...bloody eyes, what exactly is the opportunity you are talking about? It shouldn't have anything to do with Zhang Yi, right?"

Ye Haoran asked with a cautious attitude.

Now the blood-colored eyes have awakened after being nourished by Ye Haoran, and he has regained his intelligence. Even many things are helped by the blood-colored eyes that help Ye Haoran avoid danger.

"Don't worry, I will help you deal with the so-called Young Supreme."

The blood-red eyes were calm and didn't seem to take Zhang Yi seriously.

"Is this true? Now that you and I are one, please don't try to trick me."

Ye Haoran looked a little excited, but more of it was still unbelievable.

There was nothing he could do, he had fallen on Zhang Yi so many times that he was a little unconfident.

"Don't worry, I don't take this mere young supreme in my eyes."

The red eyes said arrogantly.

"Is it possible that you have a way to deal with him?"

Ye Haoran asked excitedly.

"It might be a bit uncertain in other places, but here in Kunlun Mountain it's very certain."

The blood-colored double-eyed man said confidently: "You probably don't know the relationship between the first-generation double-eyed man and the first-generation Kunlun Goddess, and... the Supreme has never dealt with the Kunlun Goddess. Otherwise, why do you think you can drive the Titans?"

"You said the key to this battle lies with the Goddess Kunlun?"

Ye Haoran was not stupid. He reacted immediately, with a gleam in his eyes, and asked with interest.

The gloomy laughter with red eyes echoed in Ye Haoran's body, "She is the goddess of Kunlun, just wait and reap the benefits."

Hearing this, Ye Haoran felt confident in his heart, and instantly felt that Zhang Yi was eaten to death on Kunlun Mountain.

At this moment, Zhang Yi and his group were quietly following Scar Titan, and did not let Scar Titan discover their traces.

However, at this moment, an erratic figure in white appeared in front of several people. Although her back was turned to several people, her fresh and refined temperament was unforgettable, not even much weaker than Yue Yao.

"This is probably the Kunlun Goddess, right?"

Zhang Yi is not surprised. After all, he has seen the whole picture of Kunlun Goddess in the Destiny Map, and he deals with Yue Yao every day, so he has long been immune to beauty.

"She is worthy of being the goddess of Kunlun. She deserves to be called 'goddess'. Just the back view makes people imagine her."

Shen Wangu couldn't help but sigh, his eyes a little blurry.

"Go out!"

Ren Qianchou rolled his eyes at Shen Wangu, his eyes full of disdain and contempt.

"Isn't it clear that you have a tail behind you? A bunch of trash!"

The voice of the Kunlun Goddess, like the voice of heaven, resounds throughout the Kunlun Mountains, making people feel relaxed and happy.


Scar Titan was running away for his life, and he didn't think much about it for a while. Now when he was reminded by the Kunlun Goddess, his violent eyes swept behind him, and a look of anger flashed immediately.

"Damn it! They actually followed me!"

Scar Titan had a furious look on his face, his eyes fixed on the direction of Zhang Yi and the others, and he had obviously discovered the traces of Zhang Yi and the others.

"Goddess, it's my subordinate who is having trouble doing things. Please retreat first and leave the trouble here to me."

Scar Titan knelt down on one knee and said in fear.

The Kunlun Goddess nodded slowly, and she pointed toward the void, and a soft white light enveloped the other two Titans. Their injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This time... don't disappoint me."

As soon as the empty divine voice fell, the Kunlun Goddess disappeared without a trace. Even Zhang Yi did not know her trace.

Scar Titan lowered his head with an extremely respectful expression. In front of the Kunlun Goddess, Scar Titan was as powerful as Scar Titan and didn't even dare to breathe.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, can you see through the strength of the Kunlun Goddess?"

Just a glimpse of her made Shen Wangu's scalp numb, thinking that this was a person he couldn't afford to offend.

Especially on Kunlun Mountain, Kunlun Goddess was an invincible existence, just like he was in Dazhou Mountain.

Zhang Yi shook his head. The strength of Kunlun Goddess was unpredictable to him, especially the other party's attitude made Zhang Yi feel a headache. It was obvious that she had no good intentions, otherwise Scar Titan would not have attacked them.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, why don't we go? Kunlun Goddess is really not a good person."

Shen Wangu advised from the heart, mainly because he didn't know why Zhang Yi wanted to find Kunlun Goddess.

Zhang Yi frowned and shook his head, "I can't leave now, the matter has not been resolved."

It was not easy to see Kunlun Goddess, and it was possible to complete two tasks at once this time. Zhang Yi didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, let me ask one more question, what do you want to do with Kunlun Goddess?"

Logically speaking, the two people had nothing to do with each other, and he really couldn't figure out what Zhang Yi wanted to do with Kunlun Goddess.

"I want to help her remove the curse!"

Zhang Yi took a deep breath. At this point, there was no need for Zhang Yi to hide anything.

Everyone took a deep breath and looked at Zhang Yi with strange expressions. Especially Shen Wangu, he opened his eyes and mouth wide, and asked in disbelief: "Remove the curse?! Fellow Daoist Zhang, this is impossible. I advise you to give up this idea immediately."

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