Opening confession to the beautiful master

Chapter 595: Everyone is united

"Since I have taken this path, I will inevitably walk towards the end. It is not your turn to decide my life, because... you are not worthy!"

Wu Xin gritted his teeth while dealing with Dugu Sheng.

Dugu Sheng sneered. Without the help of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, he could completely suppress Wu Xin and fight with ease. "You once took away my incense and destroyed my statue. Today I will let you see how I can take all these away." return!"

"I am the Dugu Sage of the Eight Immortals. People in the Ancient Realm, listen up. I am going down to the lower realm today to kill those who offend the immortals. If you don't want to die, please quickly worship our statue!"

Dugu Sheng's voice echoed throughout the ancient realm, like a thunderous explosion. Even at this time, he was still thinking about the power of incense, which must be very important to him.

For a moment, everyone in the Ancient Territory knew that they could not avoid being affected by this battle. They stood up tremblingly and looked in the direction of the Holy Palace. They could feel the intensity of the battle even from a distance.

"The lower realm of the Seven Immortals is fighting with the Holy Emperor and the Supreme Lord. Should we continue to worship the immortals?"

Many people saw this extremely shocking scene and such a fierce level of fighting. This was the first time they had seen it in their lives, and they had this doubt in their hearts.

This time, they did not think of going directly to the Eight Immortals Temple for the sake of immortality when they were in the lower realm. Instead, they fell into deep hesitation.

The majesty of the fairy spirits continued to decline in their hearts, all thanks to Zhang Yi.

"The Holy Emperor and the Supreme Lord are all fighting with their lives. If we worship the immortals at this time, wouldn't it be a disgrace to our ancient domain? We can't worship!"

Someone shouted with enthusiasm. ŴŴŴ.

"Yes! We can't worship. They are still fighting. We cannot increase the enemy's ambition and destroy our own prestige."

Many people immediately nodded in agreement, and this battle also aroused the long-extinguished passion in their hearts.

"If you don't kneel down, are you waiting for death? This time they are facing seven immortals, not just one!"

"Exactly! Haven't you seen the terrifying strength of the Seven Immortals? This is no longer something that mortals can fight against."

Of course, there were also different voices, and the quarrel between the two sides became increasingly fierce.

Zhang Yi in the Holy Palace seemed to have anticipated the consequences of Dugu Sheng's words, and immediately said to Gu Xinghe: "Holy Emperor, your voice is the only one in the Ancient Territory that can be heard everywhere. Hurry and appease the people."

"They still want to seize the destiny of heaven, and we must not let them succeed!"

Zhang Yi saw through Dugu Sheng's sinister intentions at a glance and would not let him go.

Gu Xinghe also reacted, and while he and Chen Haoran were dealing with an immortal spirit, he shouted loudly: "All living beings in the ancient domain, I am the Holy Emperor Gu Xinghe. This battle is related to the life and death of our ancient domain. The immortal spirits have evil intentions and want to steal Don’t let him succeed in trying to seize the fate of the ancient realm!”

"This battle is for the ancient domain!"

"This battle is to change your life!"

"This battle is for the common people!"

"As the Holy Emperor of the Ancient Territory, I will kill the Seven Immortals even if I fight to the last drop of blood or the last person!"

"Wait a minute, listen to the dragon's roar, and watch the immortal blood stain the sky!"

Gu Xinghe's passionate and impassioned speech ignited the passion of all the people in the Ancient Territory, and many people even had tears in their eyes.

"The Holy Emperor and the Supreme Lord are all fighting for us. If we worship, wouldn't we be surrendering to the immortal spirits? This time... I will definitely not do it!"

"They are fearless in the face of the faeries, so what do we fear behind him?"

"There is no pure land in this world. It's just that there are people carrying the burden for us. We must not let them down this time!"

"For the ancient domain! Fight the fairies together!"

For a time, countless people were excited and shouted, completely overwhelming the previous objections. No one in Nuo Da's ancient domain worshiped the fairy.

This is their answer this time!

Dugu Sheng, who was fighting Wu Xin, looked so gloomy that he almost dripped water, and roared angrily: "Damn it, after this battle is over, I will let millions of corpses lie in the ancient domain!"

"Hahahaha, it seems like you can't get back what you lost.'s time to show you my true methods."

"Even if I'm only in the semi-immortal realm, it's enough to kill you!"

Wu Xin's eyes erupted with a shocking murderous intention, his hands began to form seals continuously, and his body began to grow in size. In just the blink of an eye, he transformed into a Buddha and demon, with the demon on the left and the Buddha on the right. The light of Buddha and the light of demon Under the shroud, his aura surged, like a human Tai Sui god.

"Big Demon Fist!"

"Big Buddha Palm!"

Wu Xin formed a fist with his left hand and a palm with his right hand, and blasted towards Dugu Sheng at the same time. A terrifying demon Buddha appeared on the left and right, and the terrifying aura seemed to swallow Dugu Sheng.

"Dugu Sword Technique!"

Dugu Sheng's expression was solemn, and a long sword appeared in his hand. As he swung it, countless sword lights shot out, striking together with Wu Xin's attack.

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, an earth-shattering roar sounded, and Dugu Sheng's figure took a few steps back forcibly, while Wu Xin clasped his hands together and only took half a step back, still maintaining the appearance of a worldly eminent monk.

" possible?"

Under the shock of that terrifying power, Dugu Sheng felt a sweet sensation in his throat, a touch of blood gushed out, and his face was filled with disbelief.

He couldn't believe that a mere half-immortal could hurt him by himself. This was a great shame and humiliation for him. If this matter was reported back to the immortal world, he would definitely become a laughing stock in the immortal world.

"Wu Xin, you deserve to die! You deserve to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!"

Dugu Sheng roared hysterically, the long sword in his hand bloomed with a faint cold light, endless immortal power poured into it, and a terrifying sword intent burst out from it.

"Hahaha! Fairies are nothing more than that, just use whatever means you have!"

Wu Xin was not afraid at all. He became more courageous in the battle, and the demonic intention in his body was much more abundant than before. He formed seals with his hands to kill Dugu Sheng.

On the other side, the combination of Chen Haoran, Gu Xinghe and Fang Tiancheng really produced a miraculous effect. They actually suppressed one of the immortals and even showed a vague appearance of victory.

In particular, the fusion of the scroll of life and death by the Judge's Pen almost trapped the fairy in the scroll, and Fang Tiancheng burned the fragments of the avenue to hit the opponent, causing the opponent to suffer unspeakably.

The collaboration between Taoist Qinglian and Yue Yao was well-deserved. Just the two of them overwhelmed each other, especially the weird Qinglian petals and the Avenue of Love, which made him unable to guard against it, although it did not cause fatal injuries to him. , but it still made him embarrassed.

Zhang Yi and the Sun Ancestor teamed up to suppress an immortal spirit. This time the Sun Ancestor used all his methods, blasting out meteorites like the scorching sun, coupled with Zhang Yi's attack from the Immortal Killing Avenue, Let that fairy walk on the edge of death countless times.

The remaining three fairies were jointly dealt with by others, but they seemed to be able to deal with them with ease. This was all thanks to the valuable experience given by Xue Wanli, otherwise the situation of this battle would not be what it is now.

Although some of them were injured, these injuries were nothing compared to the embarrassment of the fairies.

The main reason for this is that Wu Xin's combat power far exceeded everyone's expectations. He was actually able to fight against the strongest Dugu Sheng on his own without being weak, which relieved them a lot of pressure.

"Damn it, I was pressed down and beaten by a group of mortals. The feeling of being suppressed by the law of heaven is so humiliating!"

The fairies cursed in an extremely frustrated manner. If they were in their prime, this kind of character would simply punch one after another without any pressure.

"Ancestor Sun, help me kill him!"

At this moment, Zhang Yi found the right opportunity to surround him with the Immortal Killing Avenue. At the same time, he used the Three Purities Holy Method to prevent the fairy from escaping. He planned to take advantage of this to kill him and solve a problem first.


The ancestor of the sun smiled happily and kept making seals with his hands, "Sun Cage!"

I saw a cage as hot and dazzling as the scorching sun directly trapping the fairy spirit, "Zhang Yi, use the avenue fragments to kill him!"

The ancestor of the sun urged with a slightly excited look. If nothing else happens, this will be the first fairy he has killed. Just thinking about it is exciting.

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