Soon, the alcoholic lunatic covered up his injuries and said with a disdainful smile: "It doesn't matter, I can still live for a few years, but I can't take action more than three times, otherwise..."

At this point, the alcoholic lunatic did not continue speaking, he understood everything.

"How many years to live?"

Zhang Yi was shocked. He didn't expect that the drunk maniac's seemingly strong life would actually be covered in bruises. This made Zhang Yi unable to accept it for a while.

He might not have felt much before, but since the drunken maniac knew the importance of the Divine Stick of Creation and gave it to him, he was touched in his heart, knowing that his seemingly cynical master had put in so much effort behind his back. Quite a few.

"Is there any way to recover from the injury?"

Zhang Yi asked with a frown.

Suddenly, Zhang Yi thought of his Sky-Repairing Glue, wasn't it just for repairing all things? And the human body should be repairable to some extent.

But the drunk maniac waved his hand and said indifferently: "Ignore him, I am not showing you this wound to help my master heal it, but I want to tell you that this injury was left in the cemetery of the gods, so... …Don’t ask about the cemetery of the gods, and don’t step into it until you become the Immortal King!”

"And... don't tell Zi Ling about this."

Obviously, the drunkard didn't want too many people to know about this, so he reminded Zhang Yi carefully.

Zhang Yi nodded heavily. Originally, he was very interested in the cemetery of the gods. After all, it was probably related to the divine world. But after listening to the warning from the drunkard, he also knew that with his current strength, he did not dare to contact the gods. cemetery.

"Master, I have a strange medicine here that may help your injury."

While talking, Zhang Yi took out the few remaining glue and handed it to the drunkard.

Although the rubber patch is precious, it is obviously not worth mentioning compared with the life of a drunkard.

The drunk maniac picked up the Tianbujiao and examined it, and finally shook his head with a smile and returned the Tianbujiao to Zhang Yi, "This medicine is indeed strange, and it actually contains a trace of the power of creation. You have to live well with such a precious thing. custody."

"Master, give it a try!"

Zhang Yi pushed the Tian Mending Glue over again and persuaded with a somewhat anxious expression.

The drunk maniac's heart warmed up, but he resolutely refused: "It's useless. My injuries were caused by the gods. Unless there is a way to eliminate the remaining divine power in my body, it will be useless."

"Take it, I know what you mean, it would be great to have this."

The drunk maniac smiled and forced the patching glue to Zhang Yi, his eyes were very pleased.

"Injured by the gods? Master, did you fight against people from the God Realm?"

The only god Zhang Yi came into contact with was the Kunlun Goddess, and the Kunlun Goddess was still cursed at that time. He had no idea how powerful the true god was.

"Fighting against the guys in the Cemetery of the Gods can be regarded as fighting against the gods."

The wine maniac subconsciously touched his waist, but finally glanced regretfully at the wine bottle hanging on the top of Tianjiu Peak. He always wanted to take a sip at this time.

"Master, what are gods? How can we eliminate divine power?"

Today, Zhang Yi seemed to have opened the door to a new world. He took this opportunity to learn more about it and find out how to eliminate divine power.

"What is a god..."

The alcoholic lunatic looked thoughtful, "Those who possess the godhead are true gods, and the others are all false gods. How can a true god become a god if he does not die?"

"As for eliminating divine power... I'm afraid only divine power can eliminate divine power."

"What? Don't you want to help me eliminate the remaining divine power in my body?"

After that, the drunk maniac made fun of Zhang Yi, smiled and waved his hands: "This idea is very dangerous, give it up quickly! God is still too far away from you!"

Zhang Yi actually wanted to say that the distance was not far. Although he didn't know whether the Kunlun Goddess was a true god, he himself came from the God Realm, so how could he say it was far away?

"Master, try your best not to take action in the past few years. When I become a god, I will eliminate the remaining divine power for you!"

Zhang Yi said extremely seriously.

For a moment, the drunk maniac was stunned when he looked at Zhang Yi's persistent eyes. After a while, he came back to his senses and laughed: "Hahaha, do you know how difficult it is to become a god? Even the Emperor of Heaven spent a hundred years. None of them succeeded."

"Since you don't have godhood, just kill the gods and prove the truth!"

Zhang Yi knew that the gods mentioned by the alcoholic madman were not people from the divine realm, but a realm. This thing was like a carrot with a hole in it. If there was no hole, just pull out a carrot.

Hearing this, the wine madman laughed loudly, and the laughter immediately resounded throughout the Tianjiu Peak, "Okay! You are indeed my disciple. You are a god-slayer who has attained enlightenment. I promise you my master!"

The alcoholic maniac seemed to see his original self in Zhang Yi. He wanted to kill the gods and prove the truth, but he failed. "This time, I will not let you fail as a teacher!"

"Master, can people from the God Realm come to the Immortal Realm just like people from the Immortal Realm came to the Ancient Realm?"

Zhang Yi asked the doubts that had been buried in his heart for a long time. After all, the Kunlun Goddess and the others came from the God Realm, and he also wandered from the God Realm to the Ancient Realm.

"Of course you can, but they can only come to the cemetery of the gods. Moreover, people from the God Realm will be suppressed by this world when they come to the Immortal Realm, just like people from the Immortal Realm go to the Ancient Realm."

"What if someone from the God Realm wants to come to the Ancient Realm?"

Zhang Yi asked again.

"People from the God Realm come to the Ancient Realm? Isn't that necessary? The Ancient Realm is a place of exile for the God Realm, and only those who have committed crimes will go there."

The drunk maniac shook his head.

Hearing this, Zhang Yi fell into deep thought. He was thinking about how he came to Wuling in the first place. The matter was probably more complicated than he imagined.

"Zhang Yi, do you know why people in the world want to become gods?"

The drunkard suddenly asked.


Zhang Yi really didn't understand. If he wanted to live forever, reaching the realm of the Emperor of Heaven would almost mean immortality.

"Learn slowly. When you understand it thoroughly one day, you may become a god."

The drunkard turned into a riddle man again, leaving Zhang Yi to think alone.

"I have told you too much today, but this also gave you a preliminary understanding of the God Realm. I believe that your journey is definitely not limited to the Immortal Realm. This world is very exciting, and there is a wider world waiting for you to explore."

"Grow up quickly!"

The drunkard patted Zhang Yi's shoulder earnestly and said in a deep voice.

Zhang Yi also felt the expectation in the drunkard's eyes, nodded heavily, and asked, "Master, is what happened back then related to becoming a god?"

The drunkard was stunned, turned around, and looked up at the sky silently. The thousands of stars could not eliminate his loneliness. He waved his hand and said, "Back, there will be a good show tomorrow!"

The drunkard did not give an answer, but it seemed that he had said everything, everything was unspoken.

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