A few days later……

"Haki is divided into observation Haki, armed Haki and overlord Haki, I believe you all know this."In a separate area in the dojo, Koshiro said

"Among them, the Conqueror's Haki is a natural gift, I have no way to teach you, so you can choose one of the other two types of Haki."

Choose one?

"Can't I learn both?" Roger asked doubtfully.

Koshiro glanced at Roger and replied,"No, domineering is not a simple thing. A talented person may be able to achieve a small success in one or two years, while a person without talent may need more than ten years or even longer, so I suggest you specialize in one."

Roger was hesitant. As for talent, his body did not have talent, but he had a system that could quickly improve his physical fitness.

After a while,

""Master, I choose Observation Haki."

Roger finally gave up the training of Armament Haki, because his physical fitness was not very strong, and there were few system tasks. He was not sure if he could keep up with the physical fitness required by Armament Haki.

After Roger made the decision, Koshiro asked Roger to cover his eyes with a black cloth.

"In the early stage of seeing and hearing, you need to improve your five senses. I won't say much about vision, but if you want to improve other senses, blinding your vision is a good choice."

"Next I will use my sword against you, and your task is to dodge my sword moves."

Koushiro picked up a wooden sword and chopped it straight at Rogge.


Rogge didn't dodge and was hit on the head by the wooden sword.

"I have to say that your physical fitness is very good. With such good physical fitness, it would be more adventurous if you first learned the Armament Haki."

Koshiro praised

"Please continue, Master."Rogge urged

"Good." Koshiro smiled and said,"Left."

Rogge subconsciously dodged to the right.


"Ah!" Roger cried out in pain. It was obvious that Koshiro had increased his strength.

"Master, you are lying to me, aren't you?" Rogge said speechlessly, rubbing his right arm.

"Don't trust what others say too much, just feel the sound of the wind when the sword is swung." Koshiro said with a faint smile



So Roger was blindfolded and hacked at by Koshiro's sword for a whole day.

"From tomorrow on, Kuina will help you train. When you can dodge 90% of Kuina's attacks, we will start the next stage of training.

Koshiro put the wooden sword back on the wooden rack and said:

""Yes, Master."

Roger, who was in pain all over, replied with difficulty.

"Do you want to know why I hit you so hard?" Koshiro said with a faint smile.


"Haha, if you want to know, then just want to know. Why wouldn't I tell you?"

Looking at Rogge who seemed a little aggrieved, Koshiro teased.

"I used heavy hands to open your senses better. Growth without pain is slow and lazy, and it will not grow into a towering tree. I only told you this truth. Whether you can understand it depends on you. Anyway, Kuina will not be too gentle."

After explaining with a faint smile, Koshiro left on his own.

""Growth without pain is slow and lazy, isn't it?"

Rogge murmured a few words, and he had no complaints about Koshiro. Although there was not much pain in the six years of training, exhaustion was common, so Rogge also understood the benefits of such training.

When he got home, Rogge just arrived at the time for dinner.

Then after eating as usual, Rogge began to practice alone at night.

Because he would go to the dojo to practice observation Haki during the day, the development of kendo and fruit ability could only be put on at night.

As for the training of kendo and fruit, Rogge also had references.

Kendo was based on Garp. Garp hammered the mountain, so he cut the mountain and took the power route. The fruit ability was based on the two"Hot-Hot Fruit Ability Users".

Charlotte Owen, the 30th under Big Mom The four ministers are capable of being quasi-generals. Their reference abilities are High Heat Fist and High Heat Slash.

Because Rogge's Cold-Cold Fruit is not transferable, he can only borrow two skills from Owen. One is to gather cold air in his fist to attack.

The other is to bring an ice effect when launching a slash.

Don Achino is another user of the Heat-Heat Fruit ability. His ability can only heat himself, which is very similar to Rogge's ability. However, because Don Achino's strength is very low and he has almost no combat skills, the only ability he can borrow is the terrible low temperature bonus of his body, turning himself into a frozen man.

With a more substantial training plan, Rogge soon became busy.

In this way, a year passed quietly.……

""The tenth battle between Rogue and Kuina begins!"

As Zoro finished speaking, Rogue raised his sword and attacked Kuina.

Kuina was not as casual as she was in the first battle with Rogue, but stepped forward to suppress Rogue.

Because the previous challenges put a lot of pressure on Kuina, Kuina could no longer respond casually.

"One sword style. Sakura!"

A year later, Kuina's swordsmanship has made great progress, and she has also developed her own sword moves.

Kuina's sword danced and slashed towards Rogge, but in Rogge's eyes, it still looked like cherry blossom petals, which was quite magical.

One sword style. Tiger hunting!

Rogge caught Kuina's move with a backhand sword, and pushed it back, then stepped forward.

Kuina frowned, then grabbed the way and Ichimonji, and stabbed Rogge.

"Hey, hey, Kuina, Rogue will die!" Zoro reminded anxiously.

But Kuina ignored him and continued to stab him with the sword. She believed that Rogue could dodge it!

Rogue did not disappoint Kuina. Rogue, who was supposed to be stabbed, suddenly disappeared from the spot.

""Disappeared...disappeared?" Zoro muttered as he stared blankly at the place where Rogue disappeared.


Before Zoro could react, Rogue and Kuina fought again. It was obvious that the two had left Zoro far behind. Zoro could no longer keep up with the battle rhythm of the two.

"Rogge, your swordsmanship is finally not as bad as it was before. Kuina teased while fighting.

"Humph, people will improve."Rogge said lightly,"Also, concentrate on fighting, be careful not to lose."

After saying that, Rogge increased his strength and pushed Kuina back several meters away.

"You are the annoying guy, you just rely on your own strength."Guina said angrily

"Next, I will show you the results of my one-year training, so you better be careful."

Compared with Kuina and Zoro, Rogge's strength has increased much faster this year, whether it is kendo or anything else.

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