Yuange knew that these people probably told those people the news of their group.

They were waiting here for the Devil Fruit to be delivered to the door.

Those people are really slow, though.

This made Yuange also hold fire in his heart.

When Princess Weiwei saw Yuange and their group, she would also angrily scold: “You despicable pirates actually changed your flag!” ”

When Luffy heard this, he also refuted at this time: “Our ship was snatched because this red heart is so ugly, so we replaced the pirate!” As for the Navy, we actually took that flag on it, do you think we want to! ”

Seeing Luffy treat the lady like this, and still such a beautiful lady, Sanji was very angry in his heart, and then kicked Luffy away.

“Don’t treat such a beautiful lady like this!”

Seeing Yamaji such a lecherous look.

Nami couldn’t stand it.

Directly knocked Yamaji down with a fist.

Knocked down by Nami, this guy is still very happy.

“Nami hit me! Nami hit me! ”

When Yuange saw such a scene, he really didn’t know what to say at this time.

This guy looks like a pig brother when he sees a beautiful woman.

Seeing that Ikalem was arrested by Yuange and his group, Weiwei at this time also had to attack these people.

Wei Wei first danced a seductive perfume dance.

Yuange immediately asked the others to cover their noses at this time.

Of course, for a beautiful woman like Yamaji, a guy who has no resistance at all, even if the other party does not have perfume, this guy will look like this, this guy is completely defenseless to beautiful women.

As for this time, it was a nosebleed and looked very embarrassed.

Seeing Yamaji like this, Nami punched this guy directly in the face.

Then, the peacock chain saw rotated in the slight hand of this song, and the sitting dry duck attacked this side.

Because he covered his nose before, because Solon did not inhale the drug.

And the other party’s this is not lethal at all, because dealing with that was solved by Solon at once.

Of course, such a scene is not what Yuange wants to see.

What he wanted to see was someone with the Devil Fruit ability.

Because the main purpose of coming to this place is to seize the Devil Fruit.

As for Weiwei, he wants to capture Yuange and then get a large bounty to save his country.

Yuange waited for a while, and finally waited for the Exploding Fruit and the Light Fluttering Fruit Ability in impatience.

After seeing this, Ikarem and Weiwei were also very happy, because their rescue had finally arrived.

“A few of you, be sure to catch these people!”

At this time, Ikalem said to the two people.

“Naturally, we want to catch these people, and the boss has also ordered to come and solve you sinners!”

At this time, the one who had the ability to explode the fruit said lightly at this time

“You saved the king! And MISSWednesday, you are Princess Pico! ”

Saying that, at this time, the one who was able to flutter the fruit took out a photo of Princess Weiwei.

“You guys are the guys who secretly infiltrated Barlow’s studio!”

Seeing this at this time, Weiwei also made it difficult for these people.

Seeing this, Ikalem at this time the machine gun in his hair shot at these people.

“Princess Weiwei, run!”

However, at this time, that one explosive fruit ability directly cut out a boogee, then pinched it in his hand, and then threw it towards this side.

After Yuange saw that guy, he only felt very hungry and sick.

Then, that booger exploded.

This is called a booger bomb.

When Yuange saw such a scene, he wanted to vomit a little.

“Please, I know you’re awesome, save our country!”

Ikalem also begged Yuange and his group at this time.

“Solon, go deal with that disgusting guy! I’ll deal with that woman! ”

Yuange ordered at this time.

Because that guy is so disgusting.

Hearing this, Solon was very upset at this time, because this guy actually called such a disgusting guy to himself to deal with.

“Who do you say is disgusting?” That person who exploded the fruit was obviously very hungry.

“It’s you! Nose picking uncle! ”

Yuange was not afraid of the other party at this time.

Then the men fought.

The one who has the ability to flutter lightly, Yuange uses smoke fruit, the other party can’t overwhelm his body at all, because Yuange can incarnate smoke.

Therefore, such a guy with light fluttering fruits was solved by Yuange at once.

This is restraint in the ability of the fruit.

As for that guy, although it was strange and disgusting, it was still solved by Solon at this time.

After catching these two guys, Yuange came next to extract the Devil Fruit.

Metasong waits for such a step.


Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass!

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