
Like meteors, the aftermath of the energy scattered endlessly bombarded down.

Sprinkle the sky, covering an extremely wide area.

The furious wind barrier surged and firmly protected all the sky within five thousand meters.

Pitch black, cloudy energy, sprinkled on the huge wind barrier.

It was directly swallowed by the violent wind, setting off waves and dissipating at an extremely fast speed.

Although, this heavenly energy aftermath was generated by the battle between the two major Four Emperor-level powerhouses.

However, it is only the aftermath, not to mention that the scope is so dispersed, and the power is cut again and again.


Even a general-level shadow assassin like Yasuo could not resist so many energy aftermaths.


Even so.

At this time, Yasuo held up the five-kilometer wind barrier, firmly guarding the sky of Shadow Island against all aftermath.

In the eyes of countless people, they were fascinated, and the strength of Yasuo and the strength of the Assassin Alliance had once again improved a lot.

That’s gorgeous.

The wind-like barrier like a canopy of the sky, the aftermath of the explosion from time to time, seems to be dazzling, dazzling.

Beautiful and stunning.

“Terrifying! The shadow assassin Yasuo actually single-handedly resisted the aftermath of the battle between the two and four emperors? ”

“Terrible… It’s terrible… Is such a power really only at the level of a general? ”

“I am afraid that the plan of the world government this time will fall through again.”

“With the help of the Four Emperors Kaido, plus the Assassin Alliance itself is extremely powerful… Hey, hey…”

“Sure enough… The status of the world government is being pried! ”

Inside the venue.

Many pirates who looked at the aftermath that was about to fall and couldn’t stop the commotion, at this time, pointed at the world government one by one.

At the same time, the look of fear and horror on his face was all withdrawn, and his face was indifferent and proud.

Even if it was not they who embarrassed the world government and the plan failed, they still felt excited.

There are also many people who are even more amazed by Yasona’s miraculous ability and powerful strength.


Worthy of the League of Assassins.

This shadow assassin named Yasso had no idea what kind of Devil Fruit ability he was.

Obviously a swordsman, but able to wield the wind, control the wind, and his slash.

And always with an incomparably violent flame.


“League of Assassins, these people… It’s hard to deal with…”

In a group.

The commander-in-chief of the world government CP0, Camo stared at Yasuo in mid-air, and faintly made a sound.

By his side.

Everyone also had complicated eyes.

To put it bluntly.

Such a range of defense.

Even Karp, who is the fourth emperor, cannot do it.

After all, Karp has no demon fruit, is not a swordsman, but a real, with physical skills, a monster that has reached the level of the four emperors.

Perhaps, singled out strength, Karp is very strong.

When it comes to the range of attack, he is far behind.



Yasso’s five-kilometer wind barrier fends off the energy aftermath, causing fireworks one after another.

Let both Kaido and Saga in the battle collide be stunned.

Their strength, he knows very well, even if it is just the aftermath, it is very good.

Right now.

It was actually resisted by a general-level shadow assassin.

The eyes gradually became cold.

Zagar knew that they might be really, really hard to get anything good this time!

As for Kaido.

Although there are surprises, but more excitement.

Last time.

The Shadow Assassin who fought with him, but Yaso and Li Qiye.


The roaring explosion became more and more violent, and the collision between Kaido and Saga also reached its peak in an instant.

Like mountains and rivers bursting, supernova colliding, the violent aftermath, devouring the sky and the earth like expanding, devouring everything, destroying everything!

A dazzling light covers the sky, shining in front of all eyes.

A gust of wind, as the explosion unfolded, the continuous expansion was extinguished.


The five-thousand-meter wind barrier ushered in a terrifying turmoil!

Thousands of meters in the air, the energy aftermath that continues to sweep is constantly impacting the wind barrier.

From time to time, the aftermath containing extremely large amounts of energy fell, causing the entire wind barrier to tremble.

It was as if it was going to be shattered in the next moment.

Let the group of pirates below, the dark giants of the underground world, look at the eyelids of the eyelids sharply.

But the good thing.

Under the constant control of Yasuo, on the dome of the sky, the wind barrier that spread for five kilometers was constantly trembling and fluctuating.

It is like a flat boat in a wave, but it has never collapsed, firmly protecting the sky of Shadow Island!


Black streamers, cutting through the sky, descended on Camo and the others.

Around Saga’s body, black energy surged, and the six pitch-black wings were intoxicating and fearful.

Falls on the ground.

His eyes swept over Yasuo, who was constantly maintaining the barrier of wind, and in the sky, the dragonized Kaido, in the end, firmly locked on Li Qiye.


Purple magic qi soared into the sky.

With one step out and attracting everyone’s attention, Li Qiye walked up to a height of 100 meters and looked down at everyone.

A circle of qi waves exploded, even if he did not reach the Four Emperors, his momentum was not much worse than the Four Emperors!


The head does not turn back.

Li Qiye’s faint voice made Kaido in mid-air puzzled.

“Your kindness, I and the League of Assassins have received it.”

“But these people, since they are coming at us, they don’t need you to make a move.”

“Here, but Shadow Island, the headquarters of the League of Assassins!”

“It belongs to the home of the League of Assassins, they won’t really think…”

“Is the League of Assassins just such a little bit of heritage?”


“Ask for flowers”, “Ask for tips”, “Ask for collections”, “Ask for monthly passes”

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