This was the case when Xia had no other hole cards.
“Hahaha, that’s how it feels!” Wo Jin had no other thoughts at all.
He opened his mouth wide, revealing his big white teeth, his eyes full of excitement and longing.
Compared with dealing back and forth with mind-ability users of other attributes, sometimes you have to engage in chasing battles.
He prefers the pleasure of punching to the flesh like Xia Feng is now!
“Ah~~~ I can’t take it anymore, come and let me have a good time!”
While screaming strangely, he once again rushed towards the rest of the Wada family.

20 minutes later.
The original plain was full of large and small pits.
There are gravel, dust, human-shaped potholes everywhere, and there are scorched black marks in some places.
That is the high temperature product left by lightning passing through the soil.
The center of the battlefield.
Xia Feng put his hands on his knees, panting heavily.
“This guy, how can he be so strong?!”
In front of him, only half of the monster remained, lying motionless on the ground.
It’s hard to imagine that they are just a few guys with mediocre combat power, but under the influence of that jade pendant, they can actually become monsters with such combat power.
In order to kill this guy, Xia Feng used almost all means.
Initially, his plan was to use absolute strength to beat the opponent into a pulp.
Though he didn’t feel like Jimmy would be lying to himself in that situation.
But after all, they are enemies, so it is always right to be careful.
No matter where your weak point is, the whole body will be beaten into a pulp, let’s see how you can survive? !
However, with the fight between the two.
This thought automatically disappeared from Xia Feng’s mind.
It can also be said to voluntarily give up.
Because whether it is a Shura body attack or a 5.8 lightning attack.
It is difficult to cause fatal damage to the enemy.
Xia Feng silently calculated, and found that if he followed his original strategy, the risk would be too great.
It is very likely that his potential energy will be exhausted and the opponent is still alive.
At that time, who is the hunter and who is the prey, can be uncertain! !
Wait, why is this feeling so familiar.
Xia Feng was taken aback suddenly.
In a trance, he felt that he was facing the ant king.
It’s just that he is not as powerful as President Netero.
Of course, his enemies are not as perverted as the Ant King.
At least, in front of the Ant King, that monster’s IQ was no different from that of a mentally handicapped one.
“The weak point is the head…”
Xia Feng silently changed his strategy and began to try to focus his attack on the opponent’s chest and head.
The opponent seemed to know that his head was his weakness.
Always have one arm left for defense.
In the end, it was Xia Feng who broke out to the limit and used [Subduing Thunder] to paralyze the opponent.
This created an opportunity to smash his entire upper body in one fell swoop!
“Xia, are you alright?” Wo Jin and Nobunaga saw the silence here, and rushed to the scene quickly.
“Why are you here? How is the situation over there?”
Xia Feng slowed down for a while, and then ate another fairy bean, and then slowly regained his strength.
Chapter 87: The Man-eating “Magic Eye”
Under the action of Xiandou, Xia Feng’s state quickly recovered.
It’s just that it will take a certain amount of time for the mind to recover.
His upper limit of energy is too high, and one or two celestial beans are not enough to fill it up.
Nobunaga walked to Wojin, and said while observing the monster.
“Those replicas seem to have some kind of connection with this monster. After it died, those replicas also remained motionless for some reason.”
“It’s the patriarch of the Wada family who behaved very strangely.”
“After he saw you killed the monster, he seemed to be in a trance. Wo Jin seized the opportunity and burst his heart in a circle.”
According to the rules of the Wada family, usually only the strongest can be the patriarch.
Paka is dead, and the fate of the others can be imagined.
Nobunaga tried to poke the monster’s body with the knife.
He was secretly startled by the touch from the blade.
Where is this body? It is simply stronger than alloys! !
Wo Jin was a little unconvinced, so he threw a [Super Destruction Punch] on the spot, but it only scratched the opponent’s skin.
Only then did he purse his mouth and give up the idea of ​​fighting with the opponent.
The defense is so strong even after death, if it is blessed by thoughts, is it still worth it? !
“If you die, you die.”
Originally, I wanted to leave a high-level interrogator to interrogate the information, but now it seems that there is no way.
After recovering some strength, Xia Feng led the crowd to support the camp.
Soon, the armed force of the Wada family’s attack this time was declared shattered.
In front of a strong person of Xia Feng’s level, unless it was a bomb with a large yield, ordinary firearms could not pose any threat at all.
Even if the other party is also a person with the ability to read.
After dealing with the camp, it took another 27 hours for the Lixiao Group to enter the small town of Wada.
I have to admit that this kind of family that has been passed down for hundreds of years really has two brushes.
“Unfortunately, no matter how strong the basic strength is, if there is no top powerhouse to deter it, it will still be an ant.” Xia Feng inexplicably thought of beating the enemy’s family.
The main body of the entire family is only 10 people.
But it can support the name of the number one killer family.
It’s no wonder they are so rude to the strange peptides.
“Boss, what should we do with the rest of the Wada family?” Aruba asked.
The Wada family is nominally a family of psychics, but the number of ordinary people is hundreds of times that of psychics.
This is still the result after screening and elimination.
“You handle it, don’t leave any trouble behind.”
Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates.
Xia Feng is not the Holy Mother. Since the other party chose to fight, these people’s positions naturally exist regardless of whether they participate or not.
He didn’t want to wait for a few years later, when a protagonist suddenly appeared clamoring for revenge.
Even if there is no threat, it will be quite troublesome.
Aruba’s eyes fluctuated, he knew what the boss meant.
For him who was born in a gang, this way of handling is the norm.
After briefly handling related matters on the spot, Xia Feng went straight to the most important and mysterious place of the Wada family according to Jebor’s memory: the temple!
Xia Feng touched the Pisces jade pendant in his bosom.
After the monster died, this jade pendant appeared out of nowhere.
He can confirm that when he was fighting that monster, the opponent definitely did not have this jade pendant on him.
“If the guess is correct, the secret of the Pisces jade pendant should be hidden there.”

The temple is located in the center of the small town of Vada.
In the past, there was a 24-hour man on duty around here.
Ordinary clansmen who are not capable people, let alone enter.
Even if you look around twice, you will be locked up by the family for a thorough investigation.
Children who mysteriously disappear because of the temple appear every year.
The Wada family never gave any explanation for this.
Of course, no one dared to make a fuss.

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