Sometimes loved ones are needed.
He is not a murderous maniac, it is impossible to deliberately kill people just to use the magic pupil.
As for those in the Wada family, winners and losers, since they enjoy the benefits brought by the Wada family, they should be mentally prepared to bear the consequences.
“You integrate the resources of the Wada family and deal with it as soon as you can. It doesn’t matter if the price is cheaper, we are not short of that little money.”
“Let the search team carefully sort out the relevant information. This kind of family of people with the ability to read for a hundred years will definitely have a way to increase the awakening rate…”
In the next day, Xia Feng arranged a series of plans for Aruba.
It is foreseeable that in the future, the international situation of the Poxiao Group will be very passive.
The big tree attracts the wind, coupled with the extremely bad behavior of exterminating the genocide.
I believe that many forces will secretly target the Lixiao Group.
According to Aruba, under normal circumstances, the enmity between the big forces, unless it is really the kind of life-and-death enmity of “either you die or I die”.
Otherwise, it is impossible to rise to the point of all-out war.
If there is a conflict, it must be resolved through a duel.
The two parties agree on the time, place, and content of the game, and then find a notary to play a fair and just game.
Either through the exchange of interests to solve.
There is nothing that cannot be negotiated about the price. If there is, it must be that the price is not in place.
“Even if we want to launch a full-scale war, we have to wait until the signal is sent before entering the combat state. Sneak attacks like ours, which are fought without warning, are exactly the most taboo among the big forces.”
Some people may wonder, this is going to be an all-out war, and even sending out a signal, isn’t that stupid? ?
What a sneak attack, the success rate is so high.
with minimumcost, to obtain the greatest return.
At first, that’s exactly what people thought.
But don’t forget that the Hunter x Hunter world is different from the normal world.
There is a special existence of people with the ability to think here.
In that chaotic era, the major forces fought for victory.
Often unscrupulous.
Poisoning, assassination, sneak attack, etc., there are no rules.
But the final result is: there is no winner! !
That’s right, both the enemy and us have lost!
Even if certain forces win, they will have to pay an extremely heavy price.
The most common situation is: all generations of people in power on both sides died, and some were even killed by the nine clans! !
At that time, many powerful people in power even openly negotiated with the people in the dark world. As long as they died, they would take out all their wealth and issue rewards.
In the face of sky-high rewards, almost no one can escape the pursuit.
In the end, the many forces that have tasted the bitter fruit feel that something is wrong.
If this continues, won’t I have to hide in the dark forever and be an “old 〃” mouse”??
All the wealth I have accumulated with great difficulty, I have to make wedding dresses for others!
“This is impossible!!”
This is not the result they want.
Ever since, everyone sat down to discuss countermeasures.
Finally, the opinions were unified:
The dark side armed forces behind the major forces, such as gangsters, dead men, etc., do what they want with each other, and there are still no rules.
But the forces on the bright side are not allowed to use those dark methods.
That is, gangsters can launch suicide attacks on gangsters before all-out war begins.
However, it cannot directly attack the forces on the surface of those big forces.
In particular, you can’t fight without warning and sneak attack those in power who are powerful.
Anyone who violates it must pay a heavy price.
If the circumstances are serious, it is very likely to face encirclement and suppression! !
At the beginning, this rule was only implemented among the major financial groups, and then it gradually penetrated to all levels.
Today, it has become a kind of convention.
“Although the Wada family has a bad reputation and has a precedent of sneak attack, this time, we really won.”
“I’m worried that someone will take the opportunity to make trouble.” Aruba’s tone was full of dignity.
Others don’t care who makes the first move.
It is an indisputable fact that the dawn group’s armed forces assembled secretly.
And just one day later, the Wada family declared their demise.
If it was not a sneak attack, no one would believe it.
Among the first-class forces, the Wada family can only be regarded as a middle class, but there is no doubt that it also has first-class powerhouses.
Genocide? How can it be that simple!
The opponent can’t fight, can’t they escape? !
It can be seen from this that the Lixiao Group must have used some methods that cannot be put on the table.
Xia Feng changed his sitting position: “According to your estimation, what punishment will we face this time?”
After doing everything, Xia Feng certainly won’t regret it.
However, the Lixiao Group has not reached the point of being invincible in the world.
He must make some preparations in advance according to the actual situation.
“It’s hard to say. According to common sense, we only need compensation.”
“After all, it was the other party’s fault first, and with your identity as the boss, the possibility of encountering encirclement and suppression is very low.”
Aruba hesitated.
“Speak up if you have anything to say.”
“The group’s rise is too fast and has encroached on the interests of many forces. I’m worried that someone will take advantage of this opportunity to deliberately trouble us.”
In the eyes of many big forces, the rise of the Lixiao Group is incredibly fast.
Before they even got the complete data analysis report, this force has already become one of the giants.
If it weren’t for the fact that the combat power at the psychic level couldn’t keep up, it would be hard to imagine how far its comprehensive strength would expand.
Super business thinking, irreplaceable technology.
The combination of the two brought about a geometric increase in effect, and it also made it impossible for those forces to use conventional means to curb its rise! !
thump thump——
Xia Feng tapped his fingers on the table.
Although there is no evidence, he is very clear that the probability of the situation that Aruba is worried about happening is more than 95%! !
The only difference is how big those people’s appetites are.
Do you want to punish and settle the matter, or take this opportunity to swallow the Poxiao Group in one gulp!
“Waiting is definitely not enough, I have to find some helpers!!”
Xia Feng’s eyes fixed, and the knocking sound stopped abruptly.
He is not the kind of person who likes to sit and wait for death.
“Aruba, you give me now…”

Over time.
The news of the extermination of the Wada family began to spread in the circle.
After many days, the Lixiao Group was once again at the forefront.
“It’s breaking the rules!!”
It was the same as Xia Feng and his two predicted.
Those forces do not investigate the cause and effect of the matter at all, or selectively ignore it.
They all protested.
He believes that the sneak attack of the Lixiao Group is a violation of the “hidden rules”, and the price must be paid for it! !
Finally, under the leadership of several leaders.
An ad hoc investigative team was established.
They even brought in V5 as a notary.
Soon, the investigation agency issued a notice to the Poxiao Group, asking it to give a reasonable explanation for its actions.
“¨”Hehe, these guys are really interesting.”
Xia Feng sneered when he saw the information sent by Aruba.
They are obviously a gang of robbers, but they want to save face.
What shit investigation team? Obviously a participant in the division of interests.
One of them counts as one, and they all look forward to the bankruptcy of the Lixiao Group! !

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