Marge: “What’s going on, Xia??”
She also heard the unique hum of the communicator just now.
“Nobunaga and Wojin are in danger.”
The last message was obviously not finished.
There is no time for Nobunaga to send a complete message, which shows that the situation is “367” critical! !
No time to explain.
Feng Xia immediately contacted Aruba.
“Send me the information on Fenghuo Town, and notify the branch of the Lixiao Group that is closest to there to see if there are any strange things happening recently.”
After a few minutes.
The information is sent to the Xiafeng communicator.
Maple Fire Town, located on a medium-sized island off the east coast of the Urubian continent
Same as other island towns.
There are not many people in Fenghuo Town, and the economy is not very developed.
Residents live mainly by fishing.
Due to the hidden reef, the only more convenient way for people there to get out of the island is to take an airship.
It’s not impossible to take a boat, but it has to go around a lot.
“The town has sent a distress signal to the outside world??”
Seeing this piece of information, Xia Feng frowned slightly.
Aruba: “That’s what the people at the branch said.”
“This matter alarmed the authorities at the time, but when the second confirmation was made, the mayor of Fenghuo Town said it was a mechanical failure, so it was ignored.”
No matter how small the number of people in Fenghuo Town is, there are tens of thousands of people.
That’s if something goes wrong and local officials don’t take steps.
At the least, they will be held accountable, and at worst, they will lose their lives! !
“When did this happen??”
“Just 20 days ago.”
Xia Feng recalled it carefully, and remembered that 15 days ago, Nobunaga and Wo Jin seemed to have said that they were going to a certain island for special training.
At that time, I just mentioned it in passing, and didn’t take it to heart.
Who would have thought such a thing would happen.
“Let the people in the branch arrange a private airship for me, and I will go there myself.”
“Boss, why don’t you ask your subordinates to investigate first?” Aruba hesitated for a while, but still expressed his opinion.
Xia Feng had already told him the ins and outs of the matter just now.
Wojin and Nobunaga may not be as powerful as the boss.
But now the situation is unclear, the only thing confirmed is that the two of them encountered an unimaginable crisis.
In this case, the safest way is of course to arrange for his subordinates to investigate.
After investigating the matter clearly, Xia Feng will go again.
“It’s not necessary, they will die if they go.” Xia Feng thought about it, but still felt it was inappropriate.
Wo Jin and Nobunaga can’t handle things, what’s the use of those men?
It is estimated that before the investigation started, they all gged.
Also wasting time in vain.
“March, Nion, you two stay too. I feel something is wrong with this matter. The fewer people going this time, the better.”
Before they could speak, Xia Feng continued.
“I have the teleportation ability. If it’s really not possible at that time, I can also flash people immediately.”
“The mission this time is mainly to rescue Wojin and Nobunaga. If you follow me, the risk factor will increase.”
Although Ma Qi was a little reluctant, but reason told her that Xia Feng was right.

Comforting the two, Xia Feng immediately teleported to Youkexin City.
His fourth teleportation coordinate is set here.
When Xia Feng arrived at the branch of the Lixiao Group here, the private airship was ready.
“Go to Maple Fire Town immediately!”
“Give me full speed ahead!!”
6 hours later.
The instrument shows that it has reached the sky above the target area.
Through the porthole, Xia Feng looked at this place called Fenghuo Island.
It can be clearly seen from a high altitude that the entire island is divided into two parts. Most of the area is covered with trees and the vegetation is extremely dense, but in the central area, there are only dark sandstones, which looks like an extinct volcano.
And the destination: Fenghuo Town, located in the northeast corner of the island.
The only place on the entire island that is convenient to go to sea.
“There seems to be nothing unusual.”
There were no signs of explosions or burning in buildings in the town.
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With Xia Feng’s eagle-like eyesight, he could even see the faint activities of residents in the small town.
However, since Nobunaga used the word “isolation”.
It’s better to be careful.
“You are not allowed to land, let me hang around in the nearby airspace.”
“After 5 days, if you haven’t waited for my signal, return on your own.”
Xia Feng opened the hatch and jumped down.
For his current strength, this height is no longer a threat…
Two hours later.
Outside Maple Fire Town.
Xia Feng carefully observed the situation of the town through the gaps in the leaves.
“It’s really not right!!”
I didn’t pay attention when observing from high altitude, and the distance was shortened, and the behavior of those villagers was obviously abnormal.
Although they walk, talk and do their own things on the road.
But if you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that everything is repetition.
Those people acted there as if they were following a script.
Xia Feng saw with his own eyes a woman walking from the street to the end of the street, and then turning back.
Just repeat it several times.
There was no slight change in his demeanor, actions, words, etc. during this period.
It’s almost impossible for someone without professional training!
In addition to these performances, the number of people is not right.
After all, Fenghuo Town is a big town with tens of thousands of people, not the one on Whale Island with a small population.Thousands of small towns.
The flow of people in front of him is not even one-tenth of the normal value.
There was no sign of the boat at the pier going out to sea.
Logically speaking, everyone should be in the small town.
So where did the rest of them go? ?
“No one answered the communicator. It seems that the situation of Wo Jin and Nobunaga is quite bad.” Xia Feng tried to contact Wo Jin and Nobunaga when he was still on the airship.
Unfortunately, no matter how many times he called, no one answered.
The Lixiao Group didn’t have the technology to locate the two of them.
“It seems that we have to go in to find the problem.” Xia Feng thought to himself.
He had searched around the town.
In addition to a huge crater suspected to be hit by the [Super Destruction Punch] with 5.8 gold.
Nothing was found.
Xia Feng can only pray now, Wojin and Nobunaga were only captured, not killed.
Tidied up my clothes a little.
Xia Feng walked out of the woods and walked straight to the entrance of the town.

The central area of ​​the town, the central cathedral.
On the square, densely packed with people.

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