The other party threw him to the ground, turned and left.
for a long time.
Xia Feng slightly opened his eyes.
This warehouse should have been a place for seafood before, full of fishy smell, and there are various shelves.
Although there are no lights inside the warehouse, the big lights on the square outside are very bright.
With low light, you can see things.
After scanning around and confirming that there is nothing abnormal around, he turned over and stood up.
at this time.
“Boy, come over here.”
An old voice sounded from the shadows.
In fact, Xia Feng had already heard the heartbeat of the other party.
It’s not just him, there are more than 90 people in this warehouse.
All men, women and children, and there seemed to be babies.
20 minutes later.
“You mean, all this was caused by a flying octopus??”
From the other party’s mouth, Xia Feng learned what happened in Fenghuo Town.
The culprit of this disaster is not human.
Neither are chimeric ants.
It’s a flying octopus.
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As for whether the other party is a monster or a phantom, or something else.
It’s not clear yet.
Before 1 month.
Maplefire Town receives a distress call from a fishing boat.
This kind of thing is not uncommon, it happens many times almost every year.
The fishing boats in Fenghuo Town are all old models, not to mention fishing in the sea, sometimes there will be problems when they stop still.
As usual, the rescue team from Fenghuo Town set off immediately.
Then, the tribulation happened.
“The people on that fishing boat were actually controlled by that flying octopus long ago.” ”
“They pretended to be normal people and invited everyone to dinner.”
“Anyone who eats anything they make will fall into a coma.”
“Then the octopus will hew them under control.”
Not knowing what to think of, the old man was trembling all over, clutching his chest in pain.
Xia Feng quickly took out a fairy bean and asked the other party to swallow it.
The effect of fairy beans is naturally very powerful.
The sudden change in his body made the old man’s eyes widen.
(Linglong) 86863718⒉
He knew exactly how serious his injuries were.
Being able to survive until now is already blessed by the gods.
I thought I wouldn’t survive a few days.
But now…
He moved his lower arm a little, but it didn’t hurt at all.
The faint tingling sensation in his body seemed to have disappeared.
Magic medicine!
Combined with the other party’s performance of pretending to be unconscious just now…
The old man secretly rejoiced.
Just as he was about to speak, Xia Feng’s eyes signaled him not to ask.
“Now I will ask, and you will answer.”
The old man nodded obediently.
“What do you mean by the demon method you mentioned earlier? Did you see how that octopus controls people?”
This question is important.
As far as Xia Feng knew, the control department wanted to control others.
Usually something is needed.
For example, Il Mi Needle, Knight’s Antenna and so on.
As long as you figure out the opponent’s manipulation medium, you can at least increase your chances of winning by 20%.
“Those residents didn’t touch each other, just lay down in front of it for a while, and then they would be controlled.”
The old man hesitated.
“If you have any guesses, you can speak directly.”
“Every time before casting the magic spell, the octopus will arrange the puppet to knock the target unconscious.”
“I’ve seen people being attacked for refusing to eat the food offered.”
Xia Feng: “Will everyone be forcibly knocked out before being controlled?”
“Yes, that’s what I’ve seen.”
As I said before, Hunter x Hunter World’s telekinetic ability is very fair. If you want to obtain powerful effects, you must have the same specification restrictions.
The ability to think seems to be omnipotent, but in fact it hides a mystery.
The information provided by the old man is very important.
Based on his understanding of Wo Jin and Nobunaga, if he wanted to kill them, he might be able to do it.
If you want to capture them alive, make sure they are in a coma.
It is extremely difficult.
The resistance of those who strengthen the link ability is already very strong.
Not to mention that those two guys have undergone special training from Xia Feng.Physique is much stronger than the general strengthening system.
“Unless Nobunaga and Wojin are dead, they are likely to still insist!!”
After all, if he is controlled, Wojin’s figure can be seen in the crowd at a glance.
Both of them look very distinctive.
Xia Feng restrained his mind and continued to ask, “Where is that octopus?”
“It’s in that church, and it’s huge.”
“Those selected targets will also be sent there.”
I don’t know if it’s a limitation of ability, the other party can’t control everyone in one go.
Initially, that octopus could only control a few people at a time.
And the interval is as long as 5-6 hours.
But as time goes by, its ability seems to be getting stronger and stronger.
Now it is possible to control hundreds of people at one time.
The interval is unknown, but certainly less than 10 minutes.
“The last question, did you hear any weird movements more than ten days ago?”
“For example, there was a huge explosion, or there were changes in those puppets.”
Hearing Xia Feng’s words, the old man fell into deep thought.
“I remember.”
“I didn’t hear much of the violent explosion, but because I was sleeping on the ground, I felt the ground trembling.”
“¨”At that time, I thought it was an earthquake, and I was so scared that I crawled and ran under that table.”
The old man pointed to the solid wooden table not far away.
“okay, I get it.”
Xia Feng stood up and planned to go out.
The situation is largely under control.
As for the more specific part, the people in this warehouse are all ordinary people, so I probably don’t know, so I still have to do it myself.
Seeing that Xia Feng was about to leave, the old man couldn’t help shouting: “Young man, you have to be careful, those puppets are very strong!!”
Of course he knew that the other party was not simple.
However, in the face of this only hope.

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