You can’t take this risk without figuring out exactly how the flying octopus reproduces.
Ma Qi and Nobunaga: “Understood.”
Just as they were leaving.
The ruins of the church exploded from the inside.
Three flying octopuses rushed out of the rubble bearing more than a dozen tons of ruins.
They locked onto Xia Feng and the others instantly.
Judging by the frequency with which the tentacles are flailing, they appear to be very angry.
“One per person, go!!” President Nitro ordered decisively.
At this time, there is no need to talk nonsense, everyone knows what to do.
I don’t know if he recognized Xia Feng, but the moment one of the flying octopuses saw Xia Feng, his eyes went straight.
Dozens of pairs of eyes on the head are wide open.
Even people who don’t understand the language of the octopus can see its abnormality.
“Roar!〃”! ”
I don’t know if I was too angry, or I suffered from the lightning strike last time.
The opponent chose to land from mid-air, using tentacles instead of feet, and while waving, he went straight to kill Xia Feng.
Xia Feng grinned, revealing a mouthful of big white teeth.
Ability to read, [Hundred Styles of Shura——Second Stage]
Not at all inferior to President Nitero’s [Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara]’s Nian Puppet, which spreads upwards based on Xia Feng.
Six arms, red eyes, ferocious fangs.
It was the first time that Shura appeared in the eyes of the world’s top officials.
Its aura is so strong that even Chairman Nitero who is not far away looks sideways slightly.
For some reason, a flame rose in his heart.
“Hahaha, good!!”
President Netero, who pursued Xeon all his life, suddenly burst out laughing.
A more powerful qi gushed out than before.
raise hands, pray, swing
Decades of daily gratitude are poured into this set of palm techniques.
[Hundred Forms of Avalokitesvara – Ninety-ninth Form]
The Avalokitesvara flickered at this moment, and even the three flying octopuses couldn’t help but fell into confusion.
“Boom boom boom!”
Afterimages all over the sky descended from the sky, directly covering the flying octopus.
Let’s fight! !
Yinda, who is easily moved, may have sensed President Netero’s boundless compassion.
With tears all over his face, he ran towards his goal while crying.
Unlike the president, he can only hold back.
The opponent has nothing to do with his tough bone, but he also lacks the means to kill the opponent.

Xia Feng originally planned to use the last strategy, but he was infected by President Nitro.
He also went into a state of hyperactivity.
Mind ability, [Thundering Battle Body] activates! !
On one side is the extreme martial arts that has lasted for decades, and on the other side is the reaction speed that exceeds the limit of human beings.
Palms are like thunder, fists are like rain.
The huge impact completely reduced the entire Fenghuo Town to ruins in less than a minute! !
Of course, the other party is not vegetarian.
The flying octopus didn’t know what kind of medicine it had taken.
With the blessing of the thin mind field, he was able to confront Xia Feng and President Nitro head-on.
Especially the one that Xia Feng was facing, as soon as he fought, he found something was wrong.
Compared with before, the opponent’s strength has been greatly improved.
In the distance, Nobunaga and the others hurried back to the battlefield after finishing the matter at the dock.
“Help that fat man!!”
No need to hesitate, the situation on the spot is clear at a glance.
Only Yinda was pressed to the ground by the flying octopus and beaten violently.
“Wojin, you…” Nobunaga was about to give an order.
Only to find that Wo Jin had already made the bed with a howl.
“This idiot!!”
Nobunaga’s facial muscles twitched slightly, and he gritted his teeth.
I have already suffered a loss once, and I don’t even have a brain.
Marge: “Come on.”
everyone hasAfter rushing up, what’s the point of tangling those things now? ?
Besides, that guy Wojin, hasn’t he always been like this.
Nobunaga took a deep breath and opened his eyes again.
His eyes are like a knife.
Swordsman, only move forward! !
20 minutes later.
President Netero’s side ended the battle first.
This is a new generation of flying octopus, and has no combat experience.
President Netero didn’t even use the last move [Hundred Forms of Avalokitesvara—Zero Form], and beat the octopus into scum by relying on his palm alone.
Of course, as before, when the octopus was fatally injured, it still disappeared instantly.
After freeing up a high-end combat power, the rest can be easily solved.
First, he and Xia Fengwei killed the most powerful flying octopus.
Then go to save Yinda and the others.
“What should we do now? The opponent can’t kill him at all.”
“Unless we can wipe out the Nian Chong on the entire island, it is impossible to prevent the other party from being reborn.”
With the comparison, everyone finally observed the opponent’s rebirth mechanism this time.
After being mortally wounded, the flying octopus didn’t just disappear out of thin air.
They just use some kind of special ability to re-transform themselves into Nian.
Then disperse into the body of the nematode.
After the thoughts are restored, they gather again.
Cooldown after being killed.
It is the time required for the mind to recover.
Apparently, the nimbus is the key to this reincarnation ability.
However, after investigation, Xia Feng discovered that Nian Chong had already covered half of the island, and the number reached hundreds of billions.
And they’re still multiplying in weird ways.
Fortunately, those nian worms don’t seem to like sea water, and they basically gather on land.
That’s why it didn’t spread to the sea.
After experimentation, the most efficient way to eliminate those Nian worms is to use malicious Nian to brush (good Zhao’s) repeatedly.
However, in front of the number covering half of the island.
Unless tens of thousands of people with mind ability can be dispatched at the same time.
Otherwise this method is like a joke.
President Netero pondered for a while, then sighed helplessly.
“It seems that it can only be like that.”
For a pure martial artist, he is really unwilling to use that method.
Yinda: “President, do you really have to do that?”
“Will the consequences be too serious?”
“It’s really not possible, let’s block the island directly, and then bring more people to catch those octopuses.”
“As long as there are no problems with these flying octopuses, those nian worms don’t seem to be a threat.”
Those flying octopuses are indeed powerful.

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