People watched the strange “rose” slowly rising in the distance, and the fear that had been dormant deep in their memories resurfaced.
“That’s the rose bomb?!”
“The god of death is coming, run away!!”
“I don’t want to die!”
Rose bombs, which once caused millions of deaths, are notorious in the human world.
Everyone knows what it means.
All of a sudden, rich people and ordinary people fled abroad one after another.
They simply don’t listen to the advice of experts to “stay out of the danger zone”.
After all, the ghost knows how the poison of the rose will spread.
It’s not like something like this hasn’t happened in the past.
In case of bad luck, get a little bit of it.
You can basically declare waiting to die! !
There is no peace even after death.
Because the dead body will be transformed into poison.
Those who died from the poison of roses could not be buried normally. They would be put into special airtight containers and placed in special places.
Until the toxin decomposes itself and becomes a harmless existence.
But don’t think it’s no big deal, it feels like everyone is dead, who cares?Care about what happens to the body?
The truth is quite the opposite.
In the full-time world, because of the existence of thoughts.
People deeply believe in the existence of souls and reincarnation.
Many people said that if the body cannot be buried normally, it will be sealed in the body.
The thought of souls being kept in jars for decades, even centuries.
Some extreme people would rather burn themselves to ashes while alive than hand over their bodies to the state after death.
Dawn Group Headquarters.
After sending President Nitro and Yinda away, Xia Feng and the others did not do anything else.
Instead, stay in the group to rest.
Xia Feng was fine, mainly Nobunaga and the others fought against the flying octopus across levels.
Although the time is very short, only they know the thrill of it.
The physical strength is easy to recover, but the spirit can only rely on time to help heal.
Watching the riots on TV caused by not being able to escape the city immediately, Ma Qi became more and more curious about the existence of the Dark Continent.
“Xia, why doesn’t that old man want us to go to the Dark Continent??”
“Didn’t you say that he went there himself?” Madge didn’t understand.
Hearing this question, Wo Jin and Nobunaga, who were grabbing chicken legs next to them, immediately pricked up their ears.
They were not very interested in the Dark Continent, but after this incident, they are now very curious about it.
After all, a flying octopus of average strength can beat them into dogs.
If this is replaced by the powerful existence of the Dark Continent, why not kill them in seconds? !
There is no fear. For those of the reinforcement system, the more perverted the enemy is, the more excited they are! !
Originally, only Wo Jin was a terminal patient of this disease.
But I don’t know if it’s because we spent too long together, and Nobunaga has also begun to develop in this direction.
Xia Feng: “It’s because he has been there that he doesn’t want us to go there.”
He picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth, then threw it aside.
“Only those who have seen hell can understand how terrifying hell is.”
“He didn’t let us go for only one reason: fear!!”
It is not the timidity of the weak facing a strong enemy.
President Nitero, who pursues the strongest all his life, is never afraid to challenge the strong.
He who has mastered the profound meaning of compassion is completely afraid from the perspective of the ethnic group.
“Actually, many people have explored the Dark Continent before us…”
Xia Feng briefly explained the intelligence of humans exploring the Dark Continent.
And it focuses on the existence of the five major disasters.
“The only thing that is certain now is that there are definitely more than five major disasters in the Dark Continent.”
“Actually, it’s not just President Nitro, even I am in awe of it!!”
・・・・・・・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Ideals belong to ideals, reality belongs to reality.
With the existence of Nanika, Xia Feng will not be arrogant enough to think that he can roam freely in the Dark Continent.
Who knows what other non-human beings exist over there?
Nobunaga: “Then shall we go?”
The children who come out of Meteor Street do not have a Madonna complex.
But if one’s own behavior requires the entire ethnic group to pay the bill, it will involve the lives of billions of people.
Let alone Nobunaga, even Wo Jin has to consider whether it is worth it.
Xia Feng also saw everyone’s concerns.
“Don’t worry, with our current strength, of course it is impossible to go to that ghostly place.”
“There are still many things that are not ready.”
“We’ll think about it when we’re sure we’ll get out of here.”
Everyone nodded.
into the night.
After having fun with March and Nyon.
Xia Feng closed his eyes, cursing inwardly.
…… 0
“As expected of an old fox, just for such a short time, Nobunaga and the others were shaken…”
It wasn’t until then that he figured it out.
President Nitro’s words on Fenghuo Island were not meant for him at all.
The other party had no intention of convincing him at all.
Having been to the Dark Continent, he could tell at a glance that Ma Qi and the others were his teammates.
Since I can’t do Xia Feng’s ideological work, if I do it in a roundabout way, the effect will be the same.
“A person who grows old and becomes a monster, and can live to be more than 100 years old, really can’t be a fool.”
“It’s just that it’s really not certain who changes who!!”
Xia Feng didn’t believe that Chairman Nitero had completely given up exploring the Dark Continent in his heart.
The reason why the other party is willing to cooperate with V5 is to block all news from the Dark Continent.
On the one hand, it was for safety. He, who had seen the horror there, knew it very well.
If those who don’t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth are allowed to explore the Dark Continent without authorization.
The possibility of human extinction is almost 100%! !
Nitro, on the other hand, is for the Guardian.
With the current strength of human beings, they are not qualified to conduct large-scale exploration of that location area.
And the hunters are just the most desperate group of people.
He could imagine if he could explore the Dark Continent casually.
The Hunters Association will definitely be disbanded.
Everyone is dead, what do you want the Hunter Association to do? ?
Rather than letting those people die in vain, it is better to conceal the truth.
When the time is right, make it public.
“You are not strong enough now, so you will adopt a strategy of maintaining stability.”
“But if I make you young again…”
Xia Feng showed a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.
President Netero’s words did not have any influence on him.
Contrary to what the other party expected, an extremely crazy idea came into his mind.
“If that’s feasible, I will have more than ten times more helpers!!”
Chapter 106: Duel, start!
Nobunaga and Wo Jin, who had experienced life and death battles, did not choose to continue traveling.

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