Under the action of [Jian], a protective clothing is formed on the body surface.
Without continuing to test, he also charged at the Lion Maniac! !

Live room.
“Look, lightning appears just by waving your hand. Is this magic??”
“Strongly urge the authorities to disclose the truth of the world. I have always suspected that the world is not as simple as we see…”
The temporarily assigned live broadcaster was very excited.
The senior announcers at the Sky Arena couldn’t come, so they had to be replaced by professionals temporarily.
But obviously, this guy is also a “soil turtle” who doesn’t know how to read.
Spectators outside.
“It’s really rare and strange. I’ve seen spinning tops kill people.”
“I’ve seen a lot, but I really can’t figure out how to do it.”
“I suspect it’s high technology.”
“If you have money, you rely on technology, but if you don’t have money, you rely on mutation?”
“The things of the rich are really different.”
“A high-tech fart, I think it must be a superpower!!”
“Speaking of which, there seems to be a master here who really knows qigong, he can float out of thin air!!”
“Floating is not rare at all. In the temple next door to my house, there is a monk who can lift a huge boulder weighing several thousand catties! I have begged him hard for more than a year, but he is still unwilling to accept me as a disciple, saying that he has no roots of wisdom.”
“Kneeling to ask for the address upstairs, I think I have a lot of wisdom.”
I don’t know when, the topic of people’s discussion completely deviates from the direction.
In fact, Xia Feng also argued with netizens on this issue in his previous life.
“Why don’t you popularize the ability to read on a large scale??”
It is true that the self-awakening of thoughts is difficult.
But don’t forget that there is still a path of forced awakening.
The price is nothing more than danger points.
6 continents with a population of billions, or even tens of billions.
How many of them are fatal?
There is no doubt that it is absolutely suffocating.
There are too many things that can make people forget their lives! !
I feel that as long as it is popularized casually, and it takes more than ten years to gather millions of people with the ability to read, which country still hasn’t taken off?
Those with the world’s top five mental abilities, all of them are dead in a sea of ​​tactics.
Besides, as long as the base is large enough, the emergence of super geniuses is almost inevitable.
In terms of top combat power, there will be absolutely no disadvantages.
However, even with such great benefits.
The ability to read is still not popular among the people.
In this regard, Xia Feng couldn’t figure it out, and in the end it could only be attributed to the setting of the plot.
But then there was an answer that made him feel very reasonable:
“It is impossible for any country to allow the knowledge of reading to be popularized on a large scale, unless it does not care about social unrest.”
“Ordinary people who have mastered Nian are like having a gun in their hands. For those who have not mastered Nian, the opponent is almost crushing in terms of combat power.”
“It is certain that once Nian is popularized, disturbances will occur every day!!”
“Class antagonism, disregarding human life, hatred of the rich mentality… the difficulty of managing the people will increase a hundred times!!”
From a national perspective, the popularization of reading is extremely dangerous.
It will cause social unrest and the collapse of the country.
From the perspective of the strong, the popularity of reading will bring them a threat.
There are only so many resources in this world, so naturally the fewer people participating in the competition, the better.
From the perspective of the rich, the popularization of reading will bring danger to one’s life.
It is human nature to hate the rich, and they don’t want to pin their lives on the moral qualities of others.
Money, power, and organization, when these three high-level societies unite, not to mention blocking the knowledge of reading, it is not impossible to put a certain country back to the Stone Age if you work hard.

Xia Feng is not clear about all kinds of outside world.
At this time, he was “playing” with Shi Kuang.
I have to admit that although this lion madman is not good at heart, his basic skills are quite solid.
Physical skills, attack routines,Experience, mental strength, etc. are also the top choices.
If Wo Jin and the others were to fight him one-on-one, the probability of losing would be as high as 90%! !
Unfortunately, he chose the wrong opponent.
“Where are you heading?”
“Hurry up, don’t you mean you’re going to kill me? Just at this slow speed, your wife gave birth and you haven’t taken off your pants yet.”
“I’m on your left, what are you hitting on the right?”
Xia Feng’s playful voice echoed in the air.
There is at least a 5 times difference in the neural response speed between him and the other party.
In his eyes, Shi Kuang’s attack was like a slow-motion replay.
Whether it’s melee combat or bombardment.
It is impossible to hit him at all.
The only thing to care about is the opponent’s continuous firing.
Use absolute quantity to cover all avoidable spaces.
It’s a pity that the release type of mind bomb attack has obvious shortcomings: the power is too scattered.
The more mind bombs there are, the more the mind will be dispersed.
The visual effect of continuous shooting is very strong, as if the scene was bombed by an artillery battalion on a large scale.
It’s just that for Xia Feng, that kind of powerful bullet can’t even break the “hardness” on his body surface.
I don’t know if it’s because of shame or anger.
Shi Kuang’s attacks became more and more chaotic.
Many attack moves are not worthy of his status as a martial artist.
It is simply Wang Baquan.
Headquarters of the Hunter Association.
It is rare for all the twelve earthly branches to gather together, originally to discuss other things.
As a result, in the middle of the meeting, Chairman Netero suddenly turned on the TV, and it looked like the duel was being broadcast live.
“This kind of battle is meaningless, what’s there to see??” The irritable Kang Jae (Yin) said impatiently.
That Xia Feng’s performance is still passable, this guy called Lion Maniac.
It is an insult to the name of Martial Daoist.
This kind of person is also worthy of being a great elder of a sect? ?
He has already given an X to the “Lion Fist School” in his heart.
“Both are rubbish, I can handle them with one hand.” Xiyou (Shen) glanced at them, his tone full of disdain.
As Nitero’s undercover agent in the Twelve Earthly Branches, he only wants to promote the reform of the association.
Not interested in anything else.
The others didn’t speak, but the slight expressions on their faces said it all.
Among the twelve people, only Jin Fulishi stared at the live broadcast screen, a ray of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he did not speak.
In the face of everyone’s complaints, President Nitero did not explain.
He stroked his mustache and let out an inexplicable laugh.

on the battlefield.
The fierce battle continued.
“Are you a monkey? Just know how to jump up and down?!”
“Don’t you dare not hide, let’s have a good fight!!”
After attacking continuously for more than ten minutes, but couldn’t even touch Xia Feng’s hair, Shi Kuang roared with red eyes.
“If you are not good enough, you are not good enough. What you are saying now, in my opinion, is just the howling of a sick dog.” Xia Feng responded indifferently with a flat face.
Such things as aggressive generals are left over from the old ancestors.
Xia Feng estimated the time, it seemed that it had been a long time.

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