The “troublemaker”, who else could he be?
It’s really embarrassing to be complained by the president in front of so many people.
“However, things are changing now.”
“Linglong” ⑧6863718⒉
“I’m thinking maybe I can change my mind.”
After the words fell, everyone present, including Jin, stared wide-eyed.
“President, did you take the wrong medicine?” Yorkshire tilted her head and pushed her glasses subconsciously.
The policy of blocking the Dark Continent has been implemented for decades.
President Nitro even publicly stated that as long as he is still in office, this policy will not change.
How can we change now? ?
Porter Bai’s approach was more direct, the thoughts on his body began to gather in his eyes, he wanted to use [Concentration] to see if the president in front of him was controlled by others? !
Otherwise, why would you say such nonsense.
Jin Fulishi also became interested at this time.
To say that among the twelve earthly branches, the person who most wants to go to the Dark Continent.
He said second, absolutely no one dares to say first.
Even the Undercover Journey to the West is no match for him.
Although he doesn’t care about Chairman Netero’s prohibition order, if even the chairman is on his side, many actions will undoubtedly become a hundred times easier! !
“Why did you change??”
He is born to love to explore, and he really wants to know the secrets contained in this matter…
Facing the changes of the crowd, Nitero still looked cheerful; “Don’t be nervous, I said change your mind, I don’t mean to completely release the Dark Continent.”
“I’m thinking, if I can organize a strong enough team, can I explore the Dark Continent to a limited extent.”
“After all, what we fear is only the strange existence on that continent, not the Dark Continent itself.”
“If you have any opinions, you can talk about it.”
Everyone looked at each other. If it was other issues, they would have been arguing all day long.
The Twelve Earthly Branches sound like a group, but in fact they are divided into three factions due to different thinking concepts.
The hawks who promote reform, the self-centered liberals, and the conservatives who pursue stability.
In theory, it’s impossible to agree on anything.
But this time is different.
Going to the Dark Continent is what everyone wants to do.
The difference is nothing more than when and in what form.
After a long time, Potter White spoke first.
“Give me a reason.”
“After so many years of seeking stability, why did you change your mind?”
“The strategy you mentioned is theoretically feasible.”
“But, we who didn’t have this power in the past, do we have it now??”
“The horror of [disaster], I think you, the president, know better than anyone else!!”
Human-educating beast Papp, weapon gold and silver ingots, gas life form, two-tailed snake hell bell, and immortal disease Zoba Ai, any one of them can easily destroy human beings.
If the manpower and material resources expended to block these disasters were announced, it would scare everyone to death! !
There is no 5.8 problem in exploring the dark continent itself, but if it brings back disaster…
No one can afford this responsibility! !
This is also the core contradiction between the Moderates and the Hawks in exploring the Dark Continent.
As if he had expected that someone would ask this question, Chairman Netero closed his eyes amidst the surprised eyes of everyone.
After a few seconds, it suddenly opened.
The difference from before is that his eyes and demeanor have changed drastically.
More than half of the members of the twelve earthly branches trembled.
A strange sense of fear welled up in my heart.
Especially Jin Fulishi who was in the corner, he suddenly felt an indescribable threat surrounding him.
That feeling was like when he hadn’t learned how to read, he was facing all the C-level monsters alone! !
President Netero stood up: “Actually, it’s not just you, I also fantasize about going to the Dark Continent all the time.”
Without waiting for everyone to differ, he continued.
“Do you know what wish I made on my 100th birthday? It’s actually very simple…”.
Chapter 112: Coward! ?
Following President Netero’s description, several older members couldn’t help recalling the scene of the president’s 100th birthday in their minds.
As the former No. 1 person in the world and the leader of the world’s largest folk thought organization, Nitro’s 100th birthday is naturally extraordinary.
Including V5, almost all countries, strengths, and sects sent people to celebrate their birthdays.
The issue of Chairman Netero’s wish was still a hot topic at that time.
Some people say that Chairman Netero hopes to improve his strength.
“Lan Tian” 45634⑧7⒎0
It is also said that Chairman Netero hopes to live to be 200 years old.
moreWhat’s more, it is believed that President Netero wishes to resurrect his dead wife.
I heard that the last one had a very high approval rate at the time.
However, President Nitro did not give a clear answer to all the rumors.
“Hey, everyone is happy.”
This matter has also become the mystery of the century.
“Actually, my wish is very simple. I hope to return to my youth and then go to the Dark Continent.”
“Even if I die, I will die there!!”
Between the words, President Netero exuded an indescribable aura all over his body. It was the aura of an absolute king accumulated after thousands of battles.
Not to mention the other eleven earthly branches, even Jin Fulishi, who is one of the world’s five great thoughts, is also moved by it.
“Some of you should know that I went to the Dark Continent when I was young.”
“However, due to various reasons, my companion and I gave up exploring in depth at that time.”
“This is also the only time in my life that I voluntarily give up on a goal.”
Having said that, President Netero’s aura gradually dissipated.
Instead, fear, confusion, and regret! !
“Now, someone gave me this chance!!”
“I want to give it a try.”
gave you a chance? ?
Everyone was taken aback for a moment, not wanting to understand what it meant.
In other words, the brain automatically ruled out that possibility.
Memory doesn’t lie, though.
After a long time, “Hahaha, President, your joke is not funny at all.” Pariston showed his signature smile.
Vaguely, one could even see his hair shining with golden light!
Everyone glanced at the guy in disgust.
However, his words touched everyone’s heart.
What a joke!
Never heard of such a thing existing.
Even one of the five hopes as opposed to the five disasters: Nitolomi.
Precious food that can make people live longer.
Its effect is only to prolong the life span of human beings, which is completely two concepts from rejuvenation.
The former just makes people live longer, but all aspects of the body’s functions are changing.
Just like President Nitro, although he can live to be more than 100 years old, his muscle strength, body flexibility, nerve response speed, etc. are all declining.
So much so that he himself made it clear that his strength was only half of his peak period.
For some people in power or the rich, this extension of lifespan is undoubtedly perfect.
But for some special existences, such as Wo Jin, if he is allowed to live in the world with his old body, he cannot exercise, fight, or fight.
Just live to live.
There is a high probability that he would rather choose death.

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