“And, the current president, do you think anyone can calculate??”
In the face of the real strong, any conspiracy cannot stand.
Cleverness can only be used as a means for the weak to narrow the gap with the strong forever.
But it cannot be a decisive means.
After Xia Feng finished speaking, he stood up directly.
“My promise has also been fulfilled, and the rest will be left to you.”
“I still have an important guest over there who needs to meet.”
Speaking of this, Xia Feng looked meaningfully at the Nitero Presidency.
“Father and son really look alike!!”.
Chapter 119: Biyangde Visits
Dawn Group Headquarters Building.
In the lounge dedicated to receiving VIPs.
Wo Jin, March, Nobunaga sat face to face with a tall man who looked exactly like Nitro.
Compared with the other party’s understatement, he is leisurely.
March and the three of them are more like guests.
“This guy gives me the same feeling as Xia!!” Nobunaga’s voice sounded in the ears of Nobunaga and Maggie.
On the other hand, Biyang De didn’t respond to this, as if he couldn’t hear it.
The essence of sound is actually a kind of regular vibration, which does not necessarily have to be carried out through the organ of the mouth.
And it spreads in various ways.
Air, water, solid media, etc., anything that can transmit vibration can also transmit sound.
The greater the ability to feel vibrations, the better the transmission.
With the help of this principle, Madge has developed an extremely secret communication method.
She secretly extended the line of thought, connecting the three of them together.
Nobunaga and Wo Jin only need to vibrate the thoughts in their bodies to simulate voices and communicate.
“Xia asked us to wait for him, he will be right back.”
“Is this guy really the son of that old man Nitro? It doesn’t look like it…how about we try him?” Compared to Nobunaga’s vigilance and March’s cautiousness, Wo Jin was eager to try.
They have all witnessed President Netero’s fighting power with their own eyes.
Absolute speed, unreasonable destructive power, and terrifying attack frequency and range.
According to Xia Feng, even if the three of them went up together, they would definitely last less than 5 minutes.
The strength gap between the two sides is too great.
“If you can’t beat me, then try your son!!”
With this in mind, Wo Jin grinned wide, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth.
The desire to fight is faintly uncontrollable.
As if 380 sensed something, Bi Yangde’s hand holding the wine glass suddenly paused.
He looked at Wo Jin.
There is no need to communicate between combat madmen.
Both he and Wo Jin could understand each other’s feelings.
Buzz —
“Damn! This reckless man!!”
Feeling the sudden burst of high-intensity thoughts from the other party, although Nobunaga was full of complaints, he had to muster the thoughts in his body to fight against Wo Jin.
Just when the situation was on the verge of breaking out, footsteps suddenly came from outside, planning a confrontation between several people.
“It seems that I came back at a bad time.”
Step into the hall with one foot.
Xia Feng’s huge and inhuman capacity suddenly exploded.
He just helped March and the three of them get back the situation.
Although the potential energy in his body has not been fully recovered due to the massive consumption before, but that momentum is already able to compete with Bi Yangde.
“Hahaha, don’t be nervous, I have no malicious intentions!!”
Feeling Xia Feng’s thoughts for a while, Biyang De smiled and dismissed the thoughts.
He held up his hands, signaling that he was safe.
Xia Feng: “It seems that there is indeed a misunderstanding.”
After everyone is seated again.
“What did you come to see me for??”
When the other party sent someone to contact him before, he thought it was a mistake.
You know, although Xia Feng has never met Bi Yangde.
But if it is true, the relationship between the two can be said to be enemies!
After he traded information with Golden Forest, the group that raided Meteor StreetPeople are members of the Association.
And the guy in the association who is interested in the intelligence of the Dark Continent is either Pariston or Biyangde.
Strictly speaking, Pariston is also from Biyangde.
If it is deduced in this way, Biyang De’s responsibility will definitely not escape.
Sensing Xia Feng’s hostility, Biyang De said, “I’m not here this time to find fault.”
Strength determines treatment.
Before coming here, Biyang De had prepared two plans.
If Xia Feng is not strong enough, then naturally it will take all.
At this point, his values ​​are inherited from Nitero.
Only the strong have the right to speak and choose.
The weak can only be dominated.
Otherwise, talk about cooperation.
“You want to go to the Dark Continent, and I also want to go to the Dark Continent.”
“Since we have a common goal, why not cooperate??”
He took the initiative to pour Xia Feng a glass of wine.
“I think you should already know a lot about the Dark Continent.”
“Going to that kind of place, alone can’t solve the problem.”
“You need allies, strong and well-prepared allies like me…”
Listen to the other party’s narration.
Xia Feng seemed to be smiling but not smiling.
Suddenly said: “I think you should be very clear about the relationship between me and your father. If I really need an ally, why didn’t I go to your father instead of you?”
“Furthermore, do you really think I don’t know about the agreement between you and him!?”
Decades ago, after Billande brought back a new disaster, President Netero used his own life to put a “forbidden curse” on the other party.
Before his death, Bi Yangde is not allowed to set foot on the Dark Continent again.
Maybe it was out of fear of his father’s strength, or maybe it was because of other reasons.
Bi Yangde had agreed to his father’s request.
It has disappeared for decades since then! !
Now that President Netero is not dead, how can he go to the Dark Continent?
Hearing Xia Feng’s words, Bi Yang De was obviously taken aback.
“I didn’t expect that he would even tell you this matter.”
“It seems that the relationship between you is closer than I thought.”
This agreement has not been announced to the public, and based on his understanding of his father, he should not tell outsiders.
However, the reality is that Xia Feng does know,
He didn’t tell the secret of the two, so it could only be that something happened to Nitro.
Adjusted the mood a little.
“You don’t have to worry about this, I will find a way to solve it.”
“He’s going to the Dark Continent himself, why should he continue to stop me??”
“And, I have found a way to deal with him!!”
At the end, Biyangde showed a mysterious smile on his face.
Xia Feng narrowed his eyes.
With such a firm tone from the other party, (chfi) obviously has a plan in mind.
Nitero belongs to the reinforcement department, and the reinforcement department is a stubborn donkey with a single tendon in his mind.

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