“Biyang De is playing off??”
If things only happen within the NGL autonomous country, only a little control is needed, and ordinary people will not get any useful information at all.
After all, the nationals of the NGL autonomous country are members of the NeoGreenLife group.
They advocate being in nature, protecting nature, and resisting all creations of mechanical civilization, including but not limited to metals, petroleum products, glass products, and so on.
However, the Rocario Republic next door is a seriously civilized country.
When the army of chimeric ants came out of the NGL autonomous country, countless text messages and videos began to spread wildly.
Some desperate reporters even risked their lives to go to the front line just to get the latest news.
Of course, their purpose was indeed achieved.
Facing the invasion of the army of chimeric ants, the military of the Rocario Republic immediately launched a level 1 battle plan.
Unfortunately, as a small and weak country in the Mitney Federation.
It is also an underdeveloped country dominated by tourism.
The country’s army lasted less than a day before it was completely defeated.
Even those frontline reporters didn’t have time to escape.
With no distractions, the carnage begins! !
“How’s the situation over there now?”
Aruba’s face was solemn, “I heard that more than 2 million chimera ant tribe troops have joined the battle one after another. Now the entire Mitni Federation has begun to mobilize for war, and there has been a mess over there.”
“Are chimeric ants so strong?”
Xia Feng frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong.
The reason why those chimeric ants in the original book can wreak havoc and occupy the entire NGL autonomous country.
On the one hand, it is because the basic combat power of the chimeric ant tribe is indeed far superior to that of humans. With bare hands, humans are simply powerless to fight against the chimeric ant tribe.
On the other hand, it is also related to the lack of professional soldiers in the NGL autonomous country.
To put it bluntly, the NGL autonomous country is a super large nature reserve with very few armed forces.
Not to mention heavy weapons such as artillery, even the number of firearms is not too much.
But now, the chimeric ant tribe can actually form a confrontation with the entire Mitney Federation and draw a tie.
This is somewhat beyond Xia Feng’s imagination.
“¨”Is there a live video??”
“Yes, I will release it for you now.”
Aruba immediately arranged for some clearer videos to be projected on the big screen.
Madge: “The armor of those bugs is so hard that bullets seem to be hard to penetrate.”
It can be clearly seen that only continuous shooting or large-caliber weapons can penetrate the armor of those soldier ants.
On the contrary, the sharp claws of those bugs can easily pierce a soldier’s combat uniform.
Also, they are very fast.
Attack, defense, and speed are all full, plus overwhelming numbers, and high mobility (can fly).
No wonder it can compete with the entire Mitney Federation.
“The most troublesome thing is not those bugs!!”
In some video clips, Xia Feng saw the ant king.
No need to fight, Xia Feng can tell just from the opponent’s demeanor and performance that the opponent is not the ant king who is obsessed with wheat in the original book.
It’s the chimera ant king who is ruthless and decisive in killing! !
In addition, there is a troublesome place.
“Can you confirm that those chimeric ants are still catching humans??”
“Yes, the other party’s hunt for humans has never stopped.”
“Actually they catch everything except humans, even in the sea.soldier ants. ’ Aruba added.
Hearing this news, Xia Feng gasped, of course he knew what it meant.
In chimeric ant colonies, only the queen can produce offspring.
The other party kept capturing human beings, proving (good money, good money) that the chimeric ant queen did not die because of the birth of the ant king.
This also explains why those soldier ants are so powerful.
Chimeric ants have a characteristic called [feeding and mating]. The queen ants of the chimeric ant clan can eat other creatures to show the characteristics of the creature in the next generation.
In the original book, because he died too early, there was no time to show the power of this feature.
In a sense, it is the core of the Chimeric Ant Race being rated as a Class B dangerous creature.
“Aruba, is there any information that there is an ant tribe similar to that guy?” Xia Feng stretched out his fingers and pointed to the crown-shaped head, the powerful tail like a giant needle tube, the body is strong, and the body color is dark green and blue. Green Ant King.
Huh, it’s fine if you don’t have one.
Finally there is good news.
If the other party gave birth to a second, or even a third ant king, then things would be really big.
Eight. Five six one zero nine seven eight two [Linglong]
Nobunaga saw Xia Feng’s strangeness, and asked, “Is that guy very strong?”
“En.” Xia Feng didn’t hide anything, and said directly: “Although I don’t know its current combat power, I can be sure that it is at least one point stronger than President Nitero before.”
With the comparison, Wo Jin and Nobunaga finally realized the seriousness of the matter.
You know, even if they have been specially trained until now, they are not sure that they can beat the former President Nitro!
Xia Feng looked towards the direction of the NGL autonomous country, muttering silently in his heart.
“I don’t know if this time, the Hunter Association will solve it alone?!”.
Chapter 129: The queen is not dead? ! (Seek full order)
Such a large-scale alien attack has almost never occurred in human history.
Even the five major disasters did not cause such a terrifying number of casualties.
In the original book, V5 defines chimeric ants as a B-level dangerous creature. On the one hand, it is because the chimeric ant race is really not a high threat to humans.
In the final analysis, they are just a special kind of Warcraft race.
On the other hand, it is also because chimeric ants have not spread on a large scale.
As for the demise of the NGL autonomous country…
A large number of primitive people died in the nature reserve, can it be considered a disaster? ?
For the existence of green environmental protection organizations that voluntarily separate from human civilization, various countries including V5 obviously have not included them in the big family of human civilization.
Because of the influence of past life memories, although Xia Feng paid great attention to it, he also realized the seriousness of the problem.
But he still somewhat underestimated the reaction of other countries.
Less than 30 minutes after the news was exposed, information about chimera ants was on the desks of the world’s major powers.
An hour later, the think tank held a meeting.
After 2 hours, various countries began to communicate with each other.
Three hours later, the plan for the chimeric ant incident was brought out.
First of all, everyone agrees on one thing:
“They are absolutely not allowed to spread on a large scale!!”
The talent of chimeric ants in feeding and mating determines that the more types of creatures they come into contact with, the stronger their strength will be.
You must know that there are too many species in the hunter world whose physical fitness far surpasses that of humans.
Such as those Warcraft, Eudemons and other rare species.
Some of them have very perfect characteristics.
Even when you can’t use your mind ability, you can compete with professional hunters! !
If the opponent eats such a living body, who knows what kind of strong man will be born!
However, just by fully occupying the NGL self-governing country, monsters like the ant king Meruem have already been born.
“The speed of movement is far beyond the limit of human vision. He has no emotion, is thoughtful, and has a body like a steel alloy. For the time being, he has not found a weapon that can hurt the opponent.”
This is the intelligence group’s information on Meruam from various countries.
After a comprehensive evaluation, experts believe that Meruam’s strength is at least super-class level! !
As for whether he has mastered Nian, it is not clear for the time being, because anyone who has seen his Nian ability will all die!
There are even two first-class powerhouses among them.
After the overall policy was determined, each country began to take action.
Under the strong request of V5, the Mitni Federation had to let go of its border defenses and let several surrounding countries join the battle.
At the same time, a special operations team composed of people with telekinetic abilities began to sneak into the NGL autonomous country.
Their purpose is very simple:
First, kill as many enemies as possible, especially that Meluam, who is directly under the third guard, and the division heads, as long as there is a chance, kill them immediately!
Second, the exact location of the chimeric ant queen must be found.

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