2. 26591 units of plant weapons
3. 7500 Passion Herbs
4. 20,000 units of carat metal
Looking at the information in his mind, even Xia Feng’s state of mind is a little out of control at this moment.
Apart from other things, the more than 20,000 gold and silver ingots alone are terrifying!
It is no exaggeration to say that with them, as long as Xia Feng does not confront V5 head-on, it is enough to run rampant in the human territory! !
In addition, there are 7,500 passionflower plants.
No one knows their value.
The only thing that is certain is that just for those passion herbs, it is enough for V5 to find any reason to attack the Breaking Dawn Group! !
It has nothing to do with justice, and the huge interests are enough to make human beings give up all conscience.
Jin Fulishi was a little depressed: “¨” I really don’t understand, why did the other party choose you as the successor??”
Although it is not clear what Xia Feng got, it is not difficult to see from his facial expression that it must be a good thing.
“By the way, how long are you going to be silly?!”
“Have you found a way to deal with those gold and silver ingots??”
In name, Xia Feng has now become the commander of the labyrinth city.
But after so many years, no one is sure if there is any accident.
(What?) Furthermore, the armed forces have another management system of their own, which is nothing new.
For many large projects of human beings, management power and armed forces are separated.
To this, Xia Feng did not make any answer.
He just turned his head and said slowly, “Come with me.”
A few people didn’t know why, followed him through the tunnel and returned to the gate.
Push the door open again.
When they saw the scene in front of them clearly, they gasped.
I saw outside the gate, densely packed with gold and silver ingots.
A rough estimate is at least a thousand.
Boom tongue!
No matter what thoughts they had in mind before, at this moment, Nitro and the others are like frightened birds.
The thought energy that burst out at full strength set off a hurricane in a local area.
dream! !
The pervasive murderous intent from the outside world left only one thought in their minds:
How can I survive? ! .
Chapter 164: Inheritance! (please customize)
If the battle site is enlarged to cover the entire Labyrinth City, Nitro and the others still have the confidence to fight for a while in the face of the siege of thousands of gold and silver ingots.
If you’re lucky, you might even break out.
But in such a small area, still surrounded by the enemy, the survival rate may not even be 1%!
Xia Feng didn’t care about Nitro’s reaction.
He watched Jin Fulishi’s changes with great interest.
The opponent was wearing armor at this time, holding a big sword that was shining with strange light.
Behind him, a dozen dolls who looked exactly like Jin stood there.
Judging from the aura surrounding it, its combat effectiveness will definitely not be lower than those of gold and silver ingots.
“Release type, materialization type, enhancement type… This guy Jin really is a special type!!”
In the original book, there are many ways to distinguish the six major families, the most common of which is Mizumi style.
However, in addition to this popular method, Hisoka’s “personality identification method” is also very interesting.
Trait Department: Advocate individualism, have a considerable degree of leadership temperament!
Typical representatives: Kurapika, Kuroro, and Neferetto in the red-eyed state.
Kim, no doubt meets all the criteria.
“Okay, don’t be so nervous, these guys are no threat now.”
If the confrontation continues, Nitero and the others will really have to attack the top 403 first.
With the president’s attack speed, it is quite difficult for Xia Feng to intercept halfway.
Now these gold and silver ingots are all precious resources.
He just couldn’t bear to waste it casually.
Xia Feng’s voice broke the depressing atmosphere of the scene, and only then did the others recover.
They glanced at Xia Feng who was relaxed all over, and then turned to look at the gold and silver ingots standing in place with no desire to attack.
Jin Fulishi’s forehead was full of veins: “Asshole, why didn’t you say such an important matter earlier!”
“People are scary, can you scare people to death?!”
Xia Feng squinted his eyes slightly, and spit out two words: “Video.”
Jin’s complaints stopped abruptly.
Afterwards, he silently turned around and squatted in the corner.
Obviously, this threat is more lethal than gold and silver ingots!

After a few minutes.
“You mean, those gold and silver ingots are now completely under your control?” Maha, who had always been taciturn, had a complex expression at this moment.
That is one of the five major disasters of gold and silver ingots!
It’s not a cat or a dog.
Leaving aside the Aluga, only 1,000, no, 500, is enough to make the whole Dike family beat the gongs and drums and spiral up to heaven! !
It is impossible (chfi) in any combat arena to change this result.And such an existence, Xia Feng owns more than 20,000! !
Xia Feng: “Yes, my identity has been entered into the thoughts of those gold and silver ingots, and I can give them instructions at any time.”
“Not just those gold and silver ingots, but the entire labyrinth city is under my control.”
After listening to Xia Feng’s explanation, everyone’s expressions were complicated.
Although they are not jealous people, they don’t care about things outside of themselves.
But they are also outsiders, why can Xia Feng directly inherit the labyrinth city, but they can’t? ?
Jin Fulishi: Insider, there must be a py transaction! !
Seeing the changes in everyone’s expressions, Xia Feng smiled secretly.
Of course he wasn’t idle, because he wanted to show off, so he explained so many truths to everyone.
“Only if you are strong enough can you attract a strong partner.”
The demise of ancient human civilization touched him a lot.
“Maybe, I need some like-minded partners.”
Properly presenting yourself can increase the recognition of others.
To put it bluntly, what Xia Feng is doing now is what Jin Fulishi has been doing for so many years.
Form a super team! !
Seeing is believing, hearing is believing.
After the explanation, Xia Feng began to lead everyone to visit the labyrinth city.
The first goal is naturally the No. 2 building they gave up before.
“Didn’t we always wonder why gold and silver ingots look the same?”
“This is the breeding base for gold and silver ingots.”
Inside Building No. 2, 100 vines like big trees are neatly arranged.
They are divided into 4 rows with a distance of 10 meters between each row.
On each vine, there are 3 things similar to cultivation bins.
“Ancient human civilization possessed bio-directed transformation technology, and they were able to create the plants they wanted as they wished.”
“Gold and silver ingots are the pinnacle of plant transformation.”
With the technology and resources of ancient humans, it is not impossible to create more powerful plant weapons.
However, only gold and silver ingots are the most cost-effective, and do not need to consume too many resources.
Naturally become the first choice for mass production.

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