As for on-site production.
That’s even more nonsense.
The industrial system of human civilization is an extremely large and extremely cumbersome collective cooperation activity.
I want to reproduce it in a completely unfamiliar place with zero industrial base.
That requires a huge logistical force and technical reserves.
How many people are needed, Xia Feng has not calculated.
Anyway, the 500 people with the ability to read carefully selected by him this time will definitely not be able to do this.
Incendiary bombs are subdivided from the structure alone, and are divided into projectile bodies, incendiary agents, explosives or projectiles, ignition tubes, fuzes, and so on.
There are dozens of types of work involved.
At least tens of thousands of people are required to cooperate in order to manufacture it accurately.
There is no complete industrial system, and if you want to achieve this goal, unless the other party can use the big prophecy.
Fortunately, Xia Feng really knows that stuff.
Mind ability, [Virtual Reality] activated!
“You guys are waiting for me here, I’ll try it out!!”
Xia Feng put the incendiary bomb into his private space, and turned his head to give instructions.
A few people nodded, and they could clearly distinguish the priorities.
Xia Feng acted alone, faster and safer.
If they forcibly follow, not only will they not be able to help, but they may be delayed.
Children who grew up on Meteor Street will not make mistakes on this issue.
30 minutes later.
There was a huge explosion in the distance.
The soaring flames dyed the sky orange.
A few minutes later, another incendiary bomb was detonated.
Then came the third, the fourth…
In just 10 minutes, a total of 7 incendiary bombs were detonated.
At this moment, the sky is no longer orange.
It’s an eerie off-white color! !
Since the first incendiary bomb was detonated, Ma Qi and the others stood on the big tree and looked into the distance.
although did not speak, but it is not difficult to see from their dignified expressions.
They were very worried about Xia Feng’s safety.
“March, should we go and meet him?””? “Wo Jin’s face was full of entanglements.
He didn’t like to stand here and wait foolishly, nothing could help him.
Xia Feng detonated 7 incendiary bombs in a row, indicating that the battle was very intense.
He thought he should check it out.
Nobunaga rarely scolded him.
Instead, he raised his head and looked at Marge.
Obviously, Wojin’s idea is also his idea.
March was silent for a while, her eyes fixed.
“No, we’ll just wait here.”
“If Yixia’s strength can’t handle it, we will only add to the chaos if we go.”
The gourd baby saves the grandfather, the villain dies because of talking too much, and killing the enemy does not make up for it… Xia Feng usually popularizes this kind of knowledge for Ma Qi and the others.
Hearing March’s answer, Wo Jin and Nobunaga looked at each other.
Although some didn’t agree with her choice, they didn’t say much.
After all, March was right.
Xia Feng’s strength is far stronger than theirs.
There is no way to compare the speed.
If the other party can’t escape, they will give away their heads if they go.
Instead of annihilating the entire army, it is better to go back to rescue the soldiers.
Just when Ma Qi couldn’t bear it anymore.
A figure appeared in their line of sight.
There is no need to look clearly, just a silhouette, let Ma Qi confirm the identity of the other party.
She finally relaxed after confirming that Xia Feng was not injured.
After a while of pleasantries, let’s get to the point.
“The effect of the incendiary bomb is not ideal. The mass of those bugs is too light, and the airflow generated by the explosion of the incendiary bomb will push some of them far away.”
“I also caught a few of them and tested them individually, and found that they have a membrane on the outside of their bodies, which is very resistant to high temperature, low temperature, toxins, and corrosion.”
Xia Feng’s attack did not just detonate 7 incendiary bombs.
He also tested poisonous gas, liquid nitrogen, artificial compounds, etc., but the results were not satisfactory.
Those seemingly fragile little bugs have a very abnormal resistance to harsh environments.
The test results showed that, apart from their relatively weak physical resistance, they didn’t seem to be afraid of things like toxins.
Even if the whole thing is soaked in sulfuric acid, it can survive for more than 10 minutes.
In short, it is simply impossible to solve those bugs with technological weapons.
“Go back first, wait for the expert team to arrive, and then think about whether there is a good way.”
More people are easier to do things, those experts are not good at fighting, but their brains are still very good.
Ma Qi, Wo Jin, and Nobunaga looked at each other.
They were a little unconvinced in their hearts, but judging from the current situation, it seemed that there was really no good way to deal with it.
Fortunately, this is the last hurdle, and this time the goal is considered to be 99% complete, which is not a waste of time.
Soon, 10 days passed.
With the help of the rich resources of the Dark Continent, there is also a special environment.
The ability users brought by Xia Feng this time are all growing rapidly.
Under the leadership of Wo Jin, a combat madman, the combatants have to face the swarm of insects almost every day.
Several times it was Xia Feng himself who rescued those guys.
But even so, the disability rate of the players is still very high.
Fortunately, with the vitality supply system of the labyrinth city, combined with the technology used to copy the gold and silver ingots, the rebirth of severed limbs was perfectly realized.
According to Bai, as long as he doesn’t die on the spot.
In the case of sufficient vitality, it can be rescued without serious injuries.
Of course, healing is not eliminating thoughts.
If it is the ability of continuous mindfulness, it can’t do anything.
Labyrinth City, Command Hall.
“¨”Hanzo, let you secretly investigate the spy, what progress has been made??”
Fighting for a long time made the soldiers a little tired.
Not everyone can tolerate 24-hour, uninterrupted high pressure.
The doctor accompanying the team clearly pointed out that some fighters are already reaching their limit.
Their mental state is slipping toward the edge of losing control.
Hanzo stood beside him with his head down, a little ashamed: “I’m sorry, boss, now we can only narrow down the range to 20 people.”
“If the other party doesn’t take action, I can’t judge who is the spy.”
Xia Feng picked up the teacup (Made’s), and took a small sip.
“It’s not your fault. It’s really hard to determine the target if the other party doesn’t show off.”
Nobunaga’s eyes flashed fiercely.
“No, kill them all!!”
Sacrificing 20 people in exchange for the health and safety of more than 400 other people is a very worthwhile deal.
Xia Feng hesitated.
Finally shook his head.
Nobunaga’s suggestion moved his heart, but if he did that, it would chill the hearts of other fighters.
As long as some things are done, it is impossible not to be exposed forever.
“The other party behaved so naturally. Either they were powerful or their memory was manipulated. They didn’t even know they were spies.”
Similar problems have also appeared in the twelve earthly branches in the original work.

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