“Don’t be careless, the opponent’s charged attack is still very threatening.” Nobunaga slowly put the katana back into the sheath.
He is good at using offense as defense, and he just killed more than 20 monsters.
I have a deep feeling for the opponent’s attack form.
Whether it’s a bite or a sharp claw, an electric current will flow from the opponent’s body.
If he didn’t have the energy defense, he might have been electrocuted long ago.
Xia Feng didn’t speak, but nodded secretly, agreeing with Nobunaga’s statement.
The electricity-type telekinetic ability has always been the main force of the attack-type. Warcraft with this kind of telekinetic ability is really not easy to deal with.
From the perspective of physical fitness alone, those wolf-type monsters may only be regarded as D-level monsters, and only those with strong combat effectiveness can reach the C-level threshold.
However, with the blessing of mind ability, they can basically enter the C level.
If it weren’t for the fact that the expedition lineup this time was quite luxurious, with Xia Feng, Nitro, Jin, and Maha at the front, the team just now would definitely have reduced staff.
However, the other party’s ability to read also made Xia Feng confirm one thing.
Lantian 229644464 Lantian
This must be the target mountain range.
Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence, as soon as it appeared, it would encounter a magical beast with the power of electricity?
When Xia Feng was clearing the territory before, he encountered so many monsters, but he didn’t see a few that could discharge.
・・・・・・・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
It can be seen that this thing is indeed a rarity.
Maybe it’s like a qiguanidine lie, you need to be stimulated by external objects to wake up smoothly.
“What should I do next??” After a brief rest, everyone looked at Xia Feng.
This mountain range is so big, it is not an easy task to find the unmanned stone.
.. . . . . . .
Running around in the Dark Continent without a definite goal is tantamount to courting death! !
The ghost knows if there will be something similar to the “forbidden place of death” here.
“Go east.”
Xia Feng took out a map, quickly determined his exact location, and pointed to the east.
With his personality, how could he do something unprepared?
When I helped V5 build any door before, I got a lot of confidential information from the other party.
He couldn’t guarantee that the other party hadn’t concealed it, but the other party definitely couldn’t hide such basic information as the “specific locations of the five major disasters”.
After all, in the early stage of cooperation, the most basic sincerity is still necessary.
Nobody’s Stone is located inside a cave.
The orientation is well confirmed: the second highest mountain in the mountain range.
Chapter 216: Why don’t they attack each other? ?
Accompanied by a huge roar, several monsters flew upside down.
After more than ten meters, it fell heavily to the ground.
“Where are there so many monsters in this ghostly place??” Jin Fulishi complained.
There is obviously nothing here, it looks like a barren land.
The density of monsters is higher than many places with dense vegetation.
“It’s not right, it’s obviously not in line with common sense.”
No matter how magical the Dark Continent is, it must abide by the most basic laws of nature.
Just like the food chain.
As we all know, supporting high-level creatures often requires a large number of low-level creatures.
When biological energy is transferred within the food chain, the efficiency is only 10%-30% at most for each level up.
In other words, at least three times as many low-level creatures are needed to ensure the survival of a high-level creature.
However, Xia Feng and the others encountered basically high-level creatures during their exploration.
Some populations are not small in size! !
This is a little weird.
So many high-level creatures are clustered together, what do they rely on to survive? ?
“Theoretically, there must be some kind of energy here that can replace bioenergy and allow these monsters to survive.”
In short, there is a high probability that these monsters don’t need to eat.
Or survive on very little food.

Without pursuing the truth of this strange phenomenon, Xia Feng led the crowd straight to the destination.
Compared with doing scientific research, he cares more about No Man Stone.
Soon, with the joint efforts of everyone, the destination appeared in front of everyone.
“It seems that the unmanned stone is in that cave.”
Nobunaga at the side silently rolled his eyes at Wojin.
Don’t pretend to be wise if you’re not smart…
Looking around, there is only one huge cave on the mountainside in the whole mountain.
If the unmanned stone is not in that cave, where else could it be? ?
“Is the density of monsters here a bit too exaggerated?”
In just a few minutes, they saw dozens of monsters come out of the cave, and then ran to various places on the mountain to rest.
They are obviously not the same species, but they can get along well.
Even if it’s only a few meters away, you can hold down the ferocity without any reaction.
Xia Feng took a rough visual inspection, and the number of monsters in the side they saw was as high as thousands! !
That’s not counting those who didn’t come out of the cave…  
“It’s impossible for us to deal with such a number.”
Just a simple assessment, Xia Feng knew that they alone would definitely not be able to deal with those monsters.
The number of opponents is enough to launch a beast tide! !
Do you want to give up?
In front of everyone, it seems that there is only this option.
Bi Yangde: “You can try it out.”
“Those magical beasts may only be relatively calm within a certain range. Try to lure them out for further observation.”
Kim Fulishi: “You mean, there may be a source of water here??”
also exists in the human realmIn this phenomenon, wild animals can coexist harmoniously in water sources or in some special areas.
Due to the shortage of resources, the density of creatures in the 5.8 miles is often extremely high.
Even predators would not choose to hunt in that kind of place.
Xia Feng nodded, he really didn’t consider this factor.
This statement can also explain the previous food chain doubts.
“You can try it first.”
Anyway, there is no good way now, the dead horse will be cured as a living horse.
It might be effective.
Chapter 217: The arrogance of the strong, act separately!
“Inducing monsters” is easy to say but difficult to do.
Especially when the size gap between the enemy and the enemy is too large.
If you are not careful, the monster may be drawn out, but whether you can save your own life is unknown.
Moreover, Xia Feng and the others are now facing an even more special situation.
“The movement shouldn’t be too loud. If it’s too big, it might disturb the beast herd. The beast swarm is just one of the dangers. I’m more worried about 【Educating People Beast Papu】!”
“The information provided by V5 does not specify the exact location of those guys.”
“They just said that the location of No Man’s Stone seems to be within 27 range of the opponent’s territory, and the probability of encountering Papp, the Educating Beast, is relatively high there.”
Xia Feng would not naively think that he is the favored son of heaven, and he will only meet the educating beast Pup in the cave, and he will definitely not meet him outside.
“But it can’t be too small. We need enough samples to judge what kind of state those monsters are in.”
Judging from what I have seen and heard along the way, although those monsters do not have the meaning of the upper and lower levels of the food chain with each other.
But the relationship is not harmonious.

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