Food, weapons, and navigation vehicles are the projects that Xia Feng really wants to develop.
To explore the Dark Continent, unless you organize raids in the form of a small team like Jin, Nitero and others.
That really requires less logistics.
Using local materials and assisting with mind ability is enough to maintain the survival of several people.
However, Xia Feng’s ambition is great, he can only organize an expeditionary force according to the strategy of the Kajin Empire.
“According to the urine nature of V5, they will definitely prevent me from exploring the Dark Continent, and they will definitely punish me in all directions.”
“Let’s not talk about food, maybe not even a single screw can be bought.”
It is better to rely on yourself than others.
It is very important to plan ahead.
In fact, this is not the worst situation.
In the original book, when the Cajin Empire made a high-profile announcement that it was about to go to the Dark Continent.
People can see from various signs that V5’s first reaction is to eliminate this disobedient force.
However, when they evaluated and measured the strength of the Kajin Empire, they did not do anything.
Instead, choose to absorb it.
V5 became V6.
There are many opinions on the Internet about this phenomenon.
The most reliable of these are:
The real strength of the Kajin Empire may not lose to any country in V5.
In other words, the Cajin Empire controls some kind of super killer mace similar to “nuclear weapons”.
Facing such a powerful enemy, V5 cannot ignore it, because it is indeed possible to bring back some disasters enough to wipe out the entire human race by exploring the Dark Continent indiscriminately.
And you can’t force it, the price of war is too high.
After comprehensive consideration, from a national point of view, it is the safest choice to bring the Kajin Empire into the community of interests and sign relevant treaties together.
(I feel inexplicably that the rich and strong old thief is a setting compiled by referring to the development process of the United Nations and our country)
“You can only take one step at a time. If things cannot be violated, then you can only follow the old path of the Kajin Empire.”
Xia Feng was not willing to waste time negotiating and confronting other forces.
But if the other party is aggressive, then he can only spend more time trying to find a way to solve the trouble.
Chapter 40: Meteor Street Renovation Plan!
In the capital world, there is a very famous saying:
If your strength cannot protect your wealth, you are a lamb! !
The power here includes rights and force.
In the world before Xia Feng crossed over, most consortiums could only start with power.
For example, those consortiums in the United States.
They often indirectly manipulate presidential candidates through financial support.
Although because of the unique separation of powers system in the United States, it is guaranteed to the greatest extent that there will be no dictatorship in an absolute sense.
However, it is undeniable that those big consortiums do have the ability to influence the will of the president.
Even in many cases, the president needs to take the initiative to seek the support and assistance of the consortium.
Money cannot solve all problems.
But it can solve 99% of the world’s problems! !
However, compared toXia Feng prefers to use force to protect himself.
“Thank you for the weird system in this world.”
I don’t know if it’s because of the existence of people with the ability to think, but the world has very little control over low-to-medium power firearms.
Gangs with a little more power can easily get the weapons they want.
Perhaps in the eyes of the upper echelon, only those with the ability to read are strong enough.
All unrest factors can be suppressed.
What machine guns, mortars, are all floating clouds.
If there is a real battle, the soldiers with weapons may not even be able to find the enemy’s location.
Let alone attack!
Of course, weapons of the “poor man’s rose” level are excluded.
Its status should be similar to nuclear weapons in reality, and the major forces block their technology extremely strictly.
Visually, there should be no country or force that can produce it except V5.
Due to no longer expanding, the threat of Daybreak Group plummeted.
On the one hand, Xia Feng used various methods to whitewash the gangsters.
And gradually penetrate into other fields.
On the other hand, he began to drastically transform Meteor Street.
There is only one purpose: to try to cultivate enough loyal mind-ability users.
As mentioned earlier, using the “Oath and Restriction”, even a person with a low-level ability to read can explode with amazing combat power.
The price was indeed heavy, and death was almost inevitable.
But from a strategic point of view, this sacrifice is worth it.
Don’t think that this is very simple. If you want to use this tactic, there is a major premise: the soldiers are loyal enough! !
They are so loyal that they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the organization!
In the environment before Meteor Street, it was easy to get out of the strong.
Only in that environment, through the survival of the fittest, can we screen out top talents like Kuroro, Wojin, and Feitan.
However, that was not what Xia Feng wanted.
“In hell mode, only demons will be born!!”
Just look at the original book, and you will know the characters of the Phantom Troupe.
The bad environment of Meteor Street will make people stronger, more cruel, and more powerful.
Can find 100 words to describe the benefits it can bring.
There is nothing but loyalty in it.
“I don’t need a top powerhouse, I need a top army!!”
With this in mind, Meteor Street ushered in a change that has never been seen in thousands of years.
“Boss, why don’t you just move these people away??”
Aruba is somewhat incomprehensible.
It is better to find a way to build a city outside the desert than to build a city with 10 million people in the desert.
The difficulty and investment are countless times smaller than the former.
Now we have to look for underground water sources, and we have to find ways to prevent wind and control sand.
That’s all.
The most troublesome thing is that those mountains of garbage that have accumulated for thousands of years are a huge problem.
Using ordinary people to clean up, the casualty rate is extremely high.
Poisonous gas, radiation, collapse, if you are not careful, you will die! !
Workers hired from other places are not fools. After encountering several major landslides, they will never work again.
Those with the ability to read are not afraid of those dangers.
However, the entire Lixiao Group added up to less than 500 people with the ability to read.
Among them, less than one-tenth of them are willing to do the work of cleaning up garbage.
“take it easy.”
“It’s already a troublesome thing, so don’t rush it.”
Xia Feng was a little helpless.
Why doesn’t he know what Aruba said?
For thousands of years, the high temperature, toxins, climate, and the natural environment here on Meteor Street have long been finished.
Want to govern, easier said than done? ?
Naihe polls show that Meteor Street residents are unwilling to leave their homeland.
They all know that the outside environment is hundreds or thousands of times better than here, but they just don’t want to leave.
It doesn’t work if anyone persuades you! !
Time flies, and several months have passed in a blink of an eye.
With the investment of the Lixiao Group regardless of cost, Meteor Street has turned from a slum in the past into a pearl in the desert.
Hospitals, schools, shopping malls, restaurants, etc.
Everything that is out there is here.
Xia Feng even came up with an ingenious “special tourism” plan.
On the one hand, in order to increase residents’ income, they cannot always count on the Lixiao Group to support them.

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